Yajnya : Revisited seminar- 1st to 4th December 2016
It is an honor for us to give you invitation regarding a national seminar Yajnya : Revisited to be held at Pune from 1st to 4th December 2016 , it is a joint venture of Swami Hardas SwayamsiddhaPeeth ,
VaidikaSamshodhana Mandala(Adarsha Sanskrit ShodhaSamstha) , RASHTRIYASANSKRIT SANSTHAN, Deemed University , Min of HRD, Govt of India.
Yajnya at the beginning might have been an innocent gesture to expressgratitude towards all powerful entities that have made human life easy and richon this planet.Slowly it took elaborate form, the peak of which we find in the Yajurvedaand Srautasutras.This journey from simplicity to complexity again turned to simplicity butthis time it was the smartaYajna which was more accommodative as well asmore flexible.
The Indological format of Yajnya has to under go transformation to make it scientific and spiritual so that we can proudly exhibit this traditional but reformed made in India Technology .Now the thinkers talk about the integrated world view or holistic world view.Yajnya world view has something more than those. Its base is spiritual,orientation is social and aim is only welfare.Considering these many aspects of Yajnya as a performance and as a concept, itneeds multidimensional study in following areas:-
1)Yajnya and its impact on Health.
2)Agricultural productivity through Yajnya
3)Live stock efficiency and Yajnya
4)Ground water purification and Yajnya
5)Yajnya and its application to solve matters concerning actual life.
6)Yajnya and all round development of students.
7)Yajnya and global warning
For this proposed scheme is as follows .
1. Pre conferences with practical and three days, National Seminar on the theme "Yajnya Re-visited".
2. We have planned presentation of the following organizations that haveactually designed different models of Yajnya.AgnihotraPariwar, AryaSamaj, GayatriPariwar, Swami Hardas SwayamsiddhaPeeth.
3. There will be pre-seminar presentation by the organizations that areparticipating in the seminar. This presentation will be monitored bythe expert committee and the results will be presented and discussed in, the seminar.
4. Lectures on the following topics. ShrautaYajnya ,SmartaYajnya, Yajnya in Grhya literaturedaivavyapasrayacikista, Dhuni of NathSampradaya, Fireworship inParsees, Homa Farming, Philosophy of Yajnya,Yajnya in BhagavadGeeta"
Your participation in this conference in above areas will enlighten the topic and will lead towards its aim of Global Welfare.
Sunil ManeSiddhacharya Sachin Raut
President Vishawguru ProjectPresident SHLS
Shaktidata, Siddha Nagar, S.no.50/7, Wadgaonsheri, Pune 411 014 Maharashtra (India)
Tel 0091-20-66117903, 66117904, Fax 0091-20-66117934
Email , Web Site:
Welcome to
a joint venture of VaidikaSamshodhana Mandala(Adarsha Sanskrit ShodhaSamstha)
andSwami Hardas Swayam Siddha Peeth
Supported by RASHTRIYASANSKRITSANSTHAN, Deemed University , Min of HRD, Govt of India.
1st to 4th Dec 2016
Guidelines for abstract & full paper submission( In English / Hindi /Sanskrit) . Please note the specifications of the typing --
a)Arial Unicode for English, font size 12, line spacing - single.
b)For Sanskrit quotations ( in Devnagari ) and Hindi Arial Unicode MS
c)Please submit word and PDF File.
d)Language - English / Hindi / Sanskrit.
e)An abstract of not more than 300 words
f)Keep ready full paper ready for submission upon selection
Pages (maximum) - 6 (A4 size).
Topics for abstract and pre conference
8)Yajnya and its impact on Health.
9)Agricultural productivity through Yajnya
10)Live stock efficiency and Yajnya
11)Ground water purification and Yajnya
12)Yajnya and its application to solve matters concerning actual life.
13)Yajnya and all round development of students.
14)Yajnya and global warning.
Important Dates
Sno / Abstract / Last date / Pre Conference / Last date1 / Submission of Abstract / 10th October / Submission of topic / 10th October
2 / Communication of Acceptance / 15th October / Acceptance & intimation of visit of expert / 15th October
3 / Submission of full paper / 28th October / Submission of out comepf pre conference / 28th October
1)1st December 2016, Thursday, 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm.
Venue :-VaidikaSamshodhana Mandala (Adarsha Sanskrit ShodhaSamstha), Pune.
T.M.V. Colony, Mukund Nagar, Pune – 37.
Chief Guest Shri. P. N. Shastry (Vice Chancellor) Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi.
Deemed University Min of HRD. Government of India.
Auspicious Blessings Hon. Swami Hardas.
2)2nd December 2016, Friday
Venue:-VaidikaSamshodhana Mandala (Adarsha Sanskrit ShodhaSamstha), Pune.
T.M.V. Colony, Mukund Nagar, Pune – 37.
S. No. / Time / Particulars1 / 9.45 am to 11.15 am / Key speaker
1.1 / 11.20 am to 11.50 am / Special lecture
1.2 / 11.55 am to 1.00 pm / Paper/Abstract presentation by 3 participants
Lunch Break 1 pm to 1.45 pm
2 / 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm / Key Speaker
2.1 / 3.35 pm to 4.05 / Special lecture
Tea Break 4.05pm to 4.15 pm
3 / 4.15pm to 6.15 pm / Paper/Abstract Presentation 3 persons
3)3rd December 2016, Saturday
Venue :- Swami Hardas SwayamsiddhaPeeth, Shaktidata, Siddha Nagar, Pune – 14.
S. No. / Time / Particulars1 / 9.45 am to 11.15 am / Key speaker
1.1 / 11.20 am to 11.50 am / Special lecture
1.2 / 11.55 am to 1.00 pm / Paper/Abstract presentation by 3 participants
Lunch Break 1 pm to 1.45 pm
2 / 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm / Key Speaker
2.1 / 3.35 pm to 4.05 / Special lecture
Tea Break 4.05pm to 4.15 pm
3 / 4.15pm to 6.15 pm / Paper/Abstract Presentation 3 persons
4)4th December 2016, Sunday
Venue :- Swami Hardas SwayamsiddhaPeeth, Shaktidata, Siddha Nagar, Pune – 14.
S. No. / Time / Particulars1 / 9.45 am to 11.15 am / Key speaker
1.1 / 11.20 am to 11.50 am / Special lecture
1.2 / 11.55 am to 1.00 pm / Paper/Abstract presentation by 3 participants
Lunch Break 1 pm to 1.45 pm
2 / 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm / Key Speaker
2.1 / 3.35 pm to 4.05 / Special lecture
3 / 4.05pm to 6.15 pm / Valedictory Function