April 7-10, 2013
Westin Denver Downtown
Denver, Colorado
The information presented in these Minutes was covered in two parts: Sunday (April 7, 1:00-2:00 PM and Monday April 8, 8:30-10:00 AM). Discussion of the Strategic Plan was conducted on Monday. Awards and Certificates were presented at the Banquet.
President McDaniel thanked the Local Arrangements Committee, Sam and Dale Decker and Marshall and Barbara Shackelford. She also thanked the companies and organizations sponsoring the Social Hours and Spouses' Activities. The sponsors are listed on Attachment A.
President McDaniel introduced:
· Dale Decker, who introduced Timothy Harris, Chief Engineer, CO DOT. Mr. Harris welcomed AAPT to Colorado. He stated that Colorado has many of the same problems funding the building and maintenance of the highway system as other states. The population of Colorado has increased 53%. There are 3400 bridges and many miles of highway with a $1 billion budget. He felt that the challenge of this technical meeting is to: learn something, network, gain knowledge on life cycle cost analysis and have some fun.
· Anthony Kriech, Director of Research, Heritage Research Group presented the Keynote speech for the Conference. Mr. Kriech described the process by which the International Agency for the Research of Cancer (IARC) deliberated about the carcinogenicity of asphalt (bitumen) and its fumes based on a review of. IARC determines if there is evidence of a potential hazard, but does not evaluate risk, which is the likelihood of harm. Hard and straight-run asphalts and their emissions were upgraded from Group 3, meaning not classifiable as carcinogenic, to 2B, possibly carcinogenic. Other things in the 2B category include coffee and cell phones.
Minutes of the 87 th Annual Business Meeting
President McDaniel asked for any additions or corrections to the Minutes of the 87th Annual Meeting, which was held April 1-4, 2012. The Minutes were mailed to the membership in May 2012. There were no corrections or additions and it was MSC that the Minutes be approved as distributed.
Secretary-Treasurer's Report
President McDaniel called for the report of the Secretary-Treasurer.
Staff Mrs. Eileen Soler has been the Secretary for AAPT since 2003 and continues to do the work of AAPT from the office in Lino Lakes, MN.
Membership Secretary-Treasurer reported that the Association membership decreased by 28 to 698 as of December 31, 2012. Over the past three years there has been a decrease in membership. During 2012, there were 42 new members and these are listed in Attachment B. President McDaniel welcomed the new AAPT members and presented certificates to those in attendance at the banquet. There were 64 members who resigned or were dropped because of non-payment of dues.
The Association lost four members to death in 2012. These are: Jorge Agnusdei, Joseph Craus, Richard Stander, Barnie Vallerga. In addition, we learned that Bob Nady passed away last week. President McDaniel asked the members in attendance to stand for a moment of silence in honor of those members and friends who had died.
New Life Members Eight (8) members became life members as of the end of 2012. To attain life membership it is necessary to be a member of the Association continuously for 30 years. The new life members are: Andrew C. Clayton, J. Keith Davidson, Phillip D. Feliz, Robert L. Lytton, Richard W. May, Reynaldo Roque, Richard J. Schreck, Chris A. Bell. President McDaniel wished them well. She stated that she hoped that the new life members will continue to be active in the Association. Life membership certificates were distributed to the life members attending the Banquet.
Financial Report Attachment C includes both the 2012 AAPT Income/Expense statement and Balance Sheet for December 31, 2012. The income/expense sheet shows the actual numbers for the year, the 2012 budget and variance. The 2012 Income/Expense statement shows a net loss of $3049.41. Acamedics, Inc was used again for handling paper submissions and reviews. The income item ISAP rent is for use of AAPT office space, computer, copier, etc.
The Balance Sheet shows the distribution of monies and funds for the Association as of December 31, 2012. The dedicated funds are not included in the general fund or in the capital reserve. The 2013 budget of $236,350.00 has been approved by the Board of Directors.
The 2013 dues statements were sent to members in December 2012 and dues are now payable for those members who have not sent their payment to the office. Members who have not paid their 2012 dues are being reminded to pay up or they will be dropped as of June 30, 2013. It was MSC that the 2012 financial report be accepted.
Journal Volume 81 of the Journal was mailed to members who have paid their 2012 dues. A CD with all the papers, discussions, presentations, list of members and pictures from the 2012 meeting is included. Acamedics has brought significant savings to the Association. Thank you to all the reviewers and authors for support on producing a quality journal.
President's Report
President McDaniel reported on a number of issues.
Transition to New Leadership The president thanked Gene Skok for his decades of service to the Association. A scrapbook of thanks and reminiscences from over 70 members of the Association was presented to Dr. Skok at the banquet. Bob McGennis also presented him with an umbrella on behalf of the past presidents, thanking him for “keeping us covered” for all those years. McDaniel reported at the business meeting that the search committee had received three proposals from excellent candidate teams. All three teams were interviewed and thoroughly vetted for conflicts of interest; none were found. Ultimately, the search team recommended Mike Anderson to replace Gene Skok, and the Board unanimously approved this selection. Anderson is extremely well qualified to assume the reins. Eileen Soler will continue to serve as the secretary of the Association. As we move forward, there will be some changes but we will continue to respect the legacy of the organization. Members and prospective members will see more outreach between meetings, more publications and more visibility.
