TIMETABLE – Literacy Week Timetable Week beginning 29th February – 4th March 2016

Reading Slots: Nursery AM & PM, P1I, P1R, P1S, P2H, P2M, P3E, P3G, P4B, P5/4, P5H, P6S, P7/6 & P7F

Coaches & Interruptions to TT highlighted

9.00 – 10.30 / 10.45 – 12.15 / 1.00 – 2.00 / 2.00 – 3.00

Monday 29.2.16

/ P7/6 & Mrs Baker Assembly – Literacy Week: Elmvale Vison, Values & Aims, Ethos, Favourite Books (invite parents/carers)
9.30-10: P4-P7 (P4B, P5/4, P5H, P6S, P7/6 & P7F)
Pupil of the Week: Literacy Focus /

11-12 Chair of PC:- Fiona McMahon: Grandpa’s Great Escape by David Walliams P4B

11-12: Amanda Wilson - Diary of a Wimpy Noob P7F

11.15-11.45: P1-P3 (P11, P1R, P1S, P2H, P2M, P3E, P3G /

Scholastic Book Fair – assign PSA for week.


Leaders of Learning Team:-

Sarah Campbell: The Three Little Wolves & The Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas P2H
Katie Barrowman: The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman. P7/6
2-3: BBC Scotland Learning: Sarah Proctor: Johnny Duddle books – The Pirates Who Live Next Door, The King of Space and Gigantosaurus or The Worst Princess P2M
2-3: BBC Scotland Learning: Tom Hodgkinson (TBC)P6S
2-3: HT Springburn Academy: Linda Hamilton (TBC) P7F



/ Caledonian Uni working with some P2’s
9.15-10.15 GCU Caledonian Club – Nathan: Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl P4B
9.15-10.15 Singer, Edward Reid (TBC)P2M
Jennifer Wells: Music Teacher →
9-9.45: P3G 9.45-10.30: P2H
9.45-10.20: P3G German /

11-12 David Cameron P6S (TBC)

After School Room P2H, P2M, P3E & P3G
10.45-11.30: P2M 11.30-12.15: P3E /

1-2: BBC Scotland Learning, Gerard Strother: P5H(TBC)

1-2: BBC Scotland Learning, Colin Healy: The BFG P3E
1-2: BBC Scotland Learning, Emma Bond P1I (TBC)

1.30-2 Skype session: Dan Worsley (read some extracts, talk about life as an author & question/answer session) (age 7-11) P3G


2-3: Morag Gunion P1R The Gruffalo’s Child

Jump2It 1-3pm P7/6, P7F & P6S /

Jump2It 1-3pm P7/6, P7F & P6S

9.30-10.30: Agnes Dance Coach P3E / 11-12: Agnes Dance Coach P3G



/ P5H Athletics Coach Outside
GMacL & VK interviewing all day /

11-12: BBC Scotland Learning, Anne McNaught P5/4 (TBC)

11.15-12 Scotland Tonight:- Rona McDougall: My Naughty Little Sister by Dorothy Edwards & Wonder by RJ Palacio P5H

11.15-12 Greg Cann (TBC)P1R
P7/6 Athletics Coach /

1-2: Greg Cann (TBC)P7/6

Caledonian Uni working with some P2’s /

2-3: Greg Cann (TBC)P5/4



/ Cathy QIO Nursery – judge with Major & Mrs Miller?
9.30am – Best Dressed Parade: Classes: P1I, P1R, P2M, P3E, P5/4, P5H, P7F
9.15-10.15: BBC Scotland Learnig: Nursery, Holly Ritchie (TBC)
9.15-10.15: BBC Scotland Learning: Neil Scott P6S
9.15 – 10.30: Swimming P7 boys / 11-12: Fiona Ross (Media Advisor GCC) – Nursery (any stage or book)
11-12: Lesley Brown (Strategic Director – Families, Inclusion – Education Scotland P2M
11-12:Brian Casey Minister P1S (infant TBC)
11-12:Goethe-Institut,Nicole Fryns P3G
11-12: ReadWriteCount Antonia Clark (assistant manager) P3E
11-12:ReadWriteCount Laura Dougan? P2H / 1.30pm – Best Dressed Parade: Classes: P1S, P2H, P3G, P4B, P6S, P7/6
Cathy QIO Nursery – judge with Major & Mrs Miller?

