Merritt College

Barbara Lee Center for

Science and Allied Health

Program Descriptions


The Barbara Lee Center for Science and Allied Health

After two years under construction, Merritt College’s newest and most prestigious building was completed in August 2015 just in time for students to begin classes for the Fall Semester. Following are all of the course areas and programs that are now taught in this beautiful new setting.

Astronomy courses at Merritt introduces students to the universe and gives them insight into its mysteries -- the sun, the stars, novas, and supernova, black holes, neutron stars, galaxies, and cosmology. Students with further interest can take a class and learn to identify, locate, and observe astronomical objects of the night sky (and once-in-a-lifetime phenomena like eclipses) using telescopes and binoculars. They can also continue their learning with independent study.

Along with general biology classes which offer choices of botany, human anatomy, marine biology, ecology, environmental, and human genetics, Merritt offers certificate programs in two unique programs: The Bay Area Master Naturalist, where students learn about plants, animals, and ecosystems; and the Natural History program which gives students the opportunity to learn in real-life situations by going on field trips to a wide variety of locations such as Point Reyes National Seashore and Morgan Territory Regional Park to learn about physical and biological components of selected ecosystems.

With the new high-tech classrooms and laboratories in the college’s new science building, Merritt students get a strong foundation in chemistry that leads to transfer to a four-year university and rewarding careers in the field. Thanks to the instructor’s guidance, students get hands-on lessons in the general principles of chemistry as well as organic and biochemistry with the opportunity to use a variety of analytical instruments such as infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectrographs.

Emergency Medical Technician
The EMT Program offers a semester-long certificate program designed to prepare students with a multitude of life-saving skills so they can quality for national certification as an EMT-1. The numerous skills range from patient assessment and spinal mobilization to pediatric emergencies and mass casualty training. Overall, they will be able to identify signs and symptoms of injuries/illnesses to the cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, endocrine, and skeletal systems of the human body.

With a Bay Area focus, geography classes at Merritt inform and educate students about the earth, including the distribution and interconnectedness of all natural and cultural phenomena and how places are particular expressions of nature and culture. Physical geography courses focus on earth-sun relations, weather, climate, soils, and ecosystems, while Cultural Geography teaches interrelationships between the people and the land. All courses emphasize critical thinking and teach students to write critically about the Earth in a capstone report.

Merritt gives students taking geology courses the opportunity to gain knowledge in the earth sciences, including the behavior of solids, liquids, and gases that compromise the earth, as well as the forces that act upon it. Along with Physical and Environmental courses, Merritt offers a course in Field Studies to introduce students to the richness of the geologic environment in areas such as Sibley Volcanic Preserve. Students who want to go on to further their education in geology could follow a career path in paleontology, stratigraphy, geological mapping, and more.

Histotechnology (Bioscience)
One of few community college programs of its kind in the country, the Histotechnology program provides on campus and on-site technical training focusing on routine tissue sample preparation, special stains, and techniques. With this skill, students learn to prepare very thin slices of human brain, animal, or plant tissue for microscopic examination, an important part of the process used to establish and confirm patient diagnosis. Because this skill is so highly sought after, numerous students in Merritt’s program have received job offers while still in the program.

Medical Assisting
With a very high rate of students getting externships at local health offices and moving on to full-time jobs, the Medical Assisting Program is one of the most popular at Merritt. Students are offered two certificate programs – Clinical Medical Assisting focusing on “back office” medical assisting duties, including technical skills such as electronic medical records documentation, patient intake, and taking vital signs and height/weight measurements, and Administrative Medical Assisting focusing on “front office medical assisting duties, such as scheduling patient appointments, and all aspects of medical insurance, billing and coding, and collections.

Microscopy (Bioscience)
The Microscopy Program offers a certificate in Illumina HiSeq DNA Sequencing where students learn to prepare samples, operate all relevant devices, interpret data, and troubleshoot problems related to the sequencer. They also design and complete an experiment using the sequencer and interpret findings and participate in writing a report targeted for a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Other certificate programs are available in Fluorescence Bioscience Microscopy and Optical Microscopy. The impressive number and types of equipment include the state-of-the art confocal microscope.

As one of the top nursing programs in the state, Merritt provides top-quality nursing faculty and facilities, such as the new, state-of-the-art Nursing Simulation (SIM) Laboratory. This facility is designed to give students hands-on clinical experience with the use of high-tech mannequins that simulate symptoms, diseases, and conditions that nurses are likely to see in a real-life setting. According to one proud graduate, "Merritt College nursing has provided me with a unique and wonderful learning environment. The instructors have helped me prepare to be an excellent nurse and, as importantly, helped me grow as an individual.

Nutrition and Dietetics
With new classrooms, labs, and a shiny new kitchen, the popular Nutrition and Dietetics Program is primed for success as students train for careers in this field. Whether they are preparing to transfer, are currently employed, or seek advanced training, the students can earn an associate degree in Dietetic Technology or certificate in Dietary Manager as the college provides the healthcare community with culturally diverse dietetic practitioners who have excellent training, ethics, and professionalism.

For anyone who is curious about the physical world around them, Merritt’s Physics Program provides a variety of university-transferable physics courses to satisfy their curiosity, fulfill a science requirement, or prepare them to transfer to a four-year institution with a major in one of the sciences. The comprehensive study of general physics includes light, optics, electricity, magnetism, atomic physics, and modern physics.

Radiologic Science
Graduates of Merritt’s Radiologic Science Program working in the field have called their experience, “engaging and exciting,” “rewarding,“ and “life-changing.” Those sentiments are typical for students in this popular program as they are learning to use high-tech equipment and computers to obtain detailed images of the human body to assist physicians in diagnosing injuries and disease. They are also taught to communicate effectively with patients and medical staff. After graduating, students say they appreciate the skills they were taught by their excellent instructors which made them so marketable when looking for employment.