The following procedures will be used in the evaluation of coaches:

1. The building principal, with athletic director and head coach input, will conduct evaluations of assistant coaches.

2. The building principal, with athletic director input, will conduct evaluation of head coaches.

3. The building principal will be responsible for the contract recommendation.

4. This evaluation is to be completed within a two‑ to four‑week period after the conclusion of the season involved.

5. The final step is a conference with coach, athletic director, and/or building principal to review the written evaluation.

6. A coach may write a rebuttal to the evaluation.

7. There will be 2 formal observations on file per season for use with the evaluations. (at least one practice and one contest/performance)

­ ­ ­ ­ ______________Athletic Coach Evaluation Form

NAME: _________________________ YEAR: ____________

COACHING ASSIGNMENT: _________________________


1. Cooperates with school administration 3 2 1 N/A

2. Cooperates with Athletic/Activities Director 3 2 1 N/A

3. Relationship with coaching staff 3 2 1 N/A

4. Relationship with athletes 3 2 1 N/A

5. Relationship with parents & community 3 2 1 N/A

6. Relationship with non‑coaching faculty 3 2 1 N/A

7. Relationship with media, Booster Club, etc. 3 2 1 N/A

8. Relationship with game officials 3 2 1 N/A

9. Relationship with opponents 3 2 1 N/A

10. Conduct during games 3 2 1 N/A

11. Conduct during practice sessions 3 2 1 N/A

12. Attendance at practices 3 2 1 N/A

13. Attendance at League Meetings 3 2 1 N/A

14. Attends coaching clinics or professional growth 3 2 1 N/A

15. Ability to motivate staff and players 3 2 1 N/A

16. Follows policy in Athletic Handbook 3 2 1 N/A

17. Understands sport rules and regulations 3 2 1 N/A

18. Works with middle school coaches 3 2 1 N/A

19. Works in an advisory role with youth sports 3 2 1 N/A

20. Promotes all sports and activities 3 2 1 N/A

21. Dresses appropriately for all events 3 2 1 N/A



1. Organization of practice sessions 3 2 1 N/A

2. Contest organization 3 2 1 N/A

3. Supervision of participants 3 2 1 N/A

4. Team discipline and motivation 3 2 1 N/A

5. Completion of participation forms 3 2 1 N/A

6. Establishes fundamental philosophy, skills, techniques 3 2 1 N/A

7. Teaching of fundamentals 3 2 1 N/A

8. Leadership and attitude 3 2 1 N/A

9. Develops integrity within the staff 3 2 1 N/A

10. Handling and knowledge of injuries 3 2 1 N/A

11. Care of equipment and inventory 3 2 1 N/A

12. Sharing facilities 3 2 1 N/A

13. Follows proper purchase procedures 3 2 1 N/A

14. Operates sport within budget 3 2 1 N/A

15. Follows school, league, and state policies 3 2 1 N/A

16. Willingness to devote time and effort to coaching duties 3 2 1 N/A


Code: N/A Not observed for this observation or evaluation.

1. Does not meet expectations; substandard; critical concern;

requires immediate remediation.

2. DISTRICT STANDARD ‑ Consistently demonstrates expected

performance for specified competency.

3. Exemplary/Mastery ‑ qualifies as a model for specified


Sources and Documentation Used

______ Formal observation ______ Athlete input

______ Informal observation ______ Peer input

______ Parent input ______ Fan input

______ Officials' input ______ other


Areas of Strength: _________________________________________________


Job targets/Recommendations: ______________________________________


____________________ ___________ __________

Signature of Evaluator Position Date

____________________ ___________ __________

Signature of Evaluator Position Date

____________________ ___________ __________

Signature of Coach Position Date

Signing this form by the coach does not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation but rather the evaluator has given a copy of the evaluation of the coach and discussed it with him/her.