Changes to By-Laws and Constitution The Board has been discussing a number of needed changes to the constitution and by-laws and will soon begin the process of balloting to make these changes. The Board feels these changes are need to update the guiding documents and keep them vital and meaningful. One item to be proposed is to change the Secretary-Treasurer title to Executive Director to more accurately reflect the role of the position. Another is to clarify membership categories and responsibilities. A third change is to allow directors at large to serve for two years, since the first year is largely spent learning the job. Another change is to allow electronic balloting in lieu of paper ballots; this change will save money, paper and time. The membership should be aware that the Board interprets “written communication” to include email, so members should be sure to keep their email addresses up to date.
Journal Issues The Board feels strongly that it is absolutely imperative to have an ISI journal option and we are committed to ensuring that we have that. This affects the entire membership, not just a portion of the membership. We risk losing high quality papers and participants if ISI is not available. It is telling that once this option became available, 75% of the papers were submitted as ISI papers. There is no difference in quality; the choice of ISI or not reflects the type of paper and the authors’ wishes. All papers undergo the same review process; five reviewers are asked to review the paper, then the Board reviews the reviews. Nonetheless, the Board recognizes the need to seek the best way to offer an ISI option and will, therefore, form a Publications Committee to advise the Board on ways to improve the process. Mike Anderson will be the Board’s liaison to the committee, and the chair will select a balanced committee. We welcome comments and expressions of interest in serving on the committee from the membership. Lastly, the Board intends to start asking who wants to receive printed copies of the journal as we move more towards electronic distribution for those who prefer that format.
Other Items President McDaniel mentioned that the International Forum now has a prominent position in the program. This started as just an update at the Board/Business meeting and has grown to be an integral part of the program. She thanked Hervé di Benedetto for organizing this and serving as the International Liaison to the Board.
The Poster Session and Newer Member Breakfast have been extremely well received and will be continued. President McDaniel thanked Andrew Braham for his work with the Newer Member Committee and thanked Frank Fee and NuStar for supporting the breakfast.
President McDaniel also thanked Geoff Rowe and Andrew Braham and the other members of the Technology Committee for their work on electronically distributed the preprints and establishing the LinkedIn group.
Lastly, President McDaniel thanked the Board of Directors and the membership for their cooperation in 2012.
Presentation of the W.J. Emmons Annual Award
Each year the Board of Directors appoints a committee which has the responsibility of reading and rating all of the papers, and selecting the best paper presented at the Technical Sessions. The Chairman of the 2012 Annual Award Committee was Mihai Marasteanu; Members, Jo Daniel, Silvia Caro, Gaylon Baumgardner; Gabriele Tebaldi, Tim Clyne.
The winner of the 2012 Emmons Award was the paper entitled, “Effects of Interface Condition Characteristics on Open-Graded Friction Course Top-Down Cracking Performance” by Yu Chen, Gabriele Tebaldi, Reynaldo Roque, George Lopp and Yumin Su; University of Florida. President McDaniel thanked the Annual Award Committee for their work. The award was presented at the banquet.
The 2013 Emmons Award Committee appointed at the October 2012 Board Meeting is Chairperson, Gaylon Baumgardner; Members, Silvia Caro, Gabriele Tebaldi, Tim Clyne, Elie Hajj, Audrey Copeland, Scot Schwandt.
International Committee Report
Dr. Herve Di Benedetto, the Chairman of the International Committee, reported that he was pleased that the Board had developed this ad-hoc committee. The International Forum is scheduled to be held 2:30-5:00PM, Monday, April 8, for the 2013 meeting. The subject will be “Specifications and Use of Bituminous Materials in Europe.”
2012 Scholarships
Two $2000 scholarships were given by AAPT in 2012 to: Brian Hill, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, and Salman Hakimzadeh, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign
Scholarship applications for 2013 can be found on the AAPT website or from the Office and are due by May 1, 2013.
The AAPT Scholarship Fund is now named the Ward K. Parr, Southeastern User Producer Group, Douglas Coleman Scholarship Fund.
Old Business
There was no old business discussed.
New Business
Report of the Tellers’ Committee Mr. John Garrity reported that the Tellers Committee had counted the ballots with the following results for the 2013 Board of Directors: President Ramon Bonaquist; First Vice-President Brian Prowell; Second Vice-President Geoffrey Rowe; Directors-at-Large, William Buttlar and Randy West.
Introduction of 2013 Officers President McDaniel introduced President-elect Ramon Bonaquist who said he was looking forward to another good year with the Association. He will be setting up committees charged with carrying out the next steps for the Strategic Plan. He introduced the new Board of Directors and presented President McDaniel with the Past President’s memento and Certificate at the banquet.
Other Announcements President McDaniel announced that the 2014 Nominating Committee will be chaired by Reynaldo Roque. The members will be named later.
President McDaniel thanked outgoing Director-at-Large Amy Epps Martin, who received a Certificate of Recognition for serving on the Board in 2013 at the banquet. She also thanked Past President Reynaldo Roque for all the work he has done and who now is leaving the Board after six years. Two immediate past presidents remain on the Board of Directors.
The Asphalt Institute meeting registration system has been used for this AAPT Meeting. It has worked very well and President McDaniel thanked Peter Grass and his staff, especially Charlena Gray, for their help.
She reminded the members that the 89th Annual Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, March 16-19, 2014.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.
Respectively submitted,
Eugene L. Skok, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer