WEX2 - SPECIAL EFFECTS - 50 points
Assignment Description / Tips and HintsIntroduction: Complete WEX1 First
Ø Applying special effects to text can create more interesting web page visuals. You will be learning 3 Flash techniques that apply special effects to text and can spice up any web page. To demonstrate your understanding you will be required to apply these techniques singly and in combination.
/ 3 Flash Techniques to learn:· Spotlighting: a technique for revealing text by using a circle or some other shape as a spotlight
· Rippling: a technique for revealing text by filling the insides of text with a moving texture
· Breaking apart: independently animating individual text characters.
Assignment 1 - Spotlighting:
Directions:In this assignment, you will use the Spotlight effect to create an animated banner that will reveal your name.
Spotlight example /
Step 1: Create a new flash document 600 x 200 pixels with a frame rate of 12(File, new, actionscript 3, width 600, height 200)
Ø If you don’t see properties go Window>Properties
Step 2: Add a second layer (Insert>Timeline>Layer)
Ø Name the top layer (Layer 2) “Mask” by double clicking the name
Ø Name the bottom layer, (Layer 1) “Text”
Step 3: Create background rectangle in keyframe 1 of bottom layer
Ø First edit grid
l View>Grid>Edit Grid (this helps to keep everything lined up)
l Set to 10 x 10 pixels
l Check box Snap to Grid
Ø Turn on rulers
l View>Rulers
Ø Create background rectangle in keyframe 1 of the bottom text layer
l Select keyframe 1 of the Text layer (bottom layer)
l Choose colors using the color palate button
l Click on rectangle tool and create rectangle to cover the stage (600 by 200)
Step 4: Create text in keyframe 1 of Text layer (bottom layer)
Ø Create text in keyframe 1
l Any text, color, or size that you want
l Center text on stage
Ø Right click on frame 36 and Insert Frame(this will make sure the text stays on the stage until frame 36)
Step 5: Create an oval in keyframe 1 of the top “mask” layer
l Select keyframe 1 of the Mask layer (top layer)
l Click on the oval tool. To the left of the text create an oval with a height larger than the text
l Keep this shape Editable
l Select & use the Transform Tool if you want to slant the oval
Step 6: Move oval object across text by adding additional keyframes and Shape tweening.
Each time the oval changes motion, you will make another shape tween.Ø Right click on desired length of motion. (Frame Number).
Ø Then, without adjusting the shape, move the oval to the desired location. The oval should be moving from left to right.
Ø Next, create another shape tween with the desired length. Without adjusting the shape of the oval move it from right to left.
Ø Once the oval is back to the left side of the text, you can use the transform tool to stretch the oval over all of the text.
Step 7: Turn the Mask layer into a mask and play animation
Ø Right click on the Mask layer and select Mask
l If all went correctly the Text layer is indented and both layers are locked
l Click on the gray non-stage area and from Document Properties change the Background to black
l Play back your animation
Step 8: Apply what you have learned by having the spotlight move back, to the left, over the text, and than expand the spotlight to cover the whole text (like the example)Ø You will need to unlock the layers. Next select keyframe 36 of the mask, than right click on frame 37 and Insert Keyframe. Modify the oval by clicking on it and changing the properties on the right side of the screen. Step 6. Don’t forget to relock the layers to get the mask to work and save your work!
Assignment 2 - Rippling:
Directions:In this assignment, you will use the Rippling effect to create an animated banner that will use text as the mask and the underlying content as the texture that makes the text seem to ripple.
