Australia Awards Scholarship

Intake 2018

Fields of Study

Australia Awards Scholarships are an important component of Australia’s international development assistance to Nepal. The Awards aim to contribute to the long-term needs of developing countries by providing opportunities for individuals to obtain qualifications at Australian tertiary institutions, so that they can contribute to development in their home country. This means that if you are offered this Scholarship, at the completion of your studies you must return to Nepal to contribute to the development of the country for at least two years.

The Priority Sectors and associated Fields of Study for Intake 2018 are set out below:

Priority Sectors / Applicable Fields of Study/Subject Areas
(focusing on development outcomes/impacts)
Education / ·  Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment
·  Decentralised Educational Planning and Management
·  Education Financing
·  Education (Leadership and Management)
·  Education Policy
·  Inclusive Education (Early Childhood/Primary/Secondary)
·  Intellectual and/or Physical Disability
·  Leadership and Management
·  Learning Management (Such as Curriculum Studies, Teachers’ Training Management Aspects)
·  Primary, Secondary and Adult Education
·  Professional Education/ Practice
·  Special Education (TESOL/ESL: English as a Second Language)
Gender, Inclusion and Disability / ·  Economic Empowerment of the Marginalised, including Women
·  Gender and Development
·  Indigenous studies related to Development
·  Social Inclusion and Development
·  Studies on Disability
·  Violence against Women
Governance (For Government of Nepal Applicants Only) / ·  Internatonal Relations
·  Public Administration
·  Public Financial Management
·  Public Policy
·  Urban, Regional and Local Development (including Rural Development)
Health / ·  Public Health Policy
·  Rural Health (Focused on Access to Health Services)
·  Maternal and Child Health
·  Management of Non-communicable Diseases in a Developing Nation
·  Nutrition and Dietetics
·  Community Rehabilitation/ Development
·  Health Economics
·  Forensic Science
·  Biomedical Sciences
Livelihoods and Economic Development / ·  Agricultural Development
·  Development Economics
·  Disaster Risk Reduction (for Government of Nepal Applicants Only)
·  Financial Services for the Poor, including Microfinance Institutions and Rural Banking
·  International Development and Trade
·  Livestock Development
·  Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development
·  Private Public Partnership in relation to Development
·  Private Sector Led Development
·  Protection and Management of Natural Resources in Relation to Development
·  Urban, Regional and Local Development (including Rural Development)
·  Value Chain Development/Management
Water Resource Management / ·  Agricultural Science
·  Climate Change
·  Engineering
·  Environmental Studies – Management, Management and Development, Law and Science
·  Hydrology
·  Integrated Watershed Mangement
·  Natural Resource Management
·  Sustainability

Australia Awards Nepal

GPO Box 8974, EPC – 211, Chhetrabikram Marg, Panipokhari, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4002614, Email: