BEGINNER CLASS with Joanie Hughes

Find supplies at Texas Art Supply, Art Supply on Main Street, Hobby Lobby, Michaels Craft Store

One 22in.X 30in. (single full sheet) Arches or Fabriano Cold Press 140 lb watercolor paper

(5ml) Winsor Newton paints

Winsor Yellow No substitutes, please

Winsor Red No substitutes, please

Winsor Blue, green shade No substitutes, please

Winsor Burnt Sienna Optional

Winsor Hookers Green Optional

Kneaded Eraser (rectangle/square shape)

Sharpened Pencils – HB - prefer A.W.Faber Castell or any lead pencil

Acrylic slant brush 3/4 or 5/8 Simple Simmons @ Texas Art $2.35 (if none available ask at desk to bring it down from the warehouse supply)

1” Pro Artist Tape - - - Texas Art Supply, $3.75

Box of white tissues and roll of white paper towel - - - Drug Store

Spray bottle (medium size, fine spray) – Target or Drug Store

Palette-You may want to wait to perchance a palette until after first class. A temporary plastic plate is provided for a palette. Eventually a 12” covered round palette is preferred.

Waterproof support (board) to tape painting on. Thin Plexiglas or plastic coated sign, approximately 16”x18” @ Lowes or Hardware Store. Even a coated lawn sign will be OK.

Small kitchen sponge (to wipe brush, etc)

Keep receipts in case supply item needs to be exchanged.