Boys & Girls Clubs of Oklahoma County
Date: ______
First Name: ______Middle: ______Last: ______
Nickname: ______
Gender: ___M ___F Ethnicity: ______Birthdate: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
School Information:
Current Teacher: ______Current GPA: ______
School: ______Grade: _____ Free or Reduced Lunch: ___Yes___No
Medical Information:
Doctor Name: ______Doctor Phone: ______
Date of Last Medical Exam: ______
Permission for Treatment by Doctor/Hospital: ____Yes ____No Medicaid: ____Yes ____No
Does your family have health and/or accident insurance: ____Yes ____No
Insurance Carrier: ______Insurance Phone: ______
Policy #: ______Group#: ______
Date Health Info Received: ______
Serious Health Problems: ___Yes ___No If Yes, explain: ______
Medications: ___Yes ___No If Yes, explain: ______
Date Medical Info Received: ______
Shots: / Hepatitis / MMR / HIB / Polio / DTP Shot / Chicken Pox1st Shot / ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______
2nd Shot / ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______
3rd Shot / ______/ ______/ ______/ ______
4th Shot / ______/ ______
5th Shot / ______
Birth Certificate on File: ____Yes ____No Birth City: ______Birth State/Country: ______
Member/Contacts Understood Signed Insurance Disclaimer and Permission Statement: ____Yes ____No
Member has permission to be used in public relations materials: ____Yes ____No
Member may participate in all Club activities in or adjacent to the club building: ____Yes ____No
Club Member Since: ______Religion: ______
Household: NOTE: This information is collected for Grant writing purposes ONLY
Member lives with: ____Mom ____Step Mom ____Dad ____Step Dad ____Grandparent
____Foster parent(s) ____Other: ______
Housing Development: ______
Level: / $0 - $5000 _____ / $30,001 - $35,000 _____ / $60,001 - $65,000 _____
$5001 - $10,000 _____ / $35,001 - $40,000 _____ / $65,001 - $70,000 _____
$10,001 - $15,000 _____ / $40,001 - $45,000 _____ / $70,001 - $75,000 _____
$15,001 - $20,000 _____ / $45,001 - $50,000 _____ / $75,001 - $80,000 _____
$20,001 - $25,000 _____ / $50,001 - $55,000 _____ / $80,001 - $85,000 _____
$25,001 - $30,000 _____ / $55,001 - $60,000 _____ / $85,001 - $90,000+ _____
Number in Household: ______
Is there a Member of the Household 65 years old or Older: ____Yes ____No
Is there a Member of the Household Handicapped: ____Yes ____No
Current Head of Household: ____Female ____Male ____Both
Current Single Parent: ____Yes ____No
Eye Color: ______Hair Color: ______Skin Color/Features: ______
Height: ______Weight: ______
Do you Belong to other Groups:
___ Boys Scouts or Girl Scouts ___ School Club ___ YMCA or YWCA ___ Church Group
___ Other: ______
Reason(s) for joining: ____ Fun ____ Learning ____ Sports ____ Other: ______
I, ______, do hereby give my son/daughter ______permission to attend and participate in activities sponsored by the Boys & Girls Club. I hereby release the Boys & Girls Club, its employees, associates and contributors from liability from any injury, loss of theft incurred by my son/daughter while participating. Furthermore, I hereby authorize medical examination and emergency treatment for my son/daughter by a qualified licensed physician in the event of an accident. I further understand that the Boys & Girls Club has an “open door” policy, which means that my son/daughter may come and go at will. I also give permission for my child’s pictures to be used in any Boys & Girls Club publication. My signature indicates that I completely understand the above statement.
Parent’s Signature: ______Member’s Signature: ______
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Membership #: ______
Entry Date: ______Expiration Date: ______Status: ______
Type: ______New/Renewal Member: ______Processed by: ______
Boys & Girls Club of Oklahoma County’s open door policy allows members to enter the club at any time during regular club hours. We expect parents and members to agree upon clear attendance expectations (length of stay, transportation, frequency of attendance). Members who choose to leave club premises must be accompanied by a parent to re-enter the club on the same day.
I have read and understand the above statement. ______
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian ______Employer______Address ______
Work Phone______Cell Phone ______Alt. Phone ______
Parent/Guardian ______Employer______Address ______
Work Phone______Cell Phone ______Alt. Phone ______
The following people are allowed to pick up my child on a regular or emergency basis:
Name ______Relationship ______Phone______
Name ______Relationship ______Phone______
Name ______Relationship ______Phone______
I give my permission to the Boys & Girls Club of Oklahoma County to request and obtain educational records belonging to the minor child listed on this form for research purposes. I understand that this information may be shared with Boys & Girls Clubs of America in order to analyze effectiveness of club programs. Information that will be disclosed to BGCA may include information provided on the membership application form, information provided by the minor child's school district, and other information collected by Boys & Girls club of Oklahoma County, including data collected via surveys or questionnaires. Furthermore, I also give my consent to the Boys & Girls Club of Oklahoma County to request information from the minor child's school district. All information provided to the BGCA will be kept confidential.
In accordance with an after school reading, tutoring and intervention partnership with Payne Education Center of Oklahoma City, I give permission for Payne qualified professionals to administer appropriate literacy/reading assessments of my child
Child’s Name (Printed)
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Printed)
Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date