CURRENT POSITION: Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

Program Director for the Master of Education

ADDRESS: School of Education

University of South Australia

St Bernards Road

Magill 5072

South Australia

PHONE: +61 08 8302 4612

FAX: +61 08 8302 4394



1. Personal information

1.1 Personal details

Name: Dr Susan E. Hill

Citizenship: Australia

Languages spoken: English

Geographical experience: Australia, Singapore, Canada, Taiwan, USA

Special interests/expertise: Early language and literacy, early childhood curriculum

2. Academic experiences

2.1 Positions within the University of South Australia

Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education
Senior Lecturer




Researcher, Centre for Studies of Literacy, Policy and Learning Cultures
Researcher, Hawke Research Institute

2.2 Positions prior to joining UniSA


Junior Primary teacher

South Australian Department of Education and Canberra Catholic Education Office


Reading Advisor

Reading Development Centre, Adelaide


Research Assistant Professor Alan Purves and Professor Robert Stake

University of Illinois, USA

2.3 Academic qualifications


Bachelor of Education (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia)


Master of Education (University of Illinois, USA)


Doctor of Education (University of Illinois, USA)

3. Educational experience

3.1 Recent teaching responsibilities at UniSA

2006- 2009

Program Director for the Master of Education Program


Course co-coordinator: Literacy: Birth to eight years; Curriculum contexts of early childhood Education; Early Electronic literacies; Negotiated study research.

3.2 Current research Degree Supervision

PhD candidates

Ngaire Millar Young children’s internet safety: Exploring how Community of Inquiry builds media critical literacy skills

Carolyn Cole Talking with toddlers in child care: Make a difference to young children’s vocabulary development

Helena Card Engaging hearts, minds and souls of young children: Exploring the Reggio Emilia Approach and the connection to young children’s innate spirituality

Master of Education by Research

Gulsah Ozturk Gender and young children’s book choices in early literacy


Carly Wilamowski Apps, iPods, and engaging early literacy learners

4. Research experience

4.1 Research Projects


What do young Indigenous children want to read and why?

Chief Investigator, with Anne Glover (UniSA) and Michael Colbung (University of Adelaide)

University of South Australia Divisional Research Performance Fund


Children of the new millennium: Using information and communication technologies for

playing and learning in the information age

Chief Investigator, with Nicola Yelland (RMIT) and Kath Thelning (DECS)

Australian Research Council Linkage Grant


Questioning development in literacy: preschool to year 2

Chief Investigator, with Barbara Comber (UniSA), William Louden (Edith Cowan), Jo-Anne Reid (Ballarat) and Judith Rivalland (Edith Cowan)

Australian Research Council Large, Project Director


Literacy development in the early years: a longitudinal study from the year prior to school to the first four years of school.

Chief Investigator, with Barbara Comber (UniSA), William Louden (Edith Cowan), Jo-Anne Reid

(Ballarat) and Judith Rivalland (Edith Cowan)

Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs. DETYA, Canberra, Australia


Connections between literacy development in the prior to school period and the first

year of formal schooling

Chief Investigator, with Barbara Comber (UniSA), William Louden (Edith Cowan), Jo-Anne Reid

(Ballarat) and Judith Rivalland (Edith Cowan)

Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs. DETYA, Canberra, Australia

4.2 Consultancies


Books birth to five: retrospective and longitudinal effects of early literacy before school

Chief Investigator, with Christy Ward (UniSA)

For the Little Big book Club, Australia


Comparing approaches to promote early literacy skills

Chief Investigator, with Susan Krieg (Flinders University)

For the Department of Education and Children’s Services, South Australia


The impact of multiliteracies map on the learning of facilitators

Chief Investigator

For the Department of Education and Children’s Services, South Australia

5. Memberships and Service

5.1 Board Member

Tutti Ensemble: Artists with a disability

5.2 Professional Associations

Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA)

International Reading Association (IRA)

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Australian Association Research Education (AARE)

Senior Consultant

Flying Start to Literacy Okapi USA, Lioncrest Australia.

Alphakids Literacy Program, Horwitz Martin, Australia and United Kingdom.

5.3 Academic journals


Australian Journal of Language and Literacy


Consulting editor Alberta Journal of Elementary Education

I have reviewed articles for the following journals:

Journal of Education Enquiry

Australian Journal of Language and Literacy

7. Publications

7.1 Books

Hill, S forthcoming 2011, Developing early literacy: assessment and teaching, 2nd edition, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S 2006, Developing early literacy: assessment and teaching, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S 1999, Guiding Literacy Learners: Focus on literacy, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S 1999, Guiding literacy learners: focus on literacy, United States Revised Edition, Stenhouse Publishers, Maine.

Hill, S 1999, Phonics: focus on literacy, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S. 1999, Phonics: focus on literacy, United States Revised Edition, Stenhouse Publishers, Maine.

Hill, S, Nixon, H, Comber, B, Badger, L & Wilkinson, L 1996, Literacy learning and social justice, video and book, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne (distributed by Heinemann, USA).

