Where & When
This two day competition will be held in Hastings on Sat 19th & Sun 20th April 2014, which is Easter weekend. The team of 8 Managers and 44 athletes will travel by bus Hastings on Thursday April 17th and will return on Monday April 21st.
Time and pick up points en route will be confirmed after the team has been announced.
The team stays together, normally at a boarding school or similar type accommodation.
This interprovincial competition has athletes from all provinces throughout New Zealand competing.
What do you need to do?
Please complete the attached nomination form and send this in with your deposit. This gives us the intent that your son/daughter wishes to be considered for team selection. A copy of your birth certificate is required. If you competed last year we have these on file and are not needed again. The team will be made up of 11 girls and 11 boys from each grade. Athletes are required to compete in four events with a 3/1 or 2/2 combination of track and field, plus a relay. This competition has a point scoring system with athletes gaining points for each performance, in all events. Athletes will be selected on performances at Ribbon Days, Colgate Games, WBOP Champs, and any performances at Secondary Schools and at Open meets.
How Much
The cost for the team for the weekend will be approx $350-$400 per athlete. This includes all meals and accommodation, travel and entry fees and programme etc.
The centre will be arranging a raffle again this year and for those clubs who support this with ticket sales, there will be a reduction on their cost. A WBOP tracksuit is required for the weekend, these can be purchased for approx $175 or can be hired from centre or borrowed from others. Many clubs own some so please check with your club first. A WBOP running singlet is required also, these can be purchased for $35 or loaned out for the competition. Plain black running shorts complete the uniform.
Next Steps
This year we will have our first official meeting for parents and athletes on Saturday December 14th at Porritt Stadium. We will be holding an informal presentation of what inters is all about and this will also include a coaching session and a mini meet which will be held prior to the senior Open meet. The managers and selectors will be available to answer questions you may have and we will endeavour to outline the rest of the season.
Following this there are plenty of Ribbon days and Open Meets which you can attend, and selectors will be out and about watching your performances and getting to know who you are and what you are capable of. In the meantime if you have any questions, please give one of us a call or email.
Thanks and good luck for the upcoming season
Paula Cole - Chief Manager 027 2792299 or
Jo Davidson - Coordinator 07 855 8705 or
John Goodwin – Chief Selector 07 855 4609
Please complete nomination form below and return by the 31st December 2013
with BIRTH CERTIFICATE and a $50 or $100 deposit The deposit paid will be deducted from the total cost and refunded if not selected for the team
Jo Davidson
Inter provincial Athletics
24 Montrose Cres
Nomination Form
Grade 12 & 13 WBOP Inter - P rovincials Team 201 4
Athletes Name __________________________________
Grade 12 / 13 D.O.B.___________________ Male / Female
Club ___________________________________
Postal Address ___________________________ Email________________________________
Please print clearly for correspondence
Home Phone ___________________________ Contact Mobile # _______________________
Athletes Signature_____________________ Parent Signature__________________________
Birth Certificate attached Yes / No (if not supplied in 201 3 )
Include a $50 deposit to confirm availability
Cheques to be made to “Waikato BOP Childrens Athletics” thanks
Internet banking: 02-0320-0028408-00
Please put athletes name, club and grade as reference
Then email Jo when you have paid this, to assist her with matching up payments
( This will be refunded if the athlete is not selected , and this deposit comes off the final amount due )
Please Return to: Jo Davidson
Inter provincial Athletics
24 Montrose Cres