Batch: 2011 (Direct)+ Batch 2012 (Leet) to Batch (2014 +2015(Leet) Only

Guru Kashi University,Talwandi Sabo

University College of Computer Applications

Bachelor of Computer Application

Fundamentals of Computer (300101)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Computer Fundamentals:

Number Systems, History of Computers, Block diagram of computer & detailed significance of each part.

Study of I/O devices

Keyboard, Hard disk, Floppy disk, CD,ROM, DVD, Plotters,

Scanners, mouse, Printers: Dot matrix, Laser, Thermal Inkjet, VDU.

Primary and Secondary memories

Operating Systems

Introduction to Operating Systems & its functions, Definition of Simple batch processing, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, real-time, time-sharing systems, Concept of Spooling,

Typical DOS commands, making simple batch files.

Application of Computers in various fields

Defense Industry, Management, Sports, Commerce, Internet.

Computer and communication:

Single user, Multi user, Workstations, and Overview of LAN, WAN.


1. Larry long & Nancy long Computers Prentice Hall

2. V.Rajaraman Fundamentals Of Computers Prentice Hall

3.P.K.Sinha Computer Fundamentals

4. Basandra Computer Today

Internet Applications (300102)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Introducing the Internet

Overview : Description of the Internet – Working , Surfing, Internet Domain Names and Addresses .

Connecting LAN to Internet: Protocols, IP Address, and Web Server.

Internet Applications: Email, Working of email , Advantages of email, Understanding of Internet Email, Search Engine.

Use Net: Introducing to Usenet, organization of UseNet articles, reading, saving,,mailing,writing and posting of an articles, Net news

WWW(World Wide Web)

Working of WWW, Hypertext and Hypermedia, URL , Searching the WWW ,Web access using web browser, Locating information on the Web.


1. Ernest Ackermann, Franklin : Learning to use the Internet

2. Leon & Leon : Internet For Everyone

Introduction to Programming (300103)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Introduction to Program Development:

Defining the problem, designing the program, coding the program, testing and debugging the program, and implementing the program. Introduction to Algorithm and flowchart.

Overview of C: Brief history of C, comparison of C with other programming languages, general structure of a C program

Data Types, Operators & Expressions: Constants and variables, data types, declaring variables, storage classes, different types of expressions and their evaluation, conditional expression, assignment statement, enumerated data type, defining/creating data types, library functions, type casting.

Console Input/output: Standard input/output devices, unformatted input/output functions (character I/O functions and string I/O functions), formatted input/output functions (scanf( ) function and printf ( ) function).

Control Statements: Decision making using if, if , else, else if and switch statements, Looping using for, while and do , while statements, transferring program control using break and continue statements, programming examples to illustrate the use of these control statements.

Pointers: What is pointer? Why pointers? Declaring pointers, pointer to pointer, array of pointers, pointer to array.

Functions: Defining a function, local variables, return statement, invoking a function, specifying and passing arguments to a functions, function prototyping and use of header files, recursion.

Arrays & Strings: Introduction to arrays, declaring arrays, Types of Array, initializing arrays, processing of arrays, passing arrays as arguments to a function.

Structure and Union: Defining and processing a structure, user defined data types, structure and pointers, passing structure to function, self-referential structure, union.

C programming applications: Sorting (Bubble sort, Selection sort), Searching (Binary search, Linear Search).


1. R.S. Salaria: Applications Programming in C, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd., Delhi.

2. Byron Gotterfied: Programming in C, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., Delhi.

3. Yashvant Kanetkar: Let Us C, BPB Publications, Delhi.

Mathematics (Bridge Course) (300104)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Set relations and functions: Elements of a set, methods of describing a set, types of set, Venn diagram, operations on sets, union, intersection and difference of sets, Duality, partitioning of a set, trigonometric functions.

Binomial Theorem: Introduction; Binomial theorem for positive index; general terms; Middle terms; Absolute terms; Binomial coefficients; Greatest term.

