PSY211-Perception & Cognition, J.P.Toth 1
PSY211 – Perception & Cognition. J. P. Toth.
Study Guide for Exam 2
Note: Students are responsible for all lectures and assigned textbook material regardless of what is on this guide. This guide only covers the concepts presented in lectures.
Pattern Recognition (PR) [cf. Reisberg, Chapter 3]
What is bottom-up (data-driven) processingtop-down (conceptually-driven) processing?
What is semantic priming and how is it an example of top-down processing?
What is the word-superiority effect and how is it an example of top-down processing?
What is repetition priming?
What & where (in the brain) are the what where visual pathways, and what neuropsychological syndromes are produced by damage to these two pathways?
Define & describe the difference between apperceptiveassociative agnosia?
What is prosopagnosia?
What is the evidence that the Where pathway should also be thought of as a How (action-oriented) pathway?
Define global vs. local processing, and identify the hemisphere associated with each.
What research findings support the idea that PR is based on an analysis of features?
How do feature and conjunctive search differ? What is a pop-out effect?
What research findings support the idea that holistic patterns play a role in PR?
Describe Template Matching as a theory of PR. What are this theory's main problems?
In what way do connectionist/PDP models depict PR as interactive, involving both features & wholes, as well as top-down & bottom-up processing?
What are geons and what is their role in the Recognition By Components (RBC) model?
Attention [cf. Reisberg, Chapter 4]
What are the 4 main goals of attention? What research is associated with these goals?
Explain dichotic listeningshadowing. What is the purpose of shadowing? What factors allow effective shadowing? What do people remember about unattended info?
Describe Broadbent's Filter Theory. What research findings support this theory? What research findings do not support it?
What is the cocktail-party effect?
What is the main difference between early- and late-selection theories of attention?
Describe Kahneman's Capacity Model of attention. How is this model different than filter (early/late-selection) models.
How is attentional capacity measured?
Describe Strayer & Johnson's (2001) work on cell phones and driving.
What is the difference between general vs. task-specific resources?
What are the main differences between controlled and automatic processes?
Under what conditions do automatic processes develop?
What is meant by the terms consistent mappingvariable mapping?
Describe the Stroop & Simon Tasks. How are these task relevant to the distinction between controlled and automatic processes?
What is the spotlight of attention.
What is covert attention? How is it studied?
What is the difference between voluntary(aka. endogenous) vs. involuntary (aka. exogenous) spatial cueing? Which type of cueing produces attentional capture?
Describe Treisman's Feature Integration Theory? How does this theory explain illusory conjunctions? How does it solve the binding problem?
What is change blindness? Inattentional blindness?
Memory: Overview
What are the three main processes that underlie all forms of memory?
What functions does memory serve?
What are the main kinds of memory?
Short-Term & Working Memory [cf. Reisberg, Chpt 1 (pp. 14-23) & Chpt 5 (pp. 132-148)]
Define Working Memory(WM) and describe how it differs from Short-Term Memory (STM).
How are STM and WM measured? Which measures correlate most strongly with real-world performance? Why?
What terms did William James use to describe short-term and long-term memory?
Did James see STM as completely distinct from LTM?
What is the modal model of memory? What are the main components of this model?
In the context of STM, what are meant by the terms duration, capacity, & code?
What method was used to study the duration of STM? How did it work?
What is thought to be the general duration of STM?
What is "memory span"?
What is the magic number 7 +/- 2? What is chunking?
According to the modal model, in what code are items in STM stored?
What is the serial position curve?
What areprimacy and recency effects? What explains these effects?
What are the two main forms of amnesia and how do they differ?
To what degree does the modal model provide a good explanation of amnesia?
What were some of the main problems with the modal model?
List & define the three main components of Baddeley & Hitch's WM model?
What experimental phenomena support the existence of these 3 components?
What brain regions appear to underlie the 3 components of B&H's WM model?