December 6, 2012
Members Present: Eva Edwards, Tonetta Matthews-Smith, Leigh Darcy, Diane Searles, Robert Harper, Sherry Garlem, Stacey Morgan, Matt Yonkey, Merle Fallon, Kathy Fine, Paul L. Yates, Laurie Blankenship, Chuck Wilkers.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm.
Secretary's Report
• Sherry Garlem and Merle Fallon have first and seconded to approve the minutes.
Treasurer's Report
• Approval suspended pending changes to the Pie Sales distribution. A portion needs to go to Chorus.
• The Uniform account received $294.86 from tag day, and ends with $2,854.
• The Student's account has stayed the same.
• Normally the Gianni's pizza fundraiser goes into the account, but quality has been declining and we have no information on that fundraiser at this time.
• Last year due to the trip that was taken all fundraisers put a portion into this account.
• It was requested that at the end of the year there is a list of fundraisers and their profit to allow us to really see what is worthwhile or not.
• It was suggested to make a point of setting aside specific fundraisers for the Booster account, and for the Student accounts, so that everyone is clear what they are earning for.
Fundraising Report
• Silpada
• Look for an email to come detailing two closing dates. Tentatively 12/14 for Christmas, and 2/1 for Valentine's Day.
• Christmas Ornaments
• They will be on sale at the next concert on 12/14.
• Gianni's Pizza
• There has been a decline in the service and quality over the last number of years. We are not sure if we will be running this fundraiser yet.
• Golf outing 4/26/13
• We are still working on a location. An email will go out soon looking for volunteers to help Seana. Most help is needed in contacting sponsors. Without help we will be unable to move forward with this fundraiser.
• The concern with a nearby golf club was that they had no indoor area in case of inclement weather. Merle mentioned that he saw an event there that used a large white tent. Mr. Yonkey will speak to Seana about that and see if that is provided by the club, or rented by us, and see if it's a possibility.
• An email will be sent and a meeting will be held with all interested volunteers to discuss the jobs needed.
• Spirit Nights
• Subway 1/29 5-8pm
• Tropical Smoothie 2/26, 4/30 5-7pm
• Chick-Fil-A 3/27, 5/29 6-9pm (but accepted all day)
• 11/28 Results--we have not heard yet about the profit from this.
• Family Fun Night
• Planning is in the works. The new date is Saturday 2/23/13, from 6-9:30pm, due to a conflict with an Indoor competition. The age range is still being finalized. Diane Searles should have all the information concrete by the next Booster meeting.
• We need both students and parent volunteers.
• Winter Concert/Bake Sale
• We need a couple of parents to help run the ornament and bake sale tables. Send Pat Whitney an email () if you are interested. We would like enough volunteers to allow them to rotate so no one misses their child playing.
President's Report
• Marching Band Pictures
• Kathy spoke with the photographer. An email was sent out with a list of anyone who had not placed an order a few days ago, so the pictures should be in sometime next week. They will be delivered to the school and sent home with the students.
Band Director
• UVA Band Day
• We had over 30 students attend. It was a great day. Due to the earlier game they didn't get to have as much practice as last year.
• District Band Auditions
• We are in a different district than last year. We are now with District 14, with Winchester, Fredrick, and Shenandoah. VBoDA is looking at redistricting.
• 66 to 81s, to Woodstock. 7:30-9:00am registration. It takes 1h15m from Bealeton, and Mr. Yonkey is planning to arrive by 7:00am.
• Enter through the new gym entrance at the end of the building.
• Mr. Yonkey has a slip that students need to receive from him upon arrival. Once they have their slip they can go to the table to register and receive their number. After 8am Merle Fallon will be handing out slips since Mr. Yonkey will need to be in a meeting.
• Bring something to keep quietly busy with. If you have a higher number wait a little bit before practicing. You are free to leave when your audition is done.
• Winter Concert 12/13/12
• There is a time change to 6:30 due to the length of the program.
• The order will be: Symphonic, Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Intermission, Choirs, Jazz
• All students will be wearing tuxes and gowns. Thank you to all the volunteers involved in getting everyone fitted.
• Indoor Drumline/Guard
• This year is off to a good start. We are approved for regular gym space this year to allow practice.
• Student Superlatives
• Take a look at the website to note these student standouts. Stephanie Gimon made it through a number of rounds and was selected as one of 3 to perform with the orchestra, to compete for 1st place.
• Warrenton Christmas Parade
• There were a ton of attendees to the parade. For the first time we played the entire way down the parade route. Due to the night performance we would like to decorate even more next year.
• Other
• When band emails come home they come through Dana Manley, using icontact. If you hit reply, it will go back to Mrs. Manley. If you are trying to contact Mr. Yonkey or anyone else specific please email them directly. There will be a comment added to the emails stating not to respond to that email, to avoid any more confusion.
• Facebook Groups
• Until policies at the district level have been finalized, all group accounts have been shut down.
• The only page that Mr. Yonkey can be involved with is the Booster page.
• Jazz, Indoor Guard, Indoor Percussion, etc. can no longer be updated by Mr. Yonkey.
• Mr. Yonkey is trying to find another way to contact these various groups. If you have any ideas let him know.
• An answering machine with messages was suggested.
• Mr. Yonkey talked to Mrs. Lee and she said if anyone has questions or concerns they should contact the division/district representatives.
• Hoodies
• An order was placed a week or so ago. They should be in for Christmas.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:59pm.
The next Booster meeting will be held on January 3, 2012.