Mathematical Induction: Mathematical Induction; Principle of Mathematical Induction; Inequality.

Matrices and Determinants: Matrix: Types of Matrices; Equality of matrices; Sum of Matrices; Product of Two Matrices; Distributive Law; Associative Law of Matrix Multiplication; Transpose of Matrix; Symmetric Matrices; Orthogonal Matrix.

Determinant: Minor; Cofactors; The expansion of determinant; Properties of Determinants; Applications of Determinants; Crammer’s Rule for solution of linear equations; Adjoint of a Matrix; Inverse of Matrix.

Statistics: Introduction to statistics, collection, and tabulation of data.

Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode.


Refresher Course On Mathematics Vol: 2 : Manjit Singh

ABC of Mathematics : J.P Mahendru

Mathematics (Bridge Course) : D.R. Sharma: Sharma Publication

Mathematics (Bridge Course) : R.C. Joshi & Sandeep Kaur

New Academic Publishing Co.

Software Lab (Internet Application) (300105)

Credits 02 L T P

0 0 4

Based on 300101

Familiarizing with PC and WINDOWS’ commands, Directory and File creation, editing.

Bachelory of DOS commands.

Learning to use MS Office: MS WORD, MS EXCEL & MS PowerPoint.

Software Lab (Introduction to Programming (C- language)) (300106)

Credits 03 L T P

0 0 6

Based on 300103

Note: Program should be fully documented with simple I/O data. Flow charts should be developed wherever necessary.

Write program in C language

1. Using input and output statements

2. Using control statements

3. Using functions

4. Using arrays

5. Using structure

6. Using files

7. To sort an array using different methods

8. To search an element from array

Basic Accounting (300201)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Basic Accounting:

Introduction, importance and scope, concepts and conventions, generally accepted accounting principles, double entry framework

Basic concepts of Journals, ledgers, purchase book, sales book, cashbook.

Preparation of financial statements: Profit and loss account and balance sheet,

Management Accounting: Nature, scope, advantages and limitations.

Sources of raising of capital in corporate undertaking –simple treatment to issue of shares, forfeiture of shares and re – issue of forfeited shares.

Application of computers in accounting.


1. Bhattacharya & Deaden : Accounting for management (Vikas 1986)

2. R.L Gupta & V.K Gupta : Financial Accounting (Part I and Part II)

3. S.N. Maheshwari : Fundamental Accountancy

4. Antony & Reece : Accounting Principles

Business Communication (300202)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Introduction to Communication

Meaning and Definition, Process, Functions, Objectives, Importance, Essentials of good communication, Communication barriers, overcoming communication barriers

Types of Communication

Written , Oral , Face-to-face , Silence , Merits and limitations of each type

Business Letters

Need and functions of business letters, Planning & layout of business letter , Kinds of business letters, Essentials of effective correspondence,

Oral Communication

Meaning, nature and scope , Principles of effective oral communication , Techniques of effective speech, Media of oral communication (Face-to-face conversation , Teleconferences , Press Conference ,Demonstration , Radio Recording , Dictaphone , Meetings , Rumors , Demonstration and Dramatizations , Public address system , Grapevine , Group Discussion , Oral report , Closed circuit TV). The art of listening , Principles of good listening.

Information Technology for Communication

Word Processor , Telex , Facsimile(Fax) , E-mail , Voice mail , Internet , Multimedia, Teleconferencing , Mobile Phone Conversation , Video Conferencing , SMS , Telephone Answering Machine, Advantages and limitations of these types.

Topics Prescribed for workshop/skill lab

i) Group Discussion

ii) Mock Interview

iii) Decision Making in a Group

iv) Written Communication


Business Communication , K. K. Sinha , Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.

Essentials of Business Communication , Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli , Sultan Chand &

Sons, New Delhi.

