
Review Part 2 Worksheet

1. Convert Decimal to Percent:

a.  0.467 46.7%

b.  0.82 82%

2. Convert Percent to Decimal:

a.  29.5% .295

b.  81% .81

c.  3% .03

d.  90% .90

3. Convert Fraction to Decimal (don’t round):

a.  2340 .575

b.  58 .625

4. Convert Fraction to Percent – two steps (don’t round):

a.  750 .14 = 14%

b.  78 .875 = 87.5%


A restaurant bill is $84.97, find a

5.  15% tip $84.97 X .15 = $12.75

6.  20% tip $84.97 X .20 = $16.99


You go grocery shopping and you spend $124.68

7.  Find the tax on your purchase if the sales tax is 6.85%

$124.68 X .0685 = $8.54

8.  How much is your total after the tax?

$124.68 + $8.54 = $133.22

Interest Rate I = P x R x T:

9.  Find the interest earned if P = 8000 R = 7% and T = 1 year

8000 X .07 X 1= $560 interest

10.  Bill invests $450 dollars into a savings account that earns 3.2% every year. How much will he have earned if he leaves it in the account for 5 years?

$450 X .032 X 5 = $72 in interest

11.  Nancy’s credit card has $1850 on it. Her bank penalizes her 9.8% each year she has that balance. If she leaves her credit card like that for 2 years how much will she have on her credit card?

$1850 X .098 X 2 = $362.60, $1850 + $362.60 = $2212.60 she now owes on her credit card.

Set up that proportion and solve!:

12.  One serving of pasta contains 210 calories. What percent of a 2000-calorie diet is contained in one serving of pasta

2102000=X100 10.5% of a 2000 calorie diet

13.  The $299.99 cell phone Brittany purchased was on sale for 10% off. What amount did Brittany get off the price?

x299.99=10100 $29.99 off the original price

A laptop computer is normally $1299 but it discounted to $999. What percent of the original price does Charles pay?
9991299=X100 76.9% of original price

14.  Jacob paid $120 for a portable e-book reader that was 80% of the original price. What was the original price?

120X=80100 $150 was the original price

Opposite questions:

15.  Kim got 3 problems wrong on a test of 25 questions. What percent of the questions did she get correct?

25-3 means kim got 2225=x100 88 % correct

16.  Joey went golfing and out of 15 holes he shot 80% of them on par. How many holes were not on par? (If you are wondering what par means, it is the pre-determined number of strokes a golfer should take to complete the hole….haha maybe you are even more confused…or you already knew that! But you don’t need to know that information to complete this problem, just a bit of side information. Now get solving!)

100% - 80% = 20% not on par x15=20100 3 holes were not on par

Box problems + write that sentence!:

17.  If you ate a 315-calorie meal, and 95 calories are from fat, about what percent of the meal is fat?

Use a Proportion / Answer
Fat 95 cal. /
95315=x100 / 95 X 100315=X x= 30.16%
Sentence: 30.2 % of the calories in a 315 calorie meal came from fat, if you ate 95 calories (from fat).

18.  You want to leave a tip for a meal that costs $17.95. If all you leave is $3.00, what percent of a tip did you leave?

Use a Proportion / Answer
Tip $3 /
317.95=x100 /
3 X 100 17.95= X X= 16.71 %
Sentence: If we leave a $3 tip on a bill of $17.95, we are leaving a 16.7 % tip

19.  If the 481 children’s books represent 13% of the books in the library, how many total books are in the library?

Use a Proportion / Answer
Books 481 – children’s books /
481X=13100 /
481 X 10013=X X = 3700
Sentence: Our library contains 3700 books, 13% of those are Children’s books.