Timetabled classes visit Scholastic Book Fair



/ 9.15-10.15: Claire O’Gallagher, BBC Scotland Learning, Nursery (Loon on the Moon by Chae Strathie or Hugless Douglas by David Melling)
9.15-10.15: Strathclyde BA 3rd Year Student: Heather McGee. P2H (TBC)
Colin Crawford P1I (TBC)
9.30-10.30: Kathryn Farrow P1S
Parent Council Meeting 9.30-10.30
Child Smile Nursery, P1- P3 all day /

11-12: Tom Renwick: Early Level classes with parents/carers

P1I, P1R, P1S, P2H & P2M
P2H have Humanist speaker in so can’t attend. /

1-2: Tom Renwick: Second Level classes with parents/carers

P5H, P6S, P7/6 & P7F
1-2: Kirsten Barret (EAL Teacher) using talking pen in Mandarin P5/4
1-2: Strathclyde BA 3rd Year Student: Adam Roy. (Infant class & book TBC)P1R /

2-3: Tom Renwick: First Level classes with parents/carers

P3E, P3G, P4B & P5/4
2-3 Christina Rowe from Scottish Water: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt P1S
Fuel Zone: Scholastic Book Fair for Parent/Carers

@Elmvaleprimary Guestbook: www.elmvale-pri.glasgow.sch.uk

Planned Activities/To Do:-

Ø  Good website for WBD: http://highlandliteracy.com

Ø  Classes for Parades:

·  1st at 9.30am: Nursery, P1I, P1R, P2M, P3E, P5/4, P5H, P7F

·  2nd at 1.30pm: Nursery, P1S, P2H, P3G, P4B, P6S, P7/6

Ø  Each Class (Nursery, P1I, P1R, P1S, P2H, P2M, P3E, P3G, P4B, P5/4, P5H, P6S, P7/6 & P7F: Decorate classroom door with favourite book/author, complete Literacy Week Planner, ensure paired reading planner in progress, design a poster (flip chart size) of their favourite book (led by Pupil Council) to be displayed in the gym hall throughout Literacy Week, ensure Pupil of the Week for assembly has a literacy focus, encourage children to tweet photographs and bring in photographs of reading in an unusual place – prize at following assembly.

Ø  Ms McCallum & Library Group: Responsibility for book stall in hall every day.

Ø  P3E: Work with Mandy Forsyth, member of Parent Council to create thank you gifts. Thursday 11.2.16 & 18.2.16

Ø  P7F: Thank you scrolls for all guests.

Ø  P7/6: Lead Literacy Week assembly. Discuss running of the week, guest speakers etc. Liaise with Pupil Council. Encourage classes to send in photographs of reading in an unusual place – prize at next assembly.

Ø  World Book Day – parades 9.30am & 1.30pm. Judges for Best Dressed: TBC by Pupil Council.

Ø  Tom Renwick: three hour slots using the numeracy map – ideal context for literacy, numeracy being an international language, trying to tell us lots of stories. Selection of classes in the hall together (early, first, second level) , children from different nationalities who’d read lines on the map in their mother tongue.


v  VK: Email all speakers and confirm books and information: copy of programme, address of school, telephone number, inform them that they will be met by two members of the Pupil Council on arrival, child-led event so a child will take them to the place they are reading after signing in. Invited to replenish themselves in the Turus Room. Inform that SLT are class committed so might not see them that day. Thank in advance for their support.

v  VK: Contact press.

v  VK: Confirm judges for Thursday.

v  Lori and two children from P5/4 to select books suitable to read for some guests (good spines, nice condition etc). Need to ensure there are books available in-case reader wants to read a second book.

v  Turus Room: used for refreshments. Health promoting – water, juice, grapes (possibly pancakes from Alyson?)

v  Thank you gifts for; Mandy (for helping with gifts for guests), Donald and P7F (for creating scroll), Stef & Sharon (for leading Pupil Council),

v  Prizes for Creative Costume Parade – 15 classes – 30 prizes.

v  Ask Stevie to be judge of best door (gift for class – pens?)

v  Pupil Council – Two Pupil Councillors to each reader? Children need to know – WHO, WHERE, WHAT etc. Go over conduct and how they are representing our school. Guestbook has been given to Stef to go over with Pupil Council.

  1. Greet visitors at door and get them to sign-in at the office.
  2. Take to class for reading and introduce politely.
  3. After reading, take the visitor to the Turus Room for light refreshment.
  4. Thank the visitor and give them thank you gift and thank you scroll.
  5. Encourage visitor to write something in the guestbook.
  6. Take visitor to sign-out.

v  Evaluation Sheet?

v  Ensure classes have thought of sensible questions to ask the visitors.