Assignment 7 – Bivariate Association I
Due Thursday, April 18
I will deduct points or refuse to accept assignments if they are disorganized and sloppy (e.g., presenting answers out of order, illegible handwriting, loose papers, etc.). Be sure to include all requested SPSS output. I would suggest pasting your SPSS output into Word and entering your other answers where appropriate. You may hand-write answers to calculation problems, but please keep the answers in order. You must show your work to receive partial credit (1 point) for incorrect answers. Staple your papers together and write your name at the top. Keep a copy for yourself just in case.
1. Use the following cross-tabulation to address the questions in parts a through e below.
a. What percentage of people with a Bachelor’s degree responded that they “like it?” (2 points)
b. What percentage of people with less than a high school degree responded that they “like it?” (2 points)
c. What percentage of those who have “mixed feelings” have graduate degrees? (2 points)
d. What percentage of those who “dislike it” have high school degrees? (2 points)
e. What is the total percentage of people who have graduate degrees and “dislike it?” (2 points)
2. Use the sample data in the following table to examine the relationship between characteristics of offenders and characteristics of victims of violent crime in the population.
Characteristics of the Victim / White / Black / Other / Total
White / 725 / 93 / 102 / 920
Black / 125 / 389 / 79 / 593
Other / 19 / 9 / 268 / 296
Total / 869 / 491 / 449 / 1,809
a. State the null and research hypotheses for a chi-square (c2) test. (2 points)
b. How many degrees of freedom do you have for this chi-square test? (2 points)
c. What is the critical chi-square value for this chi-square test (assume alpha=.01)? (2 points)
d. Calculate the observed chi-square value by hand. (2 points)
e. Should you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? (2 points)
f. Calculate lambda by hand. (2 points)
g. Based on lambda, how strong is the relationship (weak, moderate, or strong)? (2 points)
3. Use SPSS and the “GSS08PFP-B” data file to examine the relationship between political party identification (partyid) and subjective social class (class).
a. State the null and research hypotheses for a chi-square (c2) test. (2 points)
b. Present: (1) a cross-tabulation with column, row, and total percentages (be sure that you put the dependent variable in the rows and the independent variable in the columns); (2) the observed (Pearson’s) chi-square statistic; (3) the degrees of freedom; and (4) an appropriate measure of association (lambda or gamma calculated by SPSS). (2 points)
c. What is the critical chi-square value for this chi-square test (assume alpha=.05)? (2 points)
d. Should you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? (2 points)
e. Based on your measure of association (lambda or gamma), how strong is the relationship (weak, moderate, or strong)? (2 points)
f. What percentage of the middle class identifies as an “independent”? (2 points) Do not include those who are ‘near’ either party.
4. Use SPSS and the “GSS08PFP-B” data file to examine the relationship between attitudes toward income inequality (incgap) and social class (class).
a. State the null and research hypotheses for a chi-square (c2) test. (2 points)
b. Present: (1) a cross-tabulation with column, row, and total percentages (be sure that you put the dependent variable in the rows and the independent variable in the columns); (2) the observed (Pearson’s) chi-square statistic; (3) the degrees of freedom; and (4) an appropriate measure of association (lambda or gamma calculated by SPSS). (2 points)
c. What is the critical chi-square value for this chi-square test (assume alpha=.05)? (2 points)
d. Should you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? (2 points)
e. Based on your measure of association (lambda or gamma), how strong is the relationship (weak, moderate, or strong)? (2 points)
f. What percentage of those who said that they strongly agree is from the upper class? (2 points)
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