Building Shut-down Checklist

This process can begin 15 minutes after dismissal.

1. Drain the baptistery

o Turn off the switch on the back wall of the baptistery

o Pull the drain handle up to begin draining

2. Except in the Winter, turn the dehumidifier on

3. Turn off nursery monitor

4. Turn off vestibule monitor

5. Turn off the front and rear projectors

6. Turn off subwoofer (speaker behind baptistery)

7. Turn off clip-on receiver (on platform in front of drums)

8. Check to see that all cordless microphones are off

9. Turn off sound booth wall switch (located under plywood door behind the soundboard)

10. Empty the diaper pail in the nursery

11. In the Winter turn off the heat in the back classroom hallway

12. Leave the heat on in the kitchen and make sure the kitchen doors are closed

13. Pick up any trash that is laying around the sanctuary

14. Check to see that all toilets and urinals are flushed (please check all bathrooms)

15. Make sure the thermostats in the back bathrooms are on their marks

16. Make sure all windows are closed and latched

17. Check to see that all 8 outside doors are shut and locked

18. Turn off all lights in the building, except the automatic restroom lights

If you have locked everything up and someone has not left the building, be sure they know they will be responsible to turn off the remaining lights and make sure the doors are locked and closed.