Beta Club August Agenda 31

Sponsor : Sherry Whiddon – room 303 &

Amber Floyd – room 212

Introduction of Beta Board:

President - Yoonmi Hwang; Vice President - Jensen Taylor; Secretary - Olivia Swanson; Historians - Olivia Carter & Kayli Sutherland; 8th gradeRepresentative - Olivia Bahmer & Surabhi Kumar ; 7th grade Representative - Sara Grace Dodson & Anthony Barbacci; Board Membersat Large: Ben Hodge,Sloan Finger; Welcoming Committee: Ansley Tamplin, Orie White & Karys Whitaker

Meeting Procedures: CANDY FOR WEARING YOUR SHIRT! Game first with prizes; meeting second; 8th graders – put your name in for the drawing at the end of the meeting

Beta Webpage– go to Deerlake’s SharePoint and look for the Beta link under student activities AND Instagram - @DMSBucksBETA

BETA @ 8:45 in auditorium ~first semester dates: 8/31; 9;14; 9/28; 10;19; 10;26; 11/16; 11/30; 12/7 Need reminders? Sign up for Remind and send a text to

(941) 462-2231 On the message line, type @dmsbeta


·  Members MUST represent the ideals of high academic achievement and service

Service Hours:

·  Service Definition: To be of help or use to someone, not in your immediate or extended family, purely for the act of helping and not for any extrinsic gain.

·  Must have 8 service hours by December

·  Forms can be found on the back of the agenda, the school’s Jr. Beta page or the BETA bulletin board outside room 302 on 7th grade hallway.

Diversity Spotlight: Stop Bullying by focusing on the Good

Tell me Something Good: Nominate students who ‘do something good’ to enhance student relations that go beyond general expectations. (Going out of the way to help another student, inviting someone to sit with you at lunch, encouraging a student who may be struggling, speaking up when a student is being treated unfairly, etc.) Nominations can be placed in the “Tell me Something Good” box in the front office.


1.  Paint a rock with a positive message; Beta will donate rocks to a museum. One hour for each rock. Rocking Painting in Mrs. Floyd’s room on Friday, September 22 @ 8:45.

2.  Babysitting for Open House 9/14 – must sign up in advance (limited to first 12) 6:00-8:00 PM

3.  Deer Run November 4 – opportunities to volunteer TBA – 2 service hours for running

DMS Beta Club Service Log Sheet

Student Name: ______Grade:_____

A period:______

Date Service Activity Time Supervising Adult Signature

I understand that I must earn 4 hours per grading period. I verify that all information submitted in this log is accurate.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______