Status in this sport for next year:

_____ Recommended to continue in present assignment

_____ Not recommended to continue in present assignment

Coaching Observation Form

Coach___________________ Position ___________________

Sport____________________ Level______________________

I. Teaching Personality

_____ Self‑control and poise

_____ Appropriate sense of humor

_____ Emotional stability

_____ Vitality and good health

_____ Enthusiasm in working with athletes

_____ Appearance

_____ Punctuality in attendance

_____ Voice quality

_____ Uses appropriate language

II. Professional Qualities

_____ Has harmonious relationship with staff

_____ Upholds department and school policies, rules, regulations

_____ Follows planned, prescribed program

_____ Has good relationship with parents

_____ Follows goals and objectives for year

_____ Submits written reports on time

_____ Has good relationship with personnel from other schools

_____ Keeps athletic director informed about sport

III. Team Management

_____ Is prompt in meeting team

_____ Supervises locker room before/after

_____ Makes maximum use of time available

_____ Demonstrates care of equipment/facilities

_____ Uses good team discipline and control (respect, not fear)

_____ Utilizes staff

_____ Utilizes players

_____ Commands respect by example in appearance and behavior

IV. Coaching Performance

_____ Has knowledge and expertise of sport

_____ Has the ability to motivate athletes

_____ Has the ability to give direction

_____ Exhibits leadership on field/court

_____ Provides individual/group instruction

_____ Well versed in strategy

_____ Practices are well‑planned

_____ Has effective game/meet organization

Comments: ______________________________________________________


________________________________ ___________

Principal or Athletic Director's Signature Date

End-of-Year Athletic Report

Sport Coach Date

#of Participants # of Contests Periods Missed

V Fr./Soph. Fr. V Fr./Soph. Fr. V Fr./Soph. Fr.

Reg. Season


State Contests



Record won lost tie

Varsity _____ _____ _____

Fresh/Soph _____ _____ _____

Freshman _____ _____ _____



Team awards given by coaching staff:

All-conference Players:

All-sate Players:

Team records set for this year



1. Must be a minimum of 21 years old and have a current coaching certification through IHSA and be ASEP certified or be a certified teacher and approved by the _____________ School Board of Education.

2. Must possess a current first aid and CPR certificate.

3. Has the ability to organize and supervise a total sports program.

4. Has previous successful coaching experience in assigned sport or other appropriate experience

5. The head coach must have substantial knowledge of the sport and at the same time must continue to examine new theories and procedures pertinent to the field.

Reports To: The athletic director, who provides overall objectives and final evaluation in conjunction with the high school principal.

Supervises: The head coach must supervise and coordinate the entire sports program from Varsity, Fresh/Soph and Freshman levels. The head coach should also work in an advisory role with the middle school staff and local youth sports teams.

Job Goal: To instruct athletes in the fundamental skills, strategy, and physical training necessary for them to realize a degree of individual and team success. At the same time, the student shall receive instruction that will lead to the formulation of moral values, pride of accomplishment, acceptable social behavior, self‑discipline, and self‑confidence.


1. The success of athletic programs has a strong influence on the community's image of entire system. The public exposure is a considerable responsibility, and community/parent pressure for winning performance is taxing but must not override the objective of good sportsmanship and good mental health.

2. The position includes other unusual aspects such as extended time, risk injury factor, and due process predicaments.

3. It is the express intent of this job description to give sufficient guidance to function. In cases not specifically covered, it shall be assumed that a coach shall exercise common sense and good judgment

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Has a thorough knowledge of all the athletic policies approved by the Abingdon School Board of Education and is responsible for its implementation by the entire staff of the sports program.

2. Has knowledge of existing system, and state and league regulations, and implements it consistently and interprets them for staff.

3. Understand the proper administrative chain of command and refers all requests or grievances through proper channels. Is aware of all public/staff/departmental meetings that require attendance.

4. Presents lettering policy to principal and athletic director for review and approval PRIOR to the sport parent night.

Staff Responsibilities:

1. Establishes the fundamental philosophy, skills, and techniques to be taught by staff. Designs conferences, clinics, staff meetings, and parent meetings to insure awareness of overall program.

2. Trains and informs staff, encourages professional growth by encouraging clinic attendance according to local clinic policy.

3. Delegates specific duties, supervises implementation, and at season’s end, analyzes staff effectiveness and evaluates all assistants.

4. Maintains discipline, adjusts grievances and works to increase morale and cooperation.

5. Perform such other duties, which may be assigned by the athletic director or principal.

Administrative Duties:

1. Assists the athletic director in scheduling, providing transportation, and requirements for tournament and special sport events.

2. Assists in the necessary preparation to hold schedule sport events or practices and adheres to scheduled facility times. Coordinates program with maintenance and school employees.

3. Provides documentation to fulfill state and system requirements concerning physical examination, parental consent and eligibility, and proof of insurance.

