November News
Well, here we are now beginning our third month of school! We have been so busy having fun and learning so many things! The month of November is an exciting one. The children will be learning about the Pilgrims & Native Americans. We are very excited for our Thanksgiving performance. Our Thanksgiving party/performance are Tuesday, November 21st at 10:30. The children will recite a prayer, some poems and sing a lively song about our good friend “Mr. Turkey.”
As you all know the weather has started to turn cooler. We ask you to please reinforce our “preschool flip” method in putting on our coats. It would be a great homework assignment for the children to practice this foolproof technique. We will also need some assistance dressing the children once the snow starts to fall. We will have recess at the end of the morning once this happens so we will only have to dress once. We will post a sign up sheet outside the classroom in our volunteer book. Please see if you can find a time that works for you. This will allow us to have more time to play & less time spent getting ready.
Mt. St. Mary is having their annual Scholastic Book Fair the week of November 13th.- 17th. On Friday , November 17th we will have a special “Grand Friends Day” at the fair. Any donated books will have your child’s name inscribed in it and we will mention their name every time the story is read. I have books that are over 20 yrs. old in my class and fondly recall the child who made the donation. What a nice legacy to leave behind! There will be a box labeled “Preschool” in the cafeteria where any books donated can be placed. There is also a “wish list” of age appropriate books that we have selected available as well. ‘These are wonderful quality books and a great value as well. Please let us know if your child will be attending the fair so we can expect a visit from their special person.
We will also be having our annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, November 18th from 9:00a.m.-3:00 p.m. This is a good time to get some early Christmas shopping done and support our school as well. A visit from Mr. & Mrs. Claus is also on the agenda as well!
Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 16th. I will have a sheet posted outside the classroom door for each family to select a time. There will be a 15-minute timeframe for each family. We must strictly adhere to these times, as the next family will be waiting their turn. This is a good time to air any concerns you have regarding your child. If there is a need for further discussion, an appointment will be made for a future date.
Spanish class with Senora Galindos has been going very well! The children just love to see her and are learning some basic Spanish words/songs. Music with Mrs. Morris is also a big hit with the kids! The class loves to hear her strum on her guitar and has taught them a great “911 Emergency song” which they have recited several times. Gym class with Miss Abbey is always an exciting time! They have played bowling games, tumbling and been working on their gross motor skills which has been great for their coordination.
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching so please assist the person who will be coordinating our classroom celebration, or offer to lend a hand yourself. Thank you to everyone who made our Halloween party so much fun! We appreciate all you do for our class! The color for November is “Brown” and we will be learning the letters “E,” “F,” & “G” and number 4 & 5!
We thought it would be a nice gesture for each family to bring in 1 canned good on the day of our Thanksgiving performance so we can bring them to the New Horizons soup kitchen. This will be a nice lesson for the children to learn how important it is to share with others who are not as fortunate as we are.
A reminder to all parents that the school MUST have record of any volunteer who either comes into our classroom to help, or attend any field trips. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
Please check below as we have some new poems/song to learn. As always, thank you for everything you do to make our class the best preschool ever!
A special “Thank You” to Mrs. Janet for her time spent volunteering in our class! She is so kind and helpful & just loves the children! (and they just love her too!) I am truly thankful for her-
Ms. Donna
Mr. Turkey
(sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey,
Run Away, run away!
If you are not careful, you will be a mouthful,
Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day.
I’m Thankful
(a poem)
Mother said she was thankful for me,
And daddy said he was too,
“That’s funny said I”
Because you see,
I’m thankful for both of you!