Rippling example
After you create this animated banner you will create a more elaborate animated banner utilizing the concepts of this technique. See Step 8 for an example. /
Step 1: Create a new flash document 600 x 200 pixels with a frame rate of 12(File, new, actionscript3, width 600 height 200)
Ø Step 2: Add a second layer (Insert>Timeline>Layer)
Ø Name the top layer (Layer 2) “Text Mask” by double clicking it
Ø Name the bottom layer, (Layer 1) “Texture” by double clicking it
Step 3 Prepare the stage area
Ø First edit grid
l View>Grid>Edit Grid
l Set to 10 x 10 pixels
l Check box Snap to Grid (this will help keep things lined up)
Ø Turn on rulers
l View>Rulers
Step 4: Create your text mask
Ø Create text in keyframe 1 of Text Mask (the top layer)
l Use a large wide font to cover most of the banner space (any text or color
l Center text on stage
Ø Right click on frame 36 and Insert Frame so that the text will stay on the stage area until 36
Step 5: Create texture content
Ø Create texture in keyframe 1 of Texture layer (bottom layer)
l Select keyframe 1 of the Texture layer
l Click the color palate button and set Color Mixer to radial and choose colors
l Click on Rectangle Tool and create rectangle as tall as the text plus but only half an inch wide
l To adjusting the inner radial color click the color palate button and slide the colored squares left and right along the color bar at the bottom of the menu
l This will make the color circle in the middle larger or smaller
l If the squares are closer together then the transition from the color to the blank area will stand out
l If they are further away then the transition will be more gradual and flow smoothly
l To change the location of the colored circle in the rectangle, click on the paint bucket tool and click around in the rectangle
Step 6: Move texture rectangle across text by adding additional keyframes and shape tweening
Ø Make sure the rectangle is selected in the texture layer
l Right click on frame 36 and select Insert Keyframe
Ø Create shape tween
l In the texture layer Click on frame 34
l From the Menu go to Insert>Create Shape Tween
l Select the Free transform button and stretch the rectangle across the stage all the way to the right of the text
Step 7: Turn the Text Mask layer into a mask and play animation
Ø Right click on the Text Mask layer and select Mask
l If all went correctly the Texture layer is indented and both layers are locked
l Save and Play back your animation
l Optional – if your texture layer uses light colors
l Click on the gray non-stage area and from Document properties change the Background to black
Step 8: Apply what you have learned by creating a more elaborate banner using the Ripple EffectØ The following is an example of a more elaborate banner:
l Franklin High School example
Step 9: Save and play back your animationAssignment 3 – Breaking Apart:
Directions:In this assignment, you will use the Breaking Apart effect to create an animated banner that manipulates individual letters.
Breaking Apart example /
Step 1: Create a new flash document 600 x 200 pixels with a frame rate of 12 (File, new actionscript3, width 600 height 200)
Ø Step 2: Create text in keyframe 1 of Layer1
Ø Create text in keyframe 1. Any text, size, or color
l Center text on stage
Step 3: Break apart your text and distribute to different layers
Ø From the Menu with the text selected choose Modify>Break Apart
Ø From the Menu choose Modify>Timeline>Distribute to Layers
l At this point each letter should be on its own layer
l Layer 1 should have nothing (keyframe 1 shows a clear dot)
l Name Layer 1 “Background” and make it the bottom layer by dragging it below the layer with your last letter
Step 4: Prepare each letter for motion tweening
Ø Select keyframe 1 of the first letter of your word
Ø Right click on frame 36 and Insert Keyframe
Ø Select keyframe 1 of the next letter of your word
Ø Right click on frame 36 and Insert KeyFrame
Ø Repeat process until all letters of your word have the additional keyframe in frame 36
Step 5: Create motion tween for each letter
Ø Select keyframe 1 of the first letter of your first letter
l Move the letter somewhere outside the stage area
l Click on the “transform” button on the side tool bar and select the numbers next to the small triangle under the word “Rotate”
l Enter a number between 100 and 300
l Right Click frame number 35 in the layer of your first letter and Create motion tween
l The letter should still be upside down. Drag it to the area that you want it to end up.
l Now, select frame number 35 and go to the transform menu again
l Select the rotation and set it to 0 degrees
l If you followed the steps, the letter should spin as it is moving
l If the letter is out of place, in frame 35 make minor adjustments to where you want the letter to be positioned
Step 6: Repeat Step 5 using different angles and other variations for the other lettersStep 7: Create a background object and apply a motion tween
Step 8: Save and play back your animation
Step 9: Apply what you have learned by creating a more elaborate banner using the Breaking Apart Technique
Assignment 4 – Short Animation
Directions:Using at least 2 or more of the Flash techniques, on special effects, make your own short animation. Next write a reflective essay on how you applied the special effect techniques to your animation. /
l Your animation should include text, a color designed background on its own layer, as well as other animated objects. It should be at least 48 frames at 12 fps with the default size of 550 x 400 pixels.
l Your essay is to be completed in MLA format. It should be no more than two pages reflecting upon the special effects techniques you have just learned, and how you have applied them to this animation.
Summary of Work Effort:
To demonstrate your mastery: / · Save or move all your documents to a folder on your H: drive called WEB4· Complete all four assignments:
o Assignment 1
· Spotlight Text Banner (right, left & expanded)
o Assignment 2
· Ripple Text Banner
· Ripple Text Banner (elaborate)
o Assignment 3
· Break Apart Text Banner
· Break Apart Text Banner (elaborate)
o Assignment 4
· Short animation using the special effects techniques learned in this unit
· MLA formatted essay
When you feel that you have mastered the assignments, see your teacher for grading. Your grade will be based on completing all assignments.