Business Communication (Principles, Methods and Techniques) Nirmal Singh , Deep & Deep

Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Business Correspondence and Report Writing , R. C. Sharma, Krishna Mohan , Tata McGraw,

Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

Data Structure (300203)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Introduction to Data Structure: Basic concept of data, Problem analysis , algorithm complexity, Big O notation and time space trade off.

Stacks & Queues : Basics of stacks and queues, Recursion, Polish notation, circular Queues, priority Queues.

Linked Lists : Single linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list and dynamic storage management, generalized list, Garbage Collection.

Trees : Definition & Concepts, Basic trees, Binary tree representations, threaded storage representation, binary tree traversals, and application of trees.

Searching and sorting : use of various data structures for searching and sorting, linear and binary search, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, bubble sort, quick sort, Heap sort.


1. Schaum Series: Data Structure

2. Niclaus Wirth: Algorithm and Data Structures & Programs

3. Tanenbaum: Data Structures.

4. Trembley & Soreson :An Introduction to Data Structures Applications

5. Vishal Goyal ,Lalit Goyal and Pawan Kumar : A simplified Approach to Data Structures , 2014.

OOPs Using C++ (300204)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Introduction to OOPs using C++:

Basics: Program Statements, Variables and constants, Loops and Decisions.

Characteristics of OOPs :Overview of C++, I/O using cout and cin, Objects and Classes,

Member functions and data, private & public, constructor & destructor, Constructor Overloading, Types of Constructors.

Operator Overloading: Overloading unary and binary operators, Type Conversion using Operator Overloading.

Inheritance: Concept of Inheritance, Base & Derived classes, Access specifiers, Class Hierarchies, Types of Inheritance with examples.

Virtual Functions and Polymorphism, Virtual functions, friend functions, static function, this pointer, polymorphism: Types of Polymorphism with examples, templates, class templates.

Input/output files: Streams, buffers & iostreams, he

ader files, redirection, file input and output.


1. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia Publication.

2. Designing Object Oriented Applications using C++ & Booch Method, Robert C. Martin.

3. Object oriented programming with C++ Tata McGraw Hill: E Balaguruswamy

Software Lab (Data Structure) (300205)

Credits 02 L T P

0 0 4

Based on 300203

Write program in C

1. To insert and delete a node in a linked list To add two polynomials using linked list

2. To insert and delete a node in a circular linked list.

3. To implement a stack using arrays and linked list.

4. To implement a queue using arrays and linked list.

5. To insert an item in linked list.

6. To delete an item in linked list.

7. To merge two arrays.

8. To solve polish expression using stacks.

9. For tower of Hanoi problem using recursion.

10. To insert and delete node in binary search tree

11. To find traversals of expressions using binary tree

12. To search an element using binary tree.

Software Lab (object oriented programming using C++_) (300206)

Credits 03 L T P

0 0 6

Based on 300204

Note: Program should be fully documented with simple I/O data. Flow charts should be developed wherever necessary.

Write program in ‘C++’ language

1. Using input and output statements

2. Using control statements.

3. Using functions.

4. Using array

5. Using Classes and implementation of Constructor and Destructor.

6. Using files.

7. Using OOP’s Concepts

(Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Friend and Static Functions)

Digital Electronics (300301)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Introduction : Overview of number system and codes. Elements and functions of digital Logic gates, Gate propagation delay time, logic gates applications.

Boolean algebra: Boolean operations, SOP and POS forms, and simplification using karnaugh maps, Realization of expressions using goals.

Combinational logical circuits: design of Binary Adder, Serial, Parallel, Carry look ahead type. Full subtractor, code converters, MUX and DEMUX, encoders and encoders.

Sequential logic circuits: Flip flop: R,S, J,K, Bachelor slave J,K, D and T flip-flops using nand gates.

Counters: Design of asynchronous and synchronous, updown and programmable counters.

Registers: shift registers, various types and their applications.

Detection and correction codes, detecting and correcting an error.


