Safford K_8 Magnet School Grade Level: 6th – 7th – 8th grades
Language Level: Beginners Title: The Alphabet ( س,ش,ص,ض )
Teacher: Mohamed Eldwiny
Desired ResultsLesson goals:
Ss will use the letters to form words and use them to communicate with others.
Ss will connect their old knowledge about writing the previous letters with the new ones.
Ss will compare their writing in English with Arabic.
Essential Questions:
How can I read and write the letters س , ش , ص , ض separately and in words?
Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to:
1- Revise using ( أنا أريد ) in some sentences.
2- Recognize the shapes of the letters س , ش , ص , ض.
2- Say and write the letters س , ش , ص , ض with short and long vowels.
3- Read and write words with س , ش , ص , ض .
Assessment Evidence
Students will listen to the song of the Arabic Alphabet and they will write the letters س , ش , ص , ض .
Ss will work in pairs, one say the letter and the other write it. .
Students will come to the board and write the letters and say words with س , ش , ص , ض.
Learning Plan
Materials needed:
Power point presentation Handouts
- Ss will say the days of the week .
New Vocabulary:
سمك – شجرة – صبار – ضفدعة
Learning Activities:
Warm up: ( 5 minutes )
- Ss will listen to the Arabic Alphabet song.
- Read the following:
- حاجى ثابوتى باب – توبى –
Introduction to Lesson: ( 10 minutes )
The teacher uses powerpoint presentation and the board to present the letters س , ش , ص , ض:
- The teacher says the letters and the students repeat.
- The teacher shows students how to write the letters in initial, medial and final position.
- The teacher will use powerpoint and flash cards to present the new vocabulary.
Guided Practice: ( 10 minutes )
The teacher will write the new letters with the short and long vowels and the students will practice reading them.
Independent Practice: ( 4 minutes )
- Students will practice writing the letters .
- Students will use the arabacademy website to practice learning the new letters through some activities and revise ( أنا أريد ) through dialogue.
Review/ Discuss/clarify: ( 3 minutes )
The teacher will discuss what the students have learnt on the website .
Summarizer/Closure: ( 5 minutes )
The students will match the letters with their pictures of words.
The students were good and responsive. They learned well.
Safford K_8 Magnet School Grade Level: 6th – 7th – 8th grades
Language Level: Beginners Title: Letters ( م , ن (& Al Adha Feast
Teacher: Mohamed Eldwiny
Desired ResultsLesson goals:
Ss will use the letters to form words and use them to communicate with others.
Ss will connect their old knowledge about writing the previous letters with the new ones.
Ss will compare their writing in English with Arabic.
Ss will compare their celebrations with Arabs celebrations.
Essential Questions:
How do Arabs celebrate their feasts?
Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to .
1- Recognize the shapes of the letters م , ن.
2- Say and write the letters م , ن with short and long vowels.
3- Read and write words with م , ن.
4- Learn about Al Adha Feast.
Assessment Evidence
Students will listen to the song of the Arabic Alphabet and they will write the letters م , ن .
Ss will work in pairs, one say the letter and the other write it. .
Students will come to the board and write the letters and say words with م , ن
Learning Plan
Materials needed:
Power point presentation Handouts
Videos Songs
New Vocabulary:
معزة - نمر – عيد سعيد – خروف العيد
Learning Activities:
Warm up:
- Ss will listen to the Arabic Alphabet song.
Introduction to Lesson:
The teacher uses powerpoint presentation and the board to present the letters م , ن:
- The teacher says the letters and the students repeat.
- The teacher shows students how to write the letters in initial, medial and final position.
- The teacher will use powerpoint and flash cards to present the new vocabulary.
Guided Practice:
The teacher will write the new letters with the short and long vowels and the students will practice reading them.
Bingo Game:
Ss will play a bingo game about the letters.
Independent Practice:
- Students will practice writing the letters.
- Students will use the arabacademy website to practice learning the new letters through some activities.
Culture Time:
- The teacher will talk about Adha Feast using videos and songs.
- The teacher encourages students to talk about their feasts and celebrations.
- The students will see videos and songs about Al Adha Feast.
Review/ Discuss/clarify:
- The students will talk about what they knew about Adha Fast.
- The teacher will discuss what the students have learnt on the website .
The students will match the letters with their pictures of words.
The students were good and responsive. They learned well.