November 18, 2014

SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., Dennis Gragnolati and Michael Russo

ALSO ATTENDING: Paul Harrington, Michael Bracken, and William Rousseau



First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.


Input was received from Michael Bracken and William Rousseau:

● Mr. Bracken referred to a letter from Ha Tran that was read into the record at the May 6, 2014
Board of Selectmen meeting. He stated that he has knowledge that someone else wrote the email and that Ha Tran didn’t read the contents, yet he sent the email to the Police Chief. He felt the letter was fraudulent and feels that an apology is warranted because it tarnishes his reputation.

Mr. Bracken also had concerns with the Town accepting Oakridge Drive as a Town Road. He felt
the Town should not have to absorb any costs to maintain a condominium association road.

● William Rousseau also spoke of his disappointment with the letter from Ha Tran being released to
the public. A complaint has been filed with the States Attorney’s Office.

Mr. Rousseau stated that he was not in favor of having a casino at the Teletheatre because of the
potential increase in crime in town.

Mr. Rousseau thought that the amount of Police Officers being hired is unjustified by the crime statistics in a town the size of Windsor Locks. He also felt that the current administration is not being transparent with the proposed expansion of the Police Department.

Mr. Rousseau further stated that he was under the impression that the Police Department exceeded their Budget during the last fiscal year.


Selectman Gragnolati moved to approve the Minutes from the October 21, 2014 Meeting as published. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


a.  Christmas & New Year’s Holiday Closing Schedule & 2015 Observed Holidays

The Selectmen received the Christmas & New Year’s Holiday Closing Schedule & a list of the 2015 observed Holidays. They were also given notice of the Annual Torchlight Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony on Saturday, December 6, 2014.


a.  Adopt Brownfield Grant Financial Assistance Resolution

This $200,000.00 Grant was awarded for remediation of the Montgomery Building.

Selectman Russo moved to adopt the Brownfield Grant Financial Assistance Resolution as presented. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

A copy of the Resolution is attached to the Minutes of the November 18, 2014 Board of Selectmen Meeting as Schedule B.

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November 18, 2014

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b.  Adopt Nondiscrimination Certificate Resolution for Brownfield Grant

Selectman Russo moved to adopt the Nondiscrimination Certificate Resolution for the Brownfield Grant as presented. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

A copy of the Resolution is attached to the Minutes of the November 18, 2014 Board of Selectmen Meeting as Schedule C.

c.  Adopt Resolution to Accept New Towns into The Capitol Region Council of Governments

Selectman Gragnolati moved to adopt the Resolution to accept the new towns into the Capital Region Council of Governments as presented. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

A copy of the Resolution is attached to the Minutes of the November 18, 2014 Board of Selectmen Meeting as Schedule D.

d.  Set Town Meeting Date for Acceptance of Oak Ridge Drive

Brief discussion took place on the acceptance of Oak Ridge Drive from South Center Street to the cul-de-sac at the entrance to the Woodridge Condominium Development. Acceptance of the roadway has been pending since 1992. Once the Town receives their portion of the funding a Town Meeting will take place.

Selectman Gragnolati moved to set a Town Meeting date for December 9, 2014 @ 7:30 p.m. to accept Oak Ridge Drive. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


a.  Ethics Policy

The proposed Ethics Policy has been forwarded to all Board and Commission Chairmen, Department Heads, and Bargaining Units for their review and comment. Some feedback has already been received. The deadline for response is November 30, 2014.

b.  Non-Union Employee Compensation Time Policy

Discussion on the Policy is pending per the Labor Attorney.

c.  Town Building Committee – Public Safety Complex

The Selectmen will tour the Public Safety Complex on December 2, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. The Fire Department tour will take place on another date that has yet to be determined.

d.  Connecticut Water Company Land

The Town is still waiting for the proper documents from the Connecticut Water Company before the land transfer can go before a Town Meeting for acceptance.

e.  Small Cities Grant Opportunities – L. Wagner & Associates

The Town has the opportunity to apply for a Small Cities Grant each year, which usually amounts to $400,000.00 - $500,000.00 for the selected project(s). A packet of information was received from the Town’s former Grant Administrator, L. Wagner & Associates, outlining all of the various town related projects that they have successfully been able to obtain funding for over the past years. Possible projects for Small Cities Grant funding will be discussed at a future Selectmen’s meeting.

f.  Discussion Regarding Obtaining Town Attorney Opinions

The Selectmen discussed what the procedure should be followed for Boards & Commissions to gain opinions from the Town Attorney. Section 604 of The Town Charter states that the Town Attorney “shall be the legal advisor of the Board of Selectmen, and all Town Officers, boards,

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November 18, 2014

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commissions and similar bodies, in all matters affecting the Town and shall upon written request furnish a written opinion on any questions of law involving their respective powers, duties and responsibilities. A copy of all written requests and opinions shall be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen.”

