Algebra 1 – Unit 1
Baseball Stats and Expressions/Equations – Worksheet
The Excel spreadsheet that accompanies this worksheet is set up to calculate various batting statistics that are used in baseball. Your job will be to enter data into the spreadsheet and use that information to determine the expressions and equation/formulas that are used to calculate the various statistics. For each game, you will not necessarily enter statistics for every category.
1) For this problem, we are going to look at determining an expression and equation/formula for calculating the number of at-bats (AB) for the team.
a. What does this statistic (AB) mean in the context of a baseball game? In other words, what is the definition or meaning of this stat?
Meaning àb. For the game against Allamakee (Waukon), the team made 33 plate appearances (PA). This means that there were 33 times when players went to bat. Enter this value into the spreadsheet.
c. Enter the following values into the chart. Be sure to pay close attention to how the AB column changes as you enter the values into the spreadsheet:
• 4 1B (singles); 1 2B (doubles); 1 3B (triples); 1 HR (homeruns)
• 2 ROE (errors)
• 1 HBP (hit-by-pitch); 2 BB (walks)
• 2 SACf (sac flies); 1 SACb (sac bunt)
• 4 K (strikeouts)
d. What was the number of at-bats (AB) for the game?
Answer àe. In words, describe the process for how the number of at-bats (AB) is determined.
Explanation àf. Write an algebraic expression (using the abbreviations for the various stats) that illustrates how to determine the number of at-bats (AB).
Expression àg. Turn the expression from part e into an equation/formula that describes how to calculate the number of at-bats (AB).
Equation à2) For this problem, we are going to look at determining an expression and equation/formula for calculating the number of hits (H) for the team.
a. What does this statistic (H) mean in the context of a baseball game? In other words, what is the definition or meaning of this stat?
Meaning àb. For the game against Clayton Ridge, the team made 40 plate appearances (PA). Enter this value into the spreadsheet.
c. Enter the following values into the chart. Be sure to pay close attention to how the H column changes as you enter the values into the spreadsheet:
• 6 1B (singles); 3 2B (doubles); 1 3B (triples); 2 HR (homeruns)
• 1 ROE (errors)
• 2 HBP (hit-by-pitch); 4 BB (walks)
• 1 SACf (sac flies); 1 SACb (sac bunt)
• 2 K (strikeouts)
d. What was the number of hits (H) for the game?
Answer àe. In words, describe the process for how the number of hits (H) is determined.
Explanation àf. Write an algebraic expression (using the abbreviations for the various stats) that illustrates how to determine the number of hits (H).
Expression àg. Turn the expression from part e into an equation/formula that describes how to calculate the number of hits (H).
Equation à3) For this problem, we are going to look at determining an expression and equation/formula for calculating the batting average (BA) for the team.
a. What does this statistic (BA) mean in the context of a baseball game? In other words, what is the definition or meaning of this stat?
Meaning àb. For the game against Sumner-Fred, the team made 30 plate appearances (PA). This means that there were 30 times when players went to bat. Enter this value into the spreadsheet.
c. Enter the following values into the chart. Be sure to pay close attention to how the BA column changes as you enter the values into the spreadsheet:
• 3 1B (singles); 0 2B (doubles); 0 3B (triples); 1 HR (homeruns)
• 2 ROE (errors)
• 1 HBP (hit-by-pitch); 2 BB (walks)
• 1 SACf (sac flies); 0 SACb (sac bunt)
• 2 K (strikeouts)
d. What was the batting average (BA) for the game?
Answer àe. In words, describe the process for how the batting average (BA) is determined.
Explanation àf. Write an algebraic expression (using the abbreviations for the various stats) that illustrates how to determine the batting average (BA).
Expression àg. Turn the expression from part e into an equation/formula that describes how to calculate the batting average (BA).
Equation à4) For this problem, we are going to look at determining an expression and equation/formula for calculating the on-base percentage (OB%) for the team.
a. What does this statistic (OB%) mean in the context of a baseball game? In other words, what is the definition or meaning of this stat?
Meaning àb. For the game against Valley, the team made 35 plate appearances (PA). Enter this value into the spreadsheet.
c. Enter the following values into the chart. Be sure to pay close attention to how the OB% column changes as you enter the values into the spreadsheet:
• 6 1B (singles); 2 2B (doubles); 1 3B (triples); 1 HR (homeruns)
• 1 ROE (errors)
• 1 HBP (hit-by-pitch); 2 BB (walks)
• 3 SACf (sac flies); 1 SACb (sac bunt)
• 3 K (strikeouts)
d. What was the on-base percentage (OB%) for the game?
