English I & II

Mrs. Jennifer Henely Conference Periods 3rd/6th

Room 4011 Phone: 281-641-6440

HHS Email:

Home Email:

Course Description: People must learn how to communicate using a variety of reading, writing, listening, and speaking methods. Additionally, these skills vary in academic, professional, and social situations. This course will show how literacy and the English language may be applied to coursework, careers, and daily communication. In order to communicate effectively, an expansive vocabulary must be developed and proper grammatical structures must be utilized. Having the ability to read and writing analytically enables students to be successful in their future.


-Required vs. Entertainment

-Fiction vs. Non-Fiction


-Short Stories



-Online resources


-State Test (EOC) preparation


-Formal vs. Informal settings

-Academic Vocabulary


-Casual Conversations





-Journal Entries

-Literary (Stories)

-Expository (News Reports)

-Classroom Publication

-Timed Writing

-State Test (EOC) preparation


Test-Taking Skills:






-dialectic journals

-context clues



-text evidence

-primary/secondary sources

-MLA format


-literary criticism

-cause and effect

-compare and contrast

-graphic organizers


-text structure

-author’s purpose

-Cornell notes

-critical thinking

-problem solving


*Loose Leaf Paper *Box of Tissues

*2-pocket folder *USB Drive

*Pencils/Pens (blue/black) *Ream of copy paper

Grading: HHS has (2) types of grades.

Summative 60% (Unit Tests, CBA/DBA, Projects, Essays/Papers)

Formative 40% (Quizzes, Classwork, Homework, Participation)

Make-Up Work: If you miss a day of school for any reason…

1 day for each day absent to complete work. Students must attend tutorials to obtain missing assignments.

Late Work: Sometimes we make mistakes…

Assignments and tests must be completed and turned in on the assigned date in order to receive full credit. Work submitted late will result in a 15 point loss for each day.


We must learn to cooperate in a productive classroom environment. Social contracts will be implemented.

Non-Negotiable Rules:

Have your supplies every day!

Everyone participates!

Never put others down!

Every day, try (IDK is not acceptable)!

Learning requires effort!

You always have choices!

Cell Phone Policy:

*HHS is not responsible for lost or stolen technology. Students may use text, music, and phone options on electronic devices during passing periods, lunch, before and after school. In English class, there will be NO texting, video, photos, phone calls, music, social media, or any use of electronic devices without permission. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a referral for insubordination and assistant principals will assign consequences.

Printing and signing below shows an understanding of HHS and English I/II policies and procedures and an agreement to follow them throughout this school year. When in doubt, ASK QUESTIONS!

Student’s Name ______Student Signature ______

Parent’s Name ______Parent’s Signature ______

Received by Mrs. Henely on ______

Class Period ______