· D. Morris Mano Digital Circuits of logic design (PHI)

· 2.T.C. Bartee Digital and electronic circuits (McGraw Hill)

· Malvino Digital computer electronics

· Floyd Digital fundamentals

· R.P. Jain Modern digital electronics

· Tauls and Schillings Digital integrated electronics

Math-I (Discrete) (300302)

Credits 05 L T P

4 1 0

Set theory. Relations and functions: Set notations and description, subsets, basic set operations. Venn diagrams, laws of set theory, partition of sets, min sets, duality principle, basic definitions of relations and functions, graphics of relations, properties of relations; injective, subjective and bijective functions, composition.

Combinations: Rule of products, permutations, combinations.

Algebra of Logic: Propositions and logic operations, truth tables and propositions generated by set,

equivalence and implication laws of logic, mathematical system, and propositions over a universe, mathematical induction, quantifiers.

Recursion and recurrence: The many faces of recursion, recurrence, relations, and some common recurrence relations, generating functions.

Graph theory: Various types of graphics, simple and multigraphs, directed and undirected graphs, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graph, graph connectivity, traversals, graph optimizations, Graph coloring , trees, spanning trees, rooted trees, binary trees.

References :

1. Doerr A & Kenneth L. Applied Discrete Structure of computer Science (Galgotia)

2. Swami M.N.S & Thisiraman E Graphics Networks And Algorithms (John Wiley & Sons)

3. Tremblay J.P and Manohar R Discrete Mathematical structure with application to

computer science.(McGraw Hill)

Operating System( 300303)

Credits -05 L T P

4 1 0

Introduction to Operating System: its need and Operating System services; Operating System classification , single user, multiuser, simple batch processing, Multiprogramming, Multitasking,

Parallel system, Distributed system, Real time system.

Process Management : Process Concept, Process scheduling, Overview of Inter Process communication,

CPU Scheduling : Basic concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms.

Memory Management: Logical Versus Physical address space, Swapping Partition, paging and segmentation, concepts of Virtual Memory.

File Management: File concept, access methods, Directory Structure, file protection. Allocation methods: Contiguous, linked and index allocation.

Deadlocks: Deadlock Characteristics, Prevention, Avoidance, Detection and Recovery, critical section, synchronization hardware, semaphores, combined approach to deadlock handling.

Security: Authentication, Program Threats, System Threats, and Encryption.


1. Silberschatz Galvin : Operating system concepts

2. Milan Milenkovic : Operating system

3. Deital H.M. : An introduction to operating system (Addison Wesley)

4. Stalling, W : Operating system (PHI)

System Analysis & Design (300304)

Credits -05 L T P

4 1 0

System Concepts: Definition, characteristics, elements & types of system.

System development life cycle: Recognition of need: Feasibility study, system analysis, introduction,

information collection, interviews, questionnaires, observation, record searching and document analysis,

analysis tools, data flow diagram, data dictionary, decision tree, structured English and decision table.

System Design: The process and stages of systems design, input/output and file design; System Implementation: System implementation, system testing, implementation process and implementation methods ,

system maintenance.


1. Awad Elias N. System analysis and design (Galgotia)

2. Sen James A. Analysis and design of information system (Tata McGraw)

Hardware lab (Digital Electronics) (300305 )

Credits 2 L T P

0 0 4

Based on 300301

Note: A subset of following experiments has to perform.

1. To study the functions of basic logic gates and verify the truth table of AND, OR, NOT,


2. To study applications of AND, OR, NAND, X,OR gates for gating digital signals.

3. To develop the different Arithmetic Circuits:

(a) Half Adder and Subtractor

(b) Full Adder and Subtractor

4. To study the BCD to Binary and Binary to BCD Code converter.

5. Study of Decoder Circuits:

(a) BCD to Decimal Decoder

(b) BCD to 7 Segment Decoder

6. Study of Encoder Circuits:

(a) BCD to Decimal Encoder