‘Serving the Lioness of Wisconsin’
State Advisory Committee Meeting
Econo - Lodge Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Saturday, March 3, 2018
This meeting was called to order at 9:55am by ADP Chair April Frelke
Those in attendance: April Frelke D2, Ann Bauman A2, Greg Clark D1, Hope Dougherty C2, Donna Johnson A1 (sitting in for Pat Goerke).
The Minutes from the January 13, 2018 meeting were approved by moved by ADP Ann, seconded by ADP Greg.
Treasurer Report: Lioness Pat L. presented the Treasurer’s Report for January 13, 2018 through March 3, 2018. She reported that thirteen New Member kits and 10 Lioness booklets have been ordered since January. Recommended that a discussion about member growth pin be held. PADP Mary Alice and Lioness Pat will get bids for printing the yellow Lioness booklet.
Secretary Report: None
PAVP Report: Mentoring Guide is almost finalized. This will be linked to the Wisconsin Lioness Resource page. PADP will working on the Policy Manual.
WLF: None
MD Chairman Report: None
Old Business
1. State Lion Convention: Booklet; Lioness Joan Post, does the State Advisory Committee if we want an ad in the convention book. Secretary Annette did take pictures of all the ADPs at a previous meeting.
Motion: Moved by H. Dougherty Seconded by Clark; To put an ad in the 2018 Lions State Convention booklet of the Advisory Committee. Motion Carried.
Amendment to the motion to add: 1/2 page at $150. Amendment approved by H. D. and G. C. Amendment approved with a voice vote.
· Dignitary Housing at the Lions 2018 State Convention. ADP April will have Lioness Annette email information to State Affiliate members.
· Lioness April will create the Agenda for the Presidents Group at the State Convention. She will get that information
· Positions to WLF Representatives for Lioness for odd number district nominations should be sent out to Clubs. District D1 has an interested person, but all interested people are encouraged to apply.
· Registration information for the 2018 State Lions Convention is available in the Wisconsin Lions Magazine on the Wisconsin Lions website.
2. C2 District Lions Convention April 13, 2018, hosted by the Lioness Clubs in Lac de Flambeau. Convention registration information handed out.
3. Lioness District D2 is April 7, 2018 in Norwalk. Registration forms are online at the Wisconsin Lioness Resource page.
4. Lioness Marycarolyn reported on the Leader Dog Trip coming up on April 2018. Currently there are 22 people signed up for the trip. Please be sure to share with your clubs that rooms are still available and if there are 40 or more people the cost will be lowered. Leaving from Fond du Lac. Rooms and bus are included in the cost, meals are on your own. Breakfast will be included in the room cost. Hard sided coolers are o.k. on the bus as well as wheelchair accommodations are available on the bus.
New Business:
1. Name tags and shirt orders for incoming District Presidents will be ordered by Annette. New Officer information needs to be sent out by Annette and returned to her by May 1, 2018. If Annette has any questions she can contact Lioness Linda Z.
2. Next Affiliate Lioness Presidents Meeting is scheduled for May 5, 2018 at the Lions State Convention.
3. Agenda items for this meeting must be to Lioness April Frelke by Sunday, April 15, 2018.
4. Lions/Lioness Bridge Program: suggestion by Lioness Hope D. for the Lioness to create a combined Lioness/Lion Club as suggested by PADP Linda Z previously. There were members who expressed interest in heading that project. The current officers of State Affiliate Advisory would fulfill the leadership positions of the “new club” and would have to be Lioness/Lions member and pay the Lions yearly dues.
1. This would be a group that is a separate group that meets parallel to the State Affiliate Lioness group. Reference notes from March 17, 2017 meeting with PID Karla notes (http://wisconsinlioness.org/files/cmsDocuments/126.doc).
2. Lioness April suggested that a committee be formed to investigate the topic and bring forth suggestions on forming Lioness/Lion bridge group and make their recommendations at the State Meeting in May.
3. Lioness Hope and Linda Z, and Patti R. will meet Announcements:
1. PADP group will need to elect a new Chairperson.
2. Meeting time at the Lions State Convention will be announced and shared with Affiliates Committee as soon as the information is available.
. Meeting adjourned at 11:14