
Table of Contents Name:

Chapter 1 – Art in Your World

The Critique

Chapter 3 – The Media and Process of Art

Chapter 4 – Line

Chapter 5 – Shape, Form and Space

Chapter 6 – Color

Chapter 7 – Texture

Chapter 8 – Rhythm, Pattern, and Movement

Types of Rhythm and Pattern

Chapter 9 – Balance

Chapter 10 – Proportion

Chapter 11 – Variety, Emphasis, Harmony and Unity

Study Guide – Art Foundations 2D

Elements of Art

Principles of Design


Color Theory

Chapter 1 – Art in Your World

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.




Folk artists


Action painting


Elements of art

Principles of art


Nonobjective art



Credit line


Checking for understanding

1.  Name the five purposes of art:

2.  Identify four different sources for artistic ideas.

3.  Why do artists keep sketchbooks?

4.  How do subject and composition differ?

5.  Name the six facts most credit lines include?

The Critique

Step One: Description. What do I see? Make a list of ALL the things that you see in the artwork. This includes:

a.  The size of the work, the medium used and the process.

b.  The subject, the object and the details.

c.  The elements of art used in the work.

Step Two: Analysis. How is the work organized? How are the elements and principles of art used in this artwork? How did you use line, shape and form, color texture space and value?

Step Three: Interpretation. What message does this artwork communicate to you? Explain or tell the meaning or mood of the work. If you created the work, what do you think other people would feel this work was about? If you did not create the work, what do you think that artist was trying to communicate?

Step Four: Judgment. Is this a successful work of art? You get to determine the artistic merit of this work of art. Do you like the work? Why do you or why do you not like the work of art? Even if the work of art is successful, would you want to live with this work of art? Make sure all judgments you have are backed up with good solid evidence.

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 3 – The Media and Process of Art

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.









Fine Art

Applied Art


Digital System

Multimedia Programs

Checking for understanding

1.  Name the four most popular media used in drawing.

2.  What are the three ingredients found in every type of paint?

3.  What are the three basic steps to printmaking?

4.  Compare and contrast the media used in drawing, painting and printmaking.

5.  What are the two main types of sculpture?

6.  What are the four basic sculpting methods?

7.  Define Craft. Name three categories of functional crafts.

8.  Define architecture.

9.  What is photography?

10.  How are motion picture cameras different from still cameras?

11.  What advantage does video have over film?

12.  Compare and contrast paint and draw programs.

13.  What is the advantage of a multimedia program?

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 4 – Line

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.





Implied Lines



Contour Line



Checking for understanding

1.  How is line defined in drawing?

2.  What are the five basic kinds of lines?

3.  Compare and contrast five ways that lines vary in appearance in artworks.

4.  Describe the cross hatching technique.

5.  Select and analyze artworks in this lesson to form a conclusion about the meanings of vertical and horizontal lines.

6.  How are contour drawings and gesture drawings different?

7.  What type of artwork is often associated with calligraphy?

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 5 – Shape, Form and Space

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.



Geometric Shapes

Free-form Shapes




Point of View




Checking for understanding

1.  List three geometric shapes.

2.  What is another word for free-form shapes?

3.  Define positive space and negative space.

4.  What words specifically describe three-dimensional art?

5.  What three dimensions are we able to see.

6.  Define point of view.

7.  Why may some people who are looking at the same object see different shapes and forms?

8.  How are shapes and forms classified?

9.  What effect does chiaroscuro create in artworks?

10.  List and describe three techniques artists use to give their works perspective?

11.  What do angular shapes suggest?

12.  What do geometric shapes suggest?

13.  List one example each of an open shape or form and a closed shape or form.

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 6 – Color

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.



Color Spectrum


Color Wheel




Complimentary Colors


Analogous Colors





Checking for understanding

1.  What are the three properties of color?

2.  Define Color Wheel. What does a color wheel show?

3.  Describe the difference between tint and shade.

4.  Compare and contrast the use of value in Figure 6.8 on page 140 and 6.9 on page 141.

5.  Describe a monochromatic color scheme.

6.  What types of colors, when placed side by side, seem to vibrate?

7.  All paints are made up of what three basic ingredients?

8.  What is the difference between paint pigments and dyes?

9.  Select and analyze ONE artwork from this lesson. What do you think is the the meaning of the color choices and WHY?

10.  List the Seven (or eight if you can think of the one NOT mentioned in the chapter).


ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 7 – Texture

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.



Tactile Texture (Real Texture)

Visual Texture (Implied Texture)

Matte Surface





Checking for understanding

1.  What is one way you can create a successful collage?

1.  Describe a form of frottage.

2.  Describe how to obtain a grattage effect.

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 8 – Rhythm, Pattern, and Movement

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.



Visual Rhythm




Visual Movement


Checking for understanding

1.  What is Visual Rhythm?

2.  What is Pattern? How do motifs relate to pattern?

3.  Explain the difference between random and regular rhythm and pattern.

4.  In what ways can an alternating rhythm and pattern be created?

5.  Define visual movement.

6.  Which group of artists used rhythm to capture the idea of movement itself?

7.  Describe a kinetic sculpture and who was the 20th Century artist who invented the idea of the Mobile?

8.  Compare and contrast the use of rhythm in Figure 8.18 on page 211 and Figure 8.19 on page 212.

Types of Rhythm and Pattern

In the following boxes, please illustrate the type of pattern listed. In addition, please identify WHERE in the building you found that particular pattern or rhythm (example: a regular ROW pattern of dots on the steps in the atrium). You have 20 Minutes to complete this worksheet!

Regular - Row
Regular - Grid
Regular – Half-Drop Design
Regular – Alternating Pattern
Regular – Radial Pattern
Regular – Border / Regular - Band

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 9 – Balance

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.



Central Axis

Formal Balance


Radial Balance

Informal Balance

Checking for understanding

1.  What is a central axis?

2.  What is the easiest type of balance to recognize and create?

3.  Which type of balance can be found frequently in nature and architecture?

4.  What is the effect of informal balance?

5.  Name the six factors that influence the visual weight of an object.

6.  Which has a heavier visual weight, and object with a simple contour or with a complicated contour?

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 10 – Proportion

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.



Golden Mean


Hierarchical Proportion




Checking for understanding

1.  What is the Golden Mean?

2.  Describe the Golden Rectangle.

3.  What is scale?

4.  How does the credit line help you understand the scale of an artwork?

5.  Explain foreshortening.

6.  How do exaggeration and distortion affect proportion?

7.  How can artists create monumental qualities without using a large scale?

ArtTalk Name:

Chapter 11 – Variety, Emphasis, Harmony and Unity

Please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following question in complete sentences. Complete sentences will help you better gather and organize your thoughts. Complete sentences will also help you further develop your writing skills. These worksheets may or may not be collected, but in the end will serve you well when it comes time for review and understanding of the chapters and content. You may answer these questions on this sheet or you may attach another lined sheet. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.




Focal Point



Checking for understanding

1.  Describe the principles of variety.

2.  What is a focal point?

3.  Name the five ways emphasis can be created.

4.  When an artwork has Harmony, what does that mean?

How can an artist use the idea of Unity to create a successful work of art?


Study Guide – Art Foundations 2D

Art Students – Be aware that Chapters 2 and 3 are NOT part of the review. We may or may not have an opportunity to get to those chapters. If we do, you will be responsible for the terms from those chapters. This review is NOT an all inclusive study guide. Please review all handouts and classroom notes.