December Final Study Guide
Chapter 1
1) What are the characteristics of living organisms?
2) What are the steps of the scientific method?
3) What is a hypothesis? When is a hypothesis reliable?
4) What is a qualitative observation? What is a quantitative observation?
5) The ______is the factor that is intentionally changed and the ______is the resulting effects of the change.
6) A good experiment must have a ______or standard of comparison.
Smithers think that a special juice will increase the productivity of workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Smitherscounts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks.
7) Using the passage above identify the following:
A) Hypothesis:
B) Independent (Manipulated) Variable:
C) Dependent (Responding) Variable:
D) Control Group:
Chapter 2
1) Complete the chart below:
Subatomic Particle / Mass / Charge / LocationProton
2) What is the maximum occupancy of electrons within each energy level?
1st energy level = ______2nd energy level = ______3rd energy level = ______
3) What is the difference between ions, isotopes, and isomers?
4) Label the 2 main parts of a chemical reaction below and define each part:
5) Why must chemical equations be balanced?
6) What is the difference between ionic and covalent bonds?
Ionic Covalent
7) What kind of bond joins the atoms in a water molecule?
8) Water is a polar molecule. What does polar mean? Why is water a polar molecule?
9) What is the difference between adhesion and cohesion?
Adhesion Cohesion
10) When a water molecule dissociates ions are formed. What are the 2 types of ions that are formed from this process?
11) The pH scale measures the production of ______ions in solution.
12) What is the difference between acids and bases?
Acid Base
13) At what pH is a solution considered neutral?
14) pH is controlled in the body through dissolved particles that form ______. This helps maintain internal balance, ______.
15) There are 2 parts to every solution. Describe them below.
Solute Solvent
What is the most common solvent? Why?
16) What is the difference between solution and suspension?
Solution Suspension
17) What is the difference between hydrophobic and hydrophilic?
Hydrophobic Hydrophilic
18) What is the difference between organic and inorganic molecules?
Organic Inorganic
19) What are macromolecules? What are the 4 types of macromolecules?
20) Complete the chart below.
Macromolecule / Function(s) / Elements / Monomer / Example(s)Carbohydrates
Nucleic Acids
21) What is an enzyme? What is activation energy? How do enzymes affect the activation energy?
22) Describe how an enzyme binds a substrate and what takes place during this binding?
23) What are the 3 factors that will affect enzyme function?
24) What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions? Provide a graph.
Endothermic Exothermic
Chapter 3
1) What is the order of organization from biosphere to cell?
2) What is the difference between species, populations, communities, and ecosystems?
Species Population Communities Ecosystem
3) Define the following terms:
A) Herbivore –
B) Carnivore –
C) Omnivore –
D) Scavenger –
E) Decomposer –
F) Producer –
G) Primary Consumer-
H) Secondary Consumer –
I) Tertiary Consumer –
J) Quaternary Consumer –
4) What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs?
5) What is the difference between photosynthesis and chemosynthesis?
Photosynthesis Chemosynthesis
6) What is the difference between a food chain and food web?
Food Chain Food web
7) What is a trophic level?
8) What is an ecological pyramid? What are the 3 types of pyramids discussed in class. Define all 3. What is the “Rule of 10” when applied to the ecological pyramids?
Ecological pyramid
9) What is a niche?
10) What are the 4 geochemical cycles? (review notes and textbook)
A) B)C)D)
Chapter 4
1) What is the difference between climate and weather?
Climate Weather
2) What is the Greenhouse effect and Global warming?
Greenhouse effect Global Warming
3) What are the 3 climate zones and describe the characteristics of each?
4) What are biotic and abiotic factors?
Biotic Abiotic
5) What is the difference between niche and habitat?
Niche Habitat
6) What is symbiosis?
7) Define the following:
A) Mutualism
B) Commensalism
C) Parasitism
D) Competition
E) Predator- prey
8) What is ecological succession? What is the difference between primary and secondary ecological succession?
9) What a pioneer species? What is a climax community?
10) Know the major biomes and which climate zone they belong to.
Climate Zone / BiomesTropical
Chapter 5
1) What are the 3 characteristics of a population?
2) What is population density?
3) What are the 3 factors that affect population growth?
4) What is the difference between immigration and emigration?
Immigration Emigration
5) What is the difference between exponential growth and logistic growth? Provide a graph. What is carrying capacity?
Exponential Logistic
6) What are limiting factors?
7) What are density-dependent factors? What are 4 types of density-dependent factors?
8) What are density –independent factors? Provide examples?
Chapter 6
1) What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources?
Renewable Nonrenewable
2) What is sustainable use?
3) What is biodiversity and what are the 3 types of biodiversity?
4) Define the following terms:
A) Extinction
B) Endangered species
C) Habitat Fragmentation
D) Pollution
E) Invasive Species
F) Biological Magnification
G) Conservation
Chapter 7 (Review chapter 7 notes, study guide and vocabulary )
1) What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
2) Organelles that are associated with plant cells but not animal cells?
3) Function of organelles .