Russia 100629

Basic Political Developments

· Interfax: Ukraine's passage of EU gas laws will thwart integration with Russia - Ukraine's current efforts to incorporate European gas laws into its national legislation could bar it from integration with Russia, said Valery Yazev, State Duma deputy speaker and president of the Russian Gas Society.

· Reuters: Russia complains about German seizure of Iran items - Russia complained to the Security Council on Monday about what U.N. diplomats said was Germany's seizure of items bound for a nuclear power plant in Iran, saying such moves were "not in line" with U.N. rules.

· Reuters: Russia calls for US-IAEA-Iran meet on fuel delivery - Russia's Foreign Minister called for a meeting between Iran, the United States, Russia and the IAEA on nuclear fuel delivery for the Islamic Republic's medical reactor, Itar-TASS news agency reported. Sergei Lavrov, speaking to Itar-TASS in Jerusalem, did not give details on the nature of the proposed discussions.

· VOR: Iran should prove peaceful nature of its nuclear programme – Lavrov

· Russia Today: Palestinian property – more than mortgages at stake: The question of what to do with the settlements is unlikely to be answered by indirect talks on the go between Israelis and Palestinians The talks were agreed to in March but were suspended when Israel announced plans to construct some 1,400 housing units in East Jerusalem.

· VOR: Shmatko: Russia will increase cooperation with the UAE in the field of energy - It is, in particular, on nuclear and renewable energy, Shmatko said, that an agreement was reached with the UAE’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan which specifies that Russia will actively cooperate in this area with the UAE.

· Moscow Times: UAE, Russia Plan to Sign Nuclear Energy Deal

· AllAfrica: Zimbabwe: Govt, Russia MPs Hope to Boost Ties - Deputy chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations in the Russian Parliament Mr Alexander Kozlovsky made the remarks during separate meetings with Zimbabwean MPs yesterday.


- Ynet: Russia FM says awaiting US explanation on spy case

- RIA: URGENT: Russia wants explanation from U.S. on spy scandal - Lavrov

- Interfax: Russian Foreign Ministry investigating claims of spy scandal in U.S. (Part 2)

- Foreign Ministry: Information on the spying scandal in the United States contradictory

- RIA: Russia considers U.S. report on arrested Russian 'spies' controversial (Update 1)

- Xinhua: Russia studies alleged U.S. spy report

- Interfax: Accusations brought against suspected Russian agents in U.S. raise questions – expert

- Russia Today: Alleged Russian secret agents held in US

- Itar-Tass: 10 people arrested in United States for spying for Russia

- RIA: FBI uncovers alleged Russian spy network (WRAPUP)

- Telegraph: Russian 'secret agents' led suburban lives

- Bloomberg: ‘Deep-Cover’ Russian Spy Ring Worked Since 1990s, U.S. Says

- Washington Post: FBI arrests 10 accused of working as Russian spies

- BBC: Suspected Russian spies charged in US

- Wall Street Journal: U.S. Charges 11 in Russian Spy Case

· RIA: Russia starts large-scale military drills in Far East - "The exercises started on schedule, without delays. They are being held on the territory of the Far Eastern and Siberian military districts from June 29 through July 8," the official said. At least 20,000 troops, up to 70 warplanes and 30 warships will take part in the drills on 15 training grounds.

· PTI: Russia begins massive war drill close to China border - Earlier reports suggest that crack combat units of the Russian Northern and Black Sea Fleets, including nuclear powered 'Pyotr Veliky' (Peter-the-Great) cruiser will also take part in the wargames in the close vicinity of China, Japan and two Koreas.

· RIA: New commander to lead Russian Black Sea Fleet from August - Vice Adm. Vladimir Korolyov will be appointed commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in August, a spokesman for the Russian Navy said on Tuesday.

· VOR: 9 Russian companies on the Defence News list - Nine Russian companies have been put on the list of the world’s 100 biggest defence contractors, made by the authoritative US Defence News weekly. Some of the nine are the Almaz-Antei concern, the Sukhoi aviation holding, the corporations.

· RIA: Kyrgyz crisis caused by domestic "drug wars" — Russian official: "Existing evidence clearly indicates that the former Kyrgyz leadership had a tight control over drug-trafficking in the country, which angered other [domestic] drug barons who believed they were being deprived of their share in the profits [from the illicit drug trade]," Viktor Ivanov said in an interview with Echo Moskvy radio station on Monday.

· Kommersant/Russia Today: Military base put on hold until a more peaceful time - The Russian training center in the south of Kyrgyzstan will not open before 2011

· RIA: Space station crew relocates Russian spacecraft after delay

· Itar-Tass: Soyuz spaceship successfully transfers to new ISS module

· Itar-Tass: Criminals involved in train explosion searched for in Dagestan

· Russian government should sanction visit of Ingushetia’s head to Azerbaijan

· Turkish Weekly: Russian Changing Attitude Towards North Caucasus - Some western politicians and the republics in North Caucasus already see the Sochi Games as a opportunity to make pressure on Moscow to loose its grip on Abkhazia and South Osetia . And separatist and insurgents leaders in the region has began to threat games, to use Sochi Games as a political discourse by drawing the attention of the West.

· Moscow News: Moscow metro gets first chemical sensors - Commuters using Belorusskaya’s circle line station will be the first to get themselves scanned by a new detectors designed to pick up traces of explosives or poisons as the capital steps up its anti-terror efforts in the wake of the March 29 metro bombings.

· RIA: Governor in south Russia hopes to profit from locust swarms

· Focus: Russia police car chase ends with cash in the wind

· Moscow Times: Occult Enthusiast Charged in Patriarch Plot

· Christian Today: Russian Orthodox Church raises fears over pro-gay Protestant Churches

· Bloomberg: VTB to Overhaul Stalin-Era Dinamo Stadium for World Cup Bid

· Nezavisimaya/Russia Today: Olympic billions are covering the asphalt - Construction companies in Sochi are setting new records: $200,000 for a meter of road construction

· Moscow Times: Hotels to Get Mandatory Star Rating

· Moscow Times: Russian Diplomats Owe $5M in Unpaid Congestion Bills - The Russian Embassy in London owes £3.2 million (nearly $5 million) in traffic fines, Britain's cash-strapped government said Monday, naming and shaming diplomats who have ducked congestion charges and parking fees.

· Moscow Times: No Opposition Duma Deputies, No Problem - The democratic opposition has only three options with regard to the next Duma elections: 1. try to create and register a new party; 2. join the list of an existing party; or 3. carry out a media campaign that will deliver the message to the people that the elections are illegitimate.

· Bloomberg: Medvedev Bank Hub Plan Gets Reality Check on Corruption Record

· Reuters: PRESS DIGEST - Russia - June 29

- Russia's state-owned VEB bank may have lost 110 billion roubles ($3.55 billion) from acquiring two troubled banks during the economic crisis, Svyaz Bank and Globex, the paper writes.

- Railwagon-building plants have created 135.5 percent more wagons in the first five months of 2010, compared to last year. Prices for wagons shot up by 22-53 percent in the same time period, the paper writes.

- The paper runs an interview with the CEO of oil firm Gazprom Neft (SIBN.MM: Quote, Profile, Research), Alexander Dyukov, in which he discusses the company's new projects.

- One third of money Russia spent on supporting the economy last year -- some 450 million roubles ($14.51 million) -- was spent inefficiently, the paper reports, citing an independent audit made by the Higher School of Economics.

- Twenty seven percent of economically active Russians used loans in 2010 compared to 32 percent in 2009, the paper reports.

- Russia's birth rate has grown by 1.6 percent in the five months of 2010, while the death rate fell by 2.1 percent, the paper reports.

- Russia's highest arbitration court has announced it is recruiting for a new court chief, the paper reports.

National Economic Trends

· Upstreamonline: Russia sees $60 oil - Oil prices could fall to $60 a barrel or less in the coming three years, potentially making it harder for Russia - the world's biggest oil producer - to tame its budget deficit, Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said today.

· Upstreamonline: Russia eyes tax boost on $60 oil concern

· Bloomberg: Kudrin Says China Bubbles to Burst, Central Banks to Raise Rates

· RBC: Ruble may rise or slide, finance minister says - The chances of the ruble rate strengthening or weakening in the future are about equal, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin announced today at a forum organized by Renaissance Capital in Moscow.

· VOR: Medvedev to discuss budget message

· Bloomberg: IMF Advises Stronger Ruble to Curb Russia Inflation (Update1)

· RenCap: 2H10 fixed income outlook: The good, the bad...and hopefully no ugly

· Unicredit: Russia Weak 1Q10 reaffirms our cautious 2010 outlook

· Bloomberg: Bank Rossii Warns of Ruble Volatility, Says Strengthening ‘Over’

· Reuters: INTERVIEW-Russia happy with FX intervention mechanism

· RIA: One third of Russia's 2009 anti-crisis budget spent inefficiently - think-tank

· AgriMarket: In 2010/11 MY, Russia to export 18 mln tonnes of wheat and 2 mln tonnes of barley

Business, Energy or Environmental regulations or discussions

· Bloomberg: Norilsk, Rosneft, Tatneft: Russian Equity Market Preview

· Bloomberg: Russia Steelmakers to Invest $20 Billion by 2015 as Demand Grows

· Steel Guru: NLMK recognized as Russia best steel exporter in 2009

· The Australian: Truce over Norilsk Nickel collapses - MOSCOW is bracing for a clash between two of its richest men as a Kremlin-brokered ceasefire broke down in spectacular fashion.