Hill, S & O'Loughlin, J 1995, Booktalk: collaborative responses to literature, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Comber, B, Nixon, H, Badger L & Hill, S 1995, Literacy, diversity and schooling, video and book, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S 1994, Books alive!: using literature in the classroom, revised edition for Canada, Peguis Publishers, Winnipeg, Canada.

Hill, S 1994, Booktalk: collaborative responses to literature, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Comber, B, Nixon, H, Badger, L & Hill, S 1994, Literacy, diversity and schooling video and book, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne (distributed by Heinemann, USA).

Hill, S 1992, Games that work: co-operative games and activities for the primary classroom, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S 1991, Jump for joy, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S & Hancock, J 1991, Communities of readers and writers, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S & Hill, T 1990, The collaborative classroom: a guide to co-operative learning, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne and Heinemann New Hampshire USA (reprinted 1990, 1991 and 1992).

Hill, S 1990, Readers theatre, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne.

Hill, S 1990, Raps and rhymes, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Melbourne, Heinemann New Hampshire (reprinted 1990 and 1991).

Hill, S. & O'Loughlin, J. 1990, Passwords: a guide to English for lower secondary students, Sydney, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Hill, S 1989, Poems not to be missed, Adelaide, ERA Publications.

Hill, S 1989, Really rapt, Adelaide, ERA Publications.

Hill, S 1979, Playing around: language through drama. Rigby, Australia.

7.2 Book Chapters

Hill, S & Nichols S forthcoming 2011, Early literacy: towards a semiotic approach, in Handbook of research on the education of young children, B Spodek & O Saracho (eds), Routledge, London.

Hill, S in process 2010, Early literacy: connections and disconnections between oral language and literacy, in Transitions to Early Care and Education: International Perspectives on Making Schools Ready for Young Children, D. Laverick & M. Jalongo (eds.). Springer International, Netherlands.

Hill, S & Nichols, S 2009, Multiple pathways between home and school literacy, in Early childhood education, M Fleer, AJE Anning & J Cullen (eds), 2nd edn, Sage Publications, London.

Hill, S 2007, Multiliteracies in early childhood, in Early childhood education: an international encyclopaedia, R New & M Cochran (eds), Greenwood Publishing Group.

Hill,S 2007, Multiliteracies: towards the future, in Literacies in childhood: changing views, challenging practices, L Makin C Jones Diaz C McLachlan (eds), 2nd edn. Elsevier, Melbourne.

Hill, S & Nichols, S 2006, Emergent literacy: symbols at work, in Handbook of research on the education of young children (2nd Edition), B Spodek & O Saracho (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.

Hill, S & Nichols, S 2003, Multiple pathways between home and school literacy, in Early Childhood Education, M. Fleer, A.J.E Anning & J. Cullen (eds), Sage Publications, London.

Hill, S & Broadhurst, D 2002, Technoliteracy and the early years, in Literacies in early childhood: changing views challenging practice, L Makin & C Diaz (eds), McLennon and Petty, Sydney.

Hill, S & Nichols, S 2002, Emergent literacy: symbols at work, in Handbook of research on the education of young children, B Spodek & O Saracho (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.

Hill, S 2001, Theoretical tools for talk, in Talking classrooms: shaping children's learning through oral language instruction, P. Smith (ed), International Reading Association, Newark, Delaware.

Hill, S 2000, Theoretical tools for talk, in Talking classrooms: shaping children's learning through oral language instruction, P Smith (ed), International Reading Association, Newark, NY.

Hill, S 1999, Perspectives on cooperative learning, in L Berk (ed) Landscapes of development, Wadsworth Publishing Company, California.

7.3 Refereed journal articles

Hill, S, Colbung, M & Glover, A forthcoming 2010, My favourite book! young Aboriginal children’s book choices, Australasian Journal of Early Childhood.

Hill, S forthcoming 2010, Towards ecologically valid assessment in early literacy, Early Child Development and Care.

Hill, S 2010, The millennium generation: teacher-researchers exploring new forms of literacy, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, vol 10, no. 3, 314-340. http://ecl.sagepub.com/content/10/3/314 accessed 11.11.2010

Hill, S. 2010, Oral language play and learning, Practically Primary, vol. 15, no. 2, 4-6.

Hill, S & Launder, N 2010, Oral language and beginning to read, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 33, no. 3, 240-254.

Hill, S 2010, Oral language and beginning reading: exploring connections and disconnections, Forum on Public Policy Online: http://www.forumonpublicpolicy.com/summer09/archivesummer09/hill.susan.pdf

Hill, S 2004, Privileged literacy in preschool, Australian Journal of Language & Literacy, vol. 27, no.2, 159-171.

Hill, S 2001, Questioning text levels, Australian Journal of Language & Literacy, vol. 27, no. 1, 8-20.

Comber, B & Hill, S 2000, Socio-economic disadvantage, literacy and social justice: learning from longitudinal case study research, The Australian Educational Researcher, vol. 27, no.9, 79-97.