Answer àe. In words, describe the process for how the on-base percentage (OB%) is determined.
Explanation àf. Write an algebraic expression (using the abbreviations for the various stats) that illustrates how to determine the on-base percentage (OB%).
Expression àg. Turn the expression from part e into an equation/formula that describes how to calculate the on-base percentage (OB%).
Equation à5) For this problem, we are going to look at determining an expression and equation/formula for calculating the slugging percentage (Slug%) for the team.
a. What does this statistic (Slug%) mean in the context of a baseball game? In other words, what is the definition or meaning of this stat?
Meaning àb. For the game against Central (Elkader), the team made 35 plate appearances (PA). This means that there were 35 times when players went to bat. Enter this value into the spreadsheet.
c. Enter the following values into the chart. Be sure to pay close attention to how the Slug% column changes as you enter the values into the spreadsheet:
• 4 1B (singles); 2 2B (doubles); 1 3B (triples); 2 HR (homeruns)
• 0 ROE (errors)
• 1 HBP (hit-by-pitch); 3 BB (walks)
• 1 SACf (sac flies); 2 SACb (sac bunt)
• 2 K (strikeouts)
d. What was the slugging percentage (Slug%) for the game?
Answer àe. In words, describe the process for how the slugging percentage (Slug%) is determined.
Explanation àf. Write an algebraic expression (using the abbreviations for the various stats) that illustrates how to determine the slugging percentage (Slug%).
Expression àg. Turn the expression from part e into an equation/formula that describes how to calculate the slugging percentage (Slug%).
Equation à6) For this problem, we are going to look at determining an expression and equation/formula for calculating the stolen base percentage (SB%) for the team.
a. What does this statistic (SB%) mean in the context of a baseball game? In other words, what is the definition or meaning of this stat?
Meaning àb. Enter the following values into the chart. Be sure to pay close attention to how the SB% column changes as you enter the values into the spreadsheet:
• 2 SB (stolen bases); 3 SBA (stolen base attempts)
c. What was the stolen base percentage (SB%) for the game?
Answer àd. In words, describe the process for how the stolen base percentage (SB%) is determined.
Explanation àe. Write an algebraic expression (using the abbreviations for the various stats) that illustrates how to determine the stolen base percentage (SB%).
Expression àf. Turn the expression from part e into an equation/formula that describes how to calculate the stolen base percentage (SB%).
Equation à7) For the Decorah game, enter values into the spreadsheet for the various statistics so that the batting average (BA) for the game is 0.315. One condition that MUST be met in order for the stats to match with a realistic game is that the sum of the singles (1B), doubles (2B), triples (3B), homeruns (HR), errors (ROE), hits-by-pitch (HBP), walks (BB), and 21 (which is the number of outs in a 7-inning game) must equal the number of plate appearances (PA).
8) For the MFL game, enter values into the spreadsheet for the various statistics so that the on-base percentage (OB%) for the game is 0.425. One condition that MUST be met in order for the stats to match with a realistic game is that the sum of the singles (1B), doubles (2B), triples (3B), homeruns (HR), errors (ROE), hits-by-pitch (HBP), walks (BB), and 21 (which is the number of outs in a 7-inning game) must equal the number of plate appearances (PA).
9) For the Kee (Lansing) game, enter values into the spreadsheet for the various statistics so that the slugging percentage (Slug%) for the game is 0.490. One condition that MUST be met in order for the stats to match with a realistic game is that the sum of the singles (1B), doubles (2B), triples (3B), homeruns (HR), errors (ROE), hits-by-pitch (HBP), walks (BB), and 21 (which is the number of outs in a 7-inning game) must equal the number of plate appearances (PA).
10) For the Turkey Valley game, enter values into the spreadsheet for the various statistics so that the stolen base percentage for the game is 60.0. One condition that MUST be met in order for the stats to match with a realistic game is that the sum of the singles (1B), doubles (2B), triples (3B), homeruns (HR), errors (ROE), hits-by-pitch (HBP), walks (BB), and 21 (which is the number of outs in a 7-inning game) must equal the number of plate appearances (PA).