· Troika Dialog: Norilsk Nickel AGM - minorities carry the day

· Macauhub: Russia’s Alrosa sold stake in Angolan mining project

· Timesunion: Russian company selling Plug Power shares

· Bloomberg: Ford to Expand Russian Plant Staff 10% on Focus, Mondeo Demand

· DJ: Ford Russia Plant To Hire 230 To Meet Demand Growth –Vedomosti

· VTB Capital: National Media Group shareholders reportedly acquire 100 per cent

· Bloomberg: Billionaire Kerimov May Buy Military Airport, Kommersant Reports

· Moscow Times: Vekselberg Selling Akado?

· Hong Kong Airlines to start direct service to Moscow

· The government is planning talks with ExxonMobil and its partners in the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project off the Pacific coast in the “near future,” Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said Monday. (Bloomberg)

· Metalloinvest reduced debt by $1 billion to $4.5 billion in the first half of 2010, the company said Monday in an e-mailed statement. (Bloomberg)

· The key to solving Africa’s problems is democracy, United Company RusAl CEO Oleg Deripaska said Monday. (Bloomberg)

· RenCap: Renaissance Capital's 14th Annual Investor Conference: Highlights of the Russian infrastructure panel

Activity in the Oil and Gas sector (including regulatory)

· Bloomberg: SEC Clears Russian ‘Shell’ Companies to Sell Stock, WSJ Reports

· Moscow Times: Oil Industry Groans at New Tax Plan

· Bloomberg: Russian Diesel Exports From Primorsk Port to Rise 24% in July

· RenCap: Renaissance Capital's 14th Annual Investor Conference: Oil and gas


· Oil and Gas Eurasia: Construction Begins On Nord Stream In Finnish Waters

· VTB Capital: Dyukov comments on Gazprom Neft's performance and plans - Kommersant published an interview today with Gazprom Neft's CEO, Alexander Dyukov, in which he comments on different topics including the transfer of licenses from Gazprom, a possible increase in the free float and Russian taxation in the oil sector.

· Gazprom repurchases Caspian gas megaproject from BP

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Full Text Articles

Basic Political Developments

Interfax: Ukraine's passage of EU gas laws will thwart integration with Russia

Today at 09:44 | Interfax-Ukraine

Moscow, June 29 (Interfax) - Ukraine's current efforts to incorporate European gas laws into its national legislation could bar it from integration with Russia, said Valery Yazev, State Duma deputy speaker and president of the Russian Gas Society.

"If they are implementing it (the legislation) in a pure form, then they will close the road towards integration with Russia," he told a press conference at the Interfax head office.

In particular, implementing the European legislation will require Ukraine to lift the existing ban on privatization of its gas transportation system (GTS), but at the same time there will be difficulties for Gazprom in receiving a stake in the Ukrainian GTS.

"They are now faced with a choice. I do not think there are answers to all these questions. They are very hard to find, I mean, in the legal field," Yazev said.

"The Ukrainian legislation declared Naftogaz Ukrainy, and especially the gas transportation system, a national patrimony, so politically it will not be that easy for them to retract - they will have to find a serious motive," he added.

It would be most realistic to set up a joint venture consisting of Ukraine's GTS and Gazprom's production assets, he said.

"Some parity could be reached here. If Gazprom and Naftogaz merge, parity is impossible," he added.

"With no proper relations, no integration through exchange of assets, the Ukrainian pipeline system will quite obviously wither," he said.

"This is important for Russia and vital for Ukraine," he said

On Wednesday Kyiv will host a joint meeting of the groups of experts from the Russian Gas Society and Ukraine's National Gas Union.

Read more:

Reuters: Russia complains about German seizure of Iran items

Mon, Jun 28 2010

By Louis Charbonneau

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia complained to the Security Council on Monday about what U.N. diplomats said was Germany's seizure of items bound for a nuclear power plant in Iran, saying such moves were "not in line" with U.N. rules.

Russia had previously told members of the council's Iran sanctions committee it was furious about Germany's seizure of technology bound for the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear reactor in Iran and the questioning of several men connected with the deal, U.N. diplomats told Reuters.

Without mentioning Germany, Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told council members during a meeting on U.N. sanctions against Tehran Moscow was unhappy with the moves by "third states" to prevent the delivery of certain items to Iran.