Hill, S 1997, Perspectives on early literacy and home-school connections, Australian Journal of Language & Literacy, vol. 20, no.4, 263-279.

Hill, S 1999, 100 Children go to school: connections between literacy development in the prior-to-school period and the first year of schooling, Queensland Journal Educational Research, vol. 15, no 12, 35-42.

Louden, W, Hunter, J, Comber, B, Hill, S, Rivalland, J & Reid, J 1999, One hundred children: baseline assessment in literacy in the early years of education, Journal of Research in Reading, vol. 22, no.1, 89-94.

Hill, S 1998, 100 children go to school, Educating Young Children, vol. 4, no. 4, 8-12.

Hill, S 1997, Perspectives on early literacy and home-school connections, Australian Journal of Language & Literacy, vol. 20, no. 4, 263-279.

Hill, S 1997, Cooperative learning and play: what's in it for children? Early Years, vol 16, no 2, 17- 21.

Hill, S & Veale, A 1996, Love, care and politics in low income early childhood settings: the process of constructing a professional identity, Journal for Australian Research in Early Childhood Education, vol 2, 20-28.

Hill, S 1996, Cooperative learning: turning obstacles into opportunities, Primary English Teachers Association PEN Note 103, 1-6.

Hill, S 1996, Collaborative research, Connections, vol 3, no 2, 19-24.

Hill, S 1994, Early literacy and diversity, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 20, no. 1, 23-27.

Hill, S 1994, Cooperative communities in early childhood, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 19, no. 4, 44-48.

Hill, S 1993, Learning with a future - cooperative learning, Science Education News, Science Teachers Association, vol. 42, no. 4, 30-34.

Hill, S 1993, It's a narrow view of literacy: academic, teaching literacy in the western suburbs. Literacy is a challenge for some, Voice: A Journal for Educators, vol. 1, no. 2.

Hill, S 1992, Games at work, Primary Education, vol. 22, no. 7.

Hill, S 1991, Cooperative structures for language, Primary Education, vol. 22, no. 6.

Hill, S 1991, Building a community of readers, Primary Education, vol. 22, no. 1.

Hill, S 1991, From raps to readers theatre, Primary Education, vol. 22, no 2.

7.4 Refereed conference papers

Hill, S & Launder, N 2009, Bridges between oral language and learning to read: what are the connections between oral language and early reading? Paper presented at the Australian Literacy Educators’ National Conference. National Conference, Hobart, Tasmania.

Hill, S 2009, Connections between oral language and beginning to read. Paper presented at the Symposium on Early Childhood Literacy: Exploring New Means and Methods’. Oxford Round Table, Oxford University.

Hill, S 2006, Baby bounce: the little big book club way to begin. Paper presented at the Literacy for Children 0-2 Years Symposium, International Reading Association Annual Conference, Chicago.

Hill, S & Mulhearn G 2006, Children of the new millennium: research and professional learning into practice. Paper presented at the Australian Research in Early Childhood Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.

Hill, S, 2005, Multiliteracies and motivation. Paper presented at the Early Literacy Institute International Reading Association Annual Conference, San Antonio.

Yelland, N, Hill, S & Mulhearn, G 2004, Children of the new millennium. Paper presented at the Tenth International Literacy & Education Research Network Conference on Learning LERN conference, Havana, Cuba.

Hill, S 2004, Reading like a writer of electronic texts. Paper presented at the International Reading Association Annual Convention, Reno, Nevada.

Hill, S & Bettes, H 2003, Beginning to read like a writer. Paper presented at the International Reading Association 48th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.

Hill, S & Mulhearn, G 2002, Children of the new millennium: using information and communication technologies (ICT). Paper presented at the PECERA Conference, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.

Hill, S, Yelland, N & Mulhern, G 2002, Children of the new millennium: young children learning with ICT. Paper presented at the Ninth International Literacy & Education Research Network Conference on Learning LERN conference, Beijing, China.

Hill, S 2002, Theoretical tools for talk. Paper presented at the International Reading Association 47th Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA.

Hill, S 2002, Guided reading and writing with different text types. Keynote address presented to the First Canadian National International Reading Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Hill, S 2002, Teaching phonics in the primary grades. Keynote address presented at the Toronto District School Board, North York, Toronto.

Hill, S 2002, The next step: what to do after assessment? Keynote address presented at the Canadian Association of Primary Educators. Peel Board of Education, Toronto.

Hill, S 2002, Exploring different text types with guided literacy. Keynote address presented at the Waterloo District School Board, Canada.

Hill, S 2002, Guided literacy and different text types. Paper presented at the Winnipeg School Board, Winnipeg.

Hill, S 2002, The next step: what to do after assessment? Paper presented at the Louis Riel School District Winnipeg, Winnipeg.

Hill, S 2002, The next step. Paper presented at the Convention of Language Arts Team leaders, Nova Scotia Department of Education, Nova Scotia.

Hill, S 2001, Scaffolding early literacy using text levelling. Paper presented at the Tenth International Symposium on English Teaching, Taiwan.