Blessed Maria Assunta Pallotta, Virgin
Ø Liturgical memory: 7th November
Ø Beatified on 7th November 1954 by H.H. Pius XII
Ø Decree of beatification: published by the Vatican Polyglot Press in 1954
Ø Liturgy: optional memory: obligatory memory for the Institute. We follow the text of the Mass asked for by the diocese of Montalto and Ripatransone, the diocese of origin of Blessed M. Assunta, and approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship
Ø From the Proper of the Diocese of Montalto and Ripatransone
Optional memory, obligatory for the Institute
Blessed Maria Assunta Pallotta, virgin, was born in Force, Italy, in 1878. From her childhood, she was for everyone, an example of fervour in prayer and in her devotedness to heavy work to help her very poor family. Overcoming many difficulties, she entered the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. At her request, she was sent as a missionary to China where, on 7th April 1905, a year after her arrival, she went to heaven.
She was beatified by Pope Pius XII on 7th November 1954.
Eucharistic Celebration
Entrance antiphon: Gn 27: 27
Opening Prayer
God our Father, you open the doors of your Kingdom to the humble and little ones; grant us to follow the path traced by Bl. Maria Assunta with confidence, so that, bearing fruit by our good works, we may walk in your presence in the spirit of the Gospel. Through our Lord Jesus Christ …
First Reading: Si 39: 13-16a
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130: 1-3
R/ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!
Gospel: Mt 11:25-30
Prayer over the Gifts
Accept, Lord, may the humble offering we make to You, gathered in memory of Bl. Maria Assunta, virgin, and through the holy sacrifice of Christ, your Son, transform us into ardent apostles of your love. Through Christ our Lord.
Communion antiphon:
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
Prayer after Communion
Lord our God, by the mysterious strength of this Eucharistic banquet in which we have shared in memory of Blessed Maria Assunta, virgin, give us victory over sin, health of mind an body and the eternal glory of your Kingdom. Through Christ our Lord