
December Final Study Guide

Chapter 1

1) What are the characteristics of living organisms?

2) What are the steps of the scientific method?

3) What is a hypothesis? When is a hypothesis reliable?

4) What is a qualitative observation? What is a quantitative observation?

5) The ______is the factor that is intentionally changed and the ______is the resulting effects of the change.

6) A good experiment must have a ______or standard of comparison.

Smithers think that a special juice will increase the productivity of workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Smitherscounts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks.

7) Using the passage above identify the following:

A) Hypothesis:

B) Independent (Manipulated) Variable:

C) Dependent (Responding) Variable:

D) Control Group:

Chapter 2

1) Complete the chart below:

Subatomic Particle / Mass / Charge / Location

2) What is the maximum occupancy of electrons within each energy level?

1st energy level = ______2nd energy level = ______3rd energy level = ______

3) What is the difference between ions, isotopes, and isomers?

Ions 

Isotopes 

Isomers 

4) Label the 2 main parts of a chemical reaction below and define each part:


5) Why must chemical equations be balanced?

6) What is the difference between ionic and covalent bonds?

Ionic Covalent 

7) What kind of bond joins the atoms in a water molecule?

8) Water is a polar molecule. What does polar mean? Why is water a polar molecule?

9) What is the difference between adhesion and cohesion?

Adhesion Cohesion

10) When a water molecule dissociates ions are formed. What are the 2 types of ions that are formed from this process?

11) The pH scale measures the production of ______ions in solution.

12) What is the difference between acids and bases?

Acid Base 

13) At what pH is a solution considered neutral?

14) pH is controlled in the body through dissolved particles that form ______. This helps maintain internal balance, ______.

15) There are 2 parts to every solution. Describe them below.

Solute Solvent 

What is the most common solvent? Why?

16) What is the difference between solution and suspension?

Solution Suspension 

17) What is the difference between hydrophobic and hydrophilic?

Hydrophobic Hydrophilic 

18) What is the difference between organic and inorganic molecules?

Organic Inorganic 

19) What are macromolecules? What are the 4 types of macromolecules?


20) Complete the chart below.

Macromolecule / Function(s) / Elements / Monomer / Example(s)
Nucleic Acids

21) What is an enzyme? What is activation energy? How do enzymes affect the activation energy?

22) Describe how an enzyme binds a substrate and what takes place during this binding?

23) What are the 3 factors that will affect enzyme function?


24) What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions? Provide a graph.

Endothermic Exothermic 

Chapter 3

1) What is the order of organization from biosphere to cell?

2) What is the difference between species, populations, communities, and ecosystems?

Species Population Communities  Ecosystem 

3) Define the following terms:

A) Herbivore –

B) Carnivore –

C) Omnivore –

D) Scavenger –

E) Decomposer –

F) Producer –

G) Primary Consumer-

H) Secondary Consumer –

I) Tertiary Consumer –

J) Quaternary Consumer –

4) What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs?


5) What is the difference between photosynthesis and chemosynthesis?

Photosynthesis Chemosynthesis 

6) What is the difference between a food chain and food web?

Food Chain Food web 

7) What is a trophic level?

8) What is an ecological pyramid? What are the 3 types of pyramids discussed in class. Define all 3. What is the “Rule of 10” when applied to the ecological pyramids?

Ecological pyramid 


9) What is a niche?

10) What are the 4 geochemical cycles? (review notes and textbook)

A) B)C)D)

Chapter 4

1) What is the difference between climate and weather?

Climate Weather 

2) What is the Greenhouse effect and Global warming?

Greenhouse effect Global Warming 

3) What are the 3 climate zones and describe the characteristics of each?


4) What are biotic and abiotic factors?

Biotic Abiotic

5) What is the difference between niche and habitat?

Niche Habitat 

6) What is symbiosis?

7) Define the following:

A) Mutualism 

B) Commensalism 

C) Parasitism 

D) Competition 

E) Predator- prey 

8) What is ecological succession? What is the difference between primary and secondary ecological succession?

9) What a pioneer species? What is a climax community?

10) Know the major biomes and which climate zone they belong to.

Climate Zone / Biomes

Chapter 5

1) What are the 3 characteristics of a population?


2) What is population density?

3) What are the 3 factors that affect population growth?


4) What is the difference between immigration and emigration?

Immigration Emigration 

5) What is the difference between exponential growth and logistic growth? Provide a graph. What is carrying capacity?

Exponential Logistic 

6) What are limiting factors?

7) What are density-dependent factors? What are 4 types of density-dependent factors?

8) What are density –independent factors? Provide examples?

Chapter 6

1) What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources?

Renewable Nonrenewable 

2) What is sustainable use?

3) What is biodiversity and what are the 3 types of biodiversity?

4) Define the following terms:

A) Extinction 

B) Endangered species 

C) Habitat Fragmentation 

D) Pollution 

E) Invasive Species 

F) Biological Magnification 

G) Conservation 

Chapter 7 (Review chapter 7 notes, study guide and vocabulary )

1) What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

2) Organelles that are associated with plant cells but not animal cells?

3) Function of organelles .