ALL ELECTORS ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE that al Primary Election will be held in all precincts of all townships and cities in Mackinac County on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm at which time candidates of the Republican and the Democratic Parties seeking nomination to the following partisan offices are to be voted for in Mackinac County:
STATE: Governor
CONGRESSIONAL: United States Senator, Representative in Congress 1st District, LEGISLATIVE: State Senator 37th District, Representative in State Legislature 107th District,
COUNTY: Road Commissioner, County Commissioner (District 1 thru 5)
TOWNSHIP: Portage Township Supervisor
DELEGATE: Delegates to County Convention
And to vote on the following proposals:
Approval or Disapproval of Amendatory Act to Reduce State Use Tax and Replace with a Local Community Stabilization Share to Modernize the Tax System to Help Small Businesses Grow and Create Jobs
Health Services Millage Renewal Proposal
Bois Blanc Township – 1) General Fund Millage Renewal Operating and Capital Expenses Proposal 2)Police Protection Millage Renewal Operating and Capital Expenses Proposal
3) Transfer Station Millage Renewal Operating and Capital Expenses Proposal
Clark Township – Ambulance EMS Proposal
Moran Township – Recreation Millage Renewal
Newton Township – 1) Fire Department/Ambulance Operation and Expenses
2) Improvements and Maintenance of County Road
Portage Township – 1) Millage Renewal for Improvement of the County Roads
2) Millage Renewal for Improvement of the County Roads 3) Extra Voted Millage for Ambulance Service
St. Ignace Area Schools – Operating Millage Renewal Proposal – This proposal will allow the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews millage that will expire with the 2014 tax levy.
Full text of the ballot proposals may be obtained by contacting your local Clerk or at the Mackinac County Clerk’s Office, 100 S. Marley Street, St. Ignace, MI 49781
906 643 7300
Electors who wish to vote in the Primary Election must be registered to vote by no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, July 7, 2014. To register, visit any Secretary of State Brank Office, the Township, or City Clerk’s Office.
Clerks will be available for receiving registrations by calling:
Susan StelzerSusie RutledgeLinda Price Lori Reich Secor
Brevort TownshipClark TownshipMackinac IslandMarquette Township
906 643 6773906 484 2672906 847 3702906 647 5220
Kris VallierPatricia McLaughlinRenee VonderwerthDonna Harju
Moran TownshipPortage TownshipSt. Ignace CitySt. Ignace Township
906 643 8027906 586 9522906 643 8545906 643 8935
Joan SchrokaBarbara PriceBarbara KerridgePaula Fillman
Bois Blanc Twp. Hendricks Twp.Hudson TownshipGarfield Township
231 634 7275906 292 0053906 595 7276906 477 6481
Nikki Tremblay
Newton Township
906 477 6185
Persons planning to register must determine when the office of the Township/City Clerk or the Secretary of State Driver’s License Bureau will be open for registration. Registration may also be made at the specified agency for clients receiving services through the Department of Human Services, the Department of Community Health, Michigan Jobs Commission and some offices of the Commission for the Blind and at the military recruitment offices for persons enlisting in the armed forces. Registration by mail may be used by obtaining and completing a mail Voter Registration Application and forwarding to the election official as directed on the application by the close of registration deadline. Only persons who have registered by any of the methods listed above are registered electors of the city/township.
Mary Kay Tamlyn
Mackinac County Clerk
906 643 7300