Maryland State Athletic Directors Association
2018 Exhibitor Registration Form
April 27-28, 2018
Princess Royale Hotel, Ocean City, MD
Company Name: ______
Product: ______
Name of representative(s)attending: ______
Address: ______
(Street/post office box)
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Office phone number: ______Fax phone number: ______
Website: ______E-mail:______
Will you offer a door prize or gift certificate for the Saturday drawing?Yes ______No ______
Number of exhibit booth(s) _____ at $325.00per booth (8” x 8’ area) Total $______(includes WiFi access)
$500.00 after April 1, 2018
Do you need? If not indicated, items will not be provided
Table No______Yes______
Chairs (2) No______Yes______
Electricity No______Yes______
We will try to accommodate all reasonable requests, but we are limited with our space. You will be given a booth assignmentwhen you check in with the MSADA Exhibitor Chairperson on Thursday evening or Friday morning.
$______Literature distribution ($75.00), if you want your company’s information included in the conference
registration packets. Please send 200 copies to the address below by April 1, 2018.
$______Cash door prize (indicate amount ex: $25,$50, etc.). We will have the cash prize prepared
for the Saturday door prize drawing. Your company’s name will be announced as the donor.
$______Total due: Make check payable to: MSADA
Note: ***Registration fees are nonrefundable. $30.00 fee will be added for returned checks***
Optional activities for you to participate in:
______Golf Tournament (Ocean City Golf Club), Friday morning - $95.00 $105.00 at golf course
______Seafood Buffet (Phillips Seafood House), Friday evening - $40.00 (includes non-alcoholic drinks and gratuity)
If you have any questions, please contact Tina Queen at the following phone number or email address:
Phone 443-831-1533 or
Other Opportunities You Might Be Interested In
Would your company be interested in sponsoring an event at the conference? You would be able to make a 5minute presentation at the event or signage would be posted at the event.
______Golf Hole Sponsorship - $50.00 (signage recognition on the Golf Course)
______Thursday Night Hospitality Room - $250.00 (signage recognition in the Hospitality Room)
______Friday Night Hospitality Room - $300.00 (signage recognition in the Hospitality Room)
______Saturday Night Social Hour - $2000.00 (presentation at the Banquet)
______Saturday Night Awards Banquet - $5000.00 (presentation at the Banquet)
______Saturday Night Hospitality Room - $300.00 (signage recognition in the Hospitality Room)
______Sunday Morning Breakfast - $1000.00 (presentation at the Breakfast)
If payment is received by March 1st, sponsorship will be included in the Conference Program.
If interested contact Carol Satterwhite
Send this completed form and check made out to MSADAbefore April 1, 2018. Sorry, no credit cards accepted.
c/o Carol M. Satterwhite
5467 Gloucester Rd
Columbia, MD21044