It was acknowledged that if Boards & Commissions go directly to the Town Attorney for an opinion the verbiage could change from one point to the next point so that the ruling becomes different from what the original intent was.

The Selectmen thought that Boards & Commissions should have more internal discussions either with their own Board or with the Board of Selectmen before immediately seeking legal counsel. They agreed that a reminder should be sent out to all Boards & Commissions asking them to submit their request for a Town Attorney opinion through the First Selectman’s Office with notification to the Board of Selectmen.



a.  Kelly Miffitt to the Community Advisory Council

Selectman Gragnolati moved to appoint Kelly Miffitt to the Community Advisory Council. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


Selectman Gragnolati moved to approve the Refund Request for November 18, 2014 in the amount of $30,057.44, as defined in Schedule A. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

A copy of Schedule A is attached to the Minutes of the November 18, 2014 Board of Selectmen Meeting.


● Paul Harrington spoke of the possibility of opening a “Casino Parlor” somewhere in Windsor Locks to try to combat the casino that will be opening in Springfield. Although Mr. Harrington was in favor of balancing the State’s budget he felt that it would be detrimental to the town to have that type of business in Windsor Locks. Mr. Harrington distributed a packet to the Selectmen outlining the negative economic impact of casinos on residential property values.

● Michael Bracken asked for clarification on the Brownfield Grant relating the Montgomery Building. Selectman Wawruck will address the matter with Mr. Bracken off line instead of during Public Input.

Mr. Bracken again spoke of the Ha Tran letter, and wondered if the Police Chief is interfering with the investigation from the State Attorney’s Office.

● Bill Rousseau asked if the Selectmen would have the authority to reject a request for a Town Attorney opinion from a Board or Commission. Selectman Wawruck stated that the opinion request process would be followed according to the Town Charter.

Mr. Rousseau commented on the Selectmen’s tour of the Police Department and again stated that he felt the crime in Windsor Locks is not as high as the Police Commission Chairman claims.

Mr. Rousseau also felt that a letter of apology should be written to himself, Mr. Bracken and Mr. Tomalonis as a result of the Ha Tran letter being made public.

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November 18, 2014

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Ms. Elizabeth Duffy has been hired as the new Assessor and started working for the Town on Monday. The interim Assessor, Helen Totz, from the Town of Suffield, is assisting with the transition.


a.  Discussion of Potential Real Estate Offer

Selectman Russo moved to enter into Executive Session at 6:50 p.m. to discuss a potential real estate offer with the Board of Selectmen and Paul Harrington. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Selectman Gragnolati moved to re-enter into Regular Session at 7:08 p.m. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor.


There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 p.m. was made by Selectman Gragnolati and seconded by Selectman Russo. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan R. Barsanti
Recording Secretary

A full recording of this meeting is available on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town’s Website @ www.windsorlocksct.org

Schedule A

Refund Request for November 18, 2014

Name / Bill Number / Reason for
Refund / Refund
Prior Year Refunds
Garden Scapes by Sandra
99 Raymond Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2011-2-40283 / Over Payment / $ 154.72
KT Consulting
99 Raymond Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2011-2-40382 / Over Payment / $ 154.72
Sommala & Nilamone Khoxayo
21 Acorn Drive
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2011-1-2365 / Over Payment / $ 152.50
James & Alice Malcolm
21 Andover Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2011-1-2857 / Over Payment / $ 11.65
Catherine & Peter Nowsch
83 Raymond Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2011-1-3450 / Over Payment / $ 2268.03
Jeanette Walchko
77 Dibble Hollow Lane
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2011-1-2932 / Over Payment / $ 37.93
Current Year Refunds
EAN Holding LLC, Attn: Bill Hokanson
8 Ella Grasso Tpke / Assessment
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-3-53512 / Adjusted / $ 23,312.79
Jonathan Francia
353 Green Manor Terrace
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-3-57479 / Sold Vehicle / $ 9.89
Andrew Huy
11 Colton Street / 2013-3-60846 / Sold / $ 16.05
Windsor, CT 06095 / 2013-3-60849 / Vehicle / $ 20.39
Jeffrey Messier
54 Webster Avenue 1-L
Cambridge, MA. 02141 / 2013-3-63015 / Vehicle Sold / $ 87.61
Rental Car Fin. / DTG Operations
Attn: Jennifer Donaldson
5330 East 31st Street / See 2013 / Assessment
Tulsa, OK 74135 / Attached / Adjusted / $ 3,752.34
Veronica Smalley , c/o Christopher Kervick
P.O. Box 875
Windsor Locks, CT 06095 / 2013-3-71016 / Over Payment / $ 11.54
Joan Streeter
229 So Water St. Apt C-8
East Windsor, CT / 2013-3-71414 / Paid Wrong Town / $ 67.28
Prior Year Refunds / $ 2,779.55
Current Year Refunds / $ 27,277.89
Total Refunds / $ 30,057.44

Schedule B

Schedule C

Schedule D