Bcps Lesson Plan Whii 10C Russian Revolution S Weise

Bedford County Public Schools


Course World History II Grade 09

Lesson Topic/Title Russian Revolution

SOL and Learning Intention 10c______

Materials/Resources Needed Document Camera, Notetaking guide for students

Cognition Strategy to be Applied Students will be able to…

  1. identify the events that led to the Russian Revolution.
  2. explain how the Communists came to power.
  3. explain how Russia’s revolution affected its participation in World War I.
Lesson Component / Teacher / Student
Prior Knowledge & Hook / §  What do we know about Russia’s role in the war so far? Have they suffered major defeats? Have they suffered huge casualties?
Direct Instruction & Model / §  Concept Web on Causes of the Revolution
§  Lecture on the impact of Russian Revolution (elaborate on notes provided, notes are for students to copy while you explain) / ·  Students will complete their concept web on the Russian Revolution and jot down notes on the Russian Civil War
Close and Assess / §  Write a eulogy for Vladimir Lenin where you either praise or condemn his actions. Use details learned from the lecture to support your opinion. Your response must be at least 7 sentences long. Below are some questions to consider when writing your eulogy.
o  How did he come to power? (Describe the causes of the Russian Revolution.)
o  What was life like during his leadership from 1918-1922?
o  Did he fulfill his promises to the people?
o  Were his actions justified? / ·  Students will complete the eulogy for Lenin
·  Study notes for a quiz next class

Russian Revolution Assignment

Write a eulogy for Vladimir Lenin where you either praise or condemn his actions. Use details learned from the lecture to support your opinion. Your response must be at least 7 sentences long. Below are some questions to consider when writing your eulogy.

§  How did he come to power? (Describe the causes of the Russian Revolution.)

§  What was life like during his leadership from 1918-1922?

§  Did he fulfill his promises to the people?

§  Were his actions justified?



Quiz: Russian Revolution

1.  Name two of the factors that led to the revolution in Russia.

2.  Who was the mystic healer that had treated the czar’s hemophiliac son and who was killed in December of 1916?

3.  What slogan did Lenin use, which stated his promises to Russia?

4.  What year did the Russian Revolution begin?

5.  During the Russian civil war, what was the name of the two sides which fought each other?

6.  Lenin used fear as a political weapon and used secret police to find “counter-revolutionaries.” These tactics led to the civil war period being given what name?

7.  In 1921, in order to stimulate (boost) the economy, Lenin introduced the New Economic Policy. What did this policy allow?

8.  Who led the Red Army during the Russian civil war?

9.  Who gained power after Lenin’s death and led Russia until 1953?

10.  How did the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) lead to the Russian Revolution?

Answer Key for Russian Revolution Quiz

1.  Loss in Russo-Japanese War, Losses in WWI, Landless peasantry, and lack of trust in Czar Nicholas II (need 2 of these)

2.  Rasputin

3.  Peace, Land, and Bread

4.  1917

5.  Reds vs. Whites

6.  Red Terror

7.  Allowed private businesses to exist to stimulate the economy

8.  Leon Trotsky

9.  Joseph Stalin

10. Showed the weakness of Russia

The Russian Revolution (students will copy on the back of their web)

After Czar leftà Provisional Govt didn’t withdraw from war

·  Vladimir Lenin: a Bolshevik had slogan: “Peace, Land, and Bread”

·  Lenin seized power in 1918 & signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk giving up a lot of land and ending their role in WWI

Civil War in 1918àcalled Red Terror

Reds v. Whites: Reds were Bolsheviks (Communists)

·  Leon Trotsky organized Red Army

o  Fighting lasted 3 yearsàeconomy is ruined and people are starving (5 million starve to death)

o  Villages are burned

·  1921 Reds Win

·  NEP: New Economic Policy 1921à Lenin let some private businesses exist to boost economy

o  USSR established in 1922 under Joseph Stalin (1922-1953)