Community Appraisal and Feedback
Please provide us with your honest assessment of our organization and its services. Your feedback will enable us to identify and prioritize what needs improvement and maintain what is working well.
What services has Salt Spring Island Community Services provided for you or for people you have referred? (please √)
Early Childhood Services / Referral and Resource (Outer Islands)Child and Youth Mental Health / Emergency Mental Health Response
Services for Special Needs Children / Mental Health Consumer Support
School Support / Seniors Wellness
Youth Alcohol and Drug / Victim Assistance
Adult Alcohol and Drug / “Our House” Youth Residence
Family Advancement and Support / Community Living Day Programming
Adult Mental Health Counselling / Food Bank
Mental Health Housing / Other, please specify:
Please rate your level of satisfaction on the below statements, in regards to your dealing with Community Services in the past 12 months.
Rating Scale:
N/A 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
(1 -5 )- Overall satisfaction with the services provided by Salt Spring Island Community Services
- Our responsiveness to service requests
- Ease of accessto our services
- Healthy and safe facilities at Community Services
- Competent and effective staff
- Courteous and respectful staff
- Services that result in positive outcomes
- Staff work collaboratively with others (agencies, family, community)
- Organization and staff advocate for persons served
- Services are flexible and address individual needs
- Community is kept updated on our services and significant changes
- Community Services plays an active role in developing services and programs in the community
General Comments:
What do you like about our services?
Suggestions for how services could be improved:
Other comments and suggestions:
Thanks for your participation in this survey.
If you wish to be contacted about your responses to this survey or any other feedback on the quality of services provided by SaltSpringIsland Community Service, please provide your name and contact information:
Please place the completed survey in the self addressed, postage paid return envelope and drop in the mailOR
fax to 250 537-9974
Please return by …………
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268 Fulford Ganges Road SSI BC V8K2K6
Ph: 250-537-9971