4. Reports, in writing, the playing of an ineligible player the first working day following the event to the athletic director, league schools and IHSA headquarters.

5. Provides proper safeguards for maintenance and protection of assigned equipment sites.

6. Advises the athletic director and recommends policy, method, or procedural changes.

7. Insure students who need medical forms have them on file with the school nurse.

Student S upervision :

1. Supervises squad members from the time they report to school for a practice or game until they leave the school at the conclusion of the activity.

2. Provides training rules and any other unique regulation of the sport to each athlete who is considered a participant.

3. Gives constant attention to a student athlete’s grades and conduct.

4. By his/her presence at all practices, games, and while traveling, provides assistance, guidance, and safeguards for each participant.

5. When only one coach travels with a team on a bus, the coach must sit toward the middle of the bus to adequately observe students.

6. Insure team-building exercises do not include any form of harassment, hazing or initiation.

7. Contacts parents of student who is cut from the team. Using bi-weekly eligibility list, contact parents of those players who are ineligible.

8. Imitates programs and policies concerning injuries, medical attention, and emergencies.

9. Completes paperwork on all athletic injuries on proper forms and submits to athletic office with in 24 hours.

10. Directs student managers, assistants, statisticians and parent volunteers.

11. Determines discipline, and delineates procedures concerning due process when the enforcement of the discipline is necessary. Apprises parents and athletic director of the situation.

12. Assists athletes in their college or advanced educational selection.

Equipment and Facilities:

1. Participates in the budgeting function with the athletic director by establishing requirements for the next season. Recommends equipment guidelines as to type, style, color, or technical specifications. Is responsible for operation within budget appropriations.

2. Is accountable for all equipment and collects the costs of any equipment lost or not returned. Arranges for issuing, storing, and reconditioning of equipment and submits annual inventory and current records concerning it.

3. Properly marks and identifies all equipment before issuing or storing.

4. Monitors equipment rooms and coaches’ offices, authorizes who may enter, and issue requisition equipment.

5. Permits the athletes to only be in authorized areas of the building at the appropriate times.

6. Examines locker rooms before and after games, checking on general cleanliness of the facility. Responsible for cleanliness and maintenance of specific sport equipment.

7. Secures all doors, lights, windows, and locks before leaving building.

8. Instills in players a respect for equipment and school property, their care, and proper use.

Public Relations :

1. Responsible for meeting with parents and participants prior to the start of

the sports' season.

2. Provides approved expectations, procedures and policies to parents and


3. Promotes the sport within the school through recruiting athletes who are not in another sports' program and promotes the sport outside the school through news media, little league programs, or in any other feasible manner.

4. Responsible for the quality, effectiveness, and validity of any oral or written releases to local media.

5. Responsible for maintaining good public relations with news media, Booster Club, parents, officials, volunteers, and fans.

6. Presents information to news media concerning schedules and tournaments.

7. Provides necessary results and statistics following contests. Responsible for contacting media with contest results after each game.



1. Must be a certified teacher or be ASEP certified and approved by the Abingdon School Board of Education.

1. Must be a minimum of 18 years old and hold a high school diploma.

2. Previous coaching experience in assigned sport is desirable.

3. Has knowledge and background in the assigned sport.

Reports To: The head coach, in conjunction with the athletic director and respective principal.

Supervises : Athletes and teams assigned to him/her and assume supervisory control over all athletes in program when such control is needed.

Job Goal : To carry out the aims and objectives of the sport as outlined by the head coach to instruct athletes in individual and team fundamentals, strategy, and physical training necessary for them to realize a degree of individual and team success. To assist in off-season programs and in an advisory role with middle school and youth programs.

Duties and Responsibilities :

1. Has a thorough knowledge of all the athletic policy approved by the ______________ School Board of Education and is responsible for its implementation.

2. Has knowledge of the existing system, state and league regulations, and implements them consistently.

3. Understands the proper administrative chain of command and refers all student and parent requests of grievances through proper channels, is aware of all public/staff/departmental meetings that require attendance.

4. Maintains discipline and works to increase morale and cooperation within the school sports’ program.

5. Is loyal to their head coach and will follow all guidelines and strategies of the head coach.

Administrative Duties:

1. Assists the head coach in scheduling, providing transportation to tournaments and special sport events.

2. Assists in the necessary preparations to hold scheduled sport events or practices and adheres to scheduled facility times. Coordinates program with maintenance and school employees.