Math 58

December 12


For Fall 2006 Math 58 students. This questionnaire is part of an experimental effort by the Math/Stat department (and the college) to improve its assessment of its programs. Please fill it out and return it to the envelope that will be available, at minimum, in class on 12/12, at the final on 12/21, and near Sci Cen 159 all day 12/12. The responses will be read by the instructor and by the department chair (only); lessons learned will be spread more widely.

Questions 1-9 were written by the department and are intended mainly for elementary courses; if some are irrelevant (e.g. the placement questions) feel free to skip them. Questions 10-12 were added by the instructor.

1. What were *your* goals for the course when you began it? You may not have had any clear goals (doesn't everybody just keep taking math?) or had very simple goals (finish your natural science distributions). That's fine. Whatever it was, tell us.

2. Were your goals achieved? Explain.

3. What were the *instructor's* goals for you for the course? "Don't know" is a possible answer.

4. Did you achieve those goals? Explain.

5. Because of this course, your interest in the sort of mathematics (statistics) in this course has
decreased a lot
decreased somewhat
stayed about the same
increased somewhat
increased a lot

6. Because of this course, your math/stat confidence has
decreased a lot
decreased somewhat
stayed about the same
increased somewhat
increased a lot

7. Were our placement procedures satisfactory? If you had questions about the procedure, or about our placement recommendations, were you able to get them answered?

8. Was our placement successful? Why or why not?

9. What sorts of activities do you find most useful for learning mathematics and statistics? Rate each of the following from 1 (not at all useful) to 10 (extremely useful):
working out problems on your own
working out problems with other students,
having someone tell you how to do the problems,
studying the text,
going to class,
going to math clinic (or stat clinic, or linear algebra clinic),
getting help in office hours,
studying for exams,
getting comments on homework and exam papers, etc.
Other (please explain instead of giving a rating)

-- end of common questions –

10. Did earlier courses prepare you adequately for this course? How could they have prepared you better?

11. Did this course help you understand or appreciate material from earlier courses?

12. Any other comments?