Project title:

Name of applicant:

Wildlife Reserves Singapore

Conservation Funding and Research Collaboration Proposal

About WRS

Wildlife Reserves Singapore Pte Ltd (WRS) is the parent company of award-winning attractions Jurong Bird Park, Night Safari, Singapore Zoo and the River Safari. WRS parks strive to be world-class leisure attractions, providing excellent exhibits of animals presented in their natural environment for the purpose of conservation, education and recreation.

WRS is proud to partner with many local and international institutions including scientific institutions, universities, government bodies, non-government organisations, other zoological institutions as well as nature interest groups. Through such collaborations, WRS has contributed to successful wildlife conservation projects within Singapore, the Southeast Asian Region and globally.

Objectives for WRS conservation and research efforts and support:

  • To contribute to the protection of threatened species in their native habitats by funding local and regional conservation and research projects.
  • To conduct research that can help develop better tools and strategies for the management of captive wild animal populations and that will benefit conservation strategy planning for species in their native habitats
  • To collaborate with likeminded organisations such as other zoos, NGOs, government agencies, academic institutions and nature interest groups to ensure the best possible conservation outcomes for the species or environment of concern.
  • To help building local and regional conservation capacity through professional training courses, workshops and consultancy services.
  • To encourage and foster sustainable and ethical behaviours towards animals and nature through engaging and innovative conservation out-reach programs.

In your proposal please address the following support criteria:

  1. Project is consistent with the WRS conservation and research objectives
  2. Project has a direct and positive impact on the survival of a threatened species
  3. Project is feasible and has high probability of success
  4. Project contributes to capacity building, education, outreach andtakes into account human needs
  5. Project maximizesopportunities for WRS-staff involvement

Preference is given to projects related to species found in the Southeast Asian Region as well as those represented in the WRS animal collection and wherein,through the proposed conservation effort, a direct In-situ/Ex-situ link can be accomplished.

How to apply:

Submit an electronic proposal toDr Sonja Luz (Director of Research, Conservation): llowing the format outlined.

Forconservation project funding support:

Funding support below S$ 5.000: Proposal submission possible all year

Funding support above S$ 5.000: Proposal submission by November of each calendar year.

For funding support relating to projects on native Singapore wildlife please consider applying for the Wildlife Reserves Conservation Fund (WRSCF) at


(1)The applicant should fill out this form including all of the applicable appendices.

(2)The application should be typewritten in English in 12pt Courier or Times Roman font.

(3)Please follow instructions on the minimum word count and/or number of pages.

(4)The WRS Conservation/Research Panel may request for additional information.

(5)For progress or final reports please use Appendix.

Part I – Overview
A. Title of project
B. Project Location
C. Personal data
Name in full / Institutional affiliation
Nationality / Date of birth / Contact Information
Expected duration of project (with start and end dates):
Part II – Project Details
A. Summary of proposed project: At least 300 words
B.Details of project: 3-4 pages (excl. pictures) statingGoals and Objectives, Methods, Expected results and conservation out-puts. To clearly address the support criteria 1-5.
Part III: Nature of proposal(Please fill those sections applicable to your request)
  1. Conservation Project Funding:Complete SectionAbelow

  1. Research collaboration involving WRS collection: Complete Section Bbelow

  1. Biomaterial Samples: Complete Section Cbelow

  1. Others: Please explain here

Part IV: Acknowledgment and communication
(1)How will WRS be acknowledged:
i.e. logo placement, publication, co-authorship, signage at project site etc.
(2)What materials can be provided to WRS to communicate on project activities and results:
i.e. scientific publication, education materials, posters, presentation to WRS staff or public etc.
Part V: Conservation and Research impact
Describe in 1-2 sentences the direct impact this project has on the enhancement of health, welfare and care of wildlife species in captivity and/or the improvement of the long-term survivability of wildlife species in their native habitats
Part VI: Terms and conditions of Conservation & Research Assistance/ Applicant Declaration
(Any assistance by WRS extended to the recipient shall be governed by the following terms and conditions)
1.Use of funds or other forms of assistance
1.1Monetary funds or other forms of aid must be used for the agreed purpose only as described in the project proposal.
1.2WRS does not provide support of institutional indirect costs such as overhead component andGST (goods and services tax).
1.3Funds must be managed by the researcher or project manager named in the proposal.
1.4Detailed accounts must be kept and made available for inspection at WRS request.
1.5WRS must be notified of any changes in funding requirements, staff and equipment, length of study, scope of the project etc.
1.6The researcher or project manager must provide adequate contact details at all times.
1.7If biomaterials are requested from animals from the WRS collection, WRS reserves the sole right and discretion to control or decide on how the results are being shared publicly. In the event of any public sharing or publication plan in relation to such samples, the party wishes to publish or share publicly, shall notify and seek WRS’ prior written consent.
2.Funding procedure
2.1Funds will be made available via direct transfer (from one bank account to another).
2.2Funds will be transferred progressively at pre-agreed intervals.
2.3WRS must have acknowledgement of receipt of all funds.
3.Progress reports and use of results
3.1Updates and current results of the project are to be sent to WRS every six (6) months (from the commencement of project) for the entire duration of the funded project (for progress reports please use the format provided in the appendix).
3.2A copy of the final manuscript is to be made available to WRS for retention (for final report please use the format provided in the appendix).
3.3The publication of all reports, articles, etc. relating to the funded project must include acknowledgement of funding or aid, partial or in full, by WRS. Co-authorship of any WRS staff for papers to be published in peer-reviewed journals (if appropriate), will be reviewed and agreed at the discretion of WRS’ Management including Head of Conservation & Research.
3.4The results of the study or project may be made available to the public, international zoo and/or scientific community.
3.5The final manuscript may be made available to the public through the WRSwebsite or other medium with due acknowledgement to the researcher.
3.6The researcher or project representative may be requested to give one or more presentations to WRS and/or members of relevant community.
3.7Unless stated otherwise and subject always to clause 3.8 below, the ownership of the works, and responsibility for its identification, protection and management vests with the researcher. The researcher hereby grants to WRS, an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license in all countries of the world and in perpetuity, to use, adapt and/or exploit the works for any purpose and in any way it sees fit including enabling WRS to use, archive, preserve and disseminate the study.
3.8The researcher is to notify WRS of any commercial exploitation arising from the results of the funded project, in which case, a different set of conditions may be subjected, including without limitation conditions setting out joint ownership of Intellectual Property Rights between the researcher and WRS and/or the percentage in the proceeds of the commercial exploitation which WRS is to be entitled to.
4.1WRS may cease funding immediately without further obligation in the event any of the conditions herein have not been complied with or remedied within thirty (30) calendar days of being requested to do so. If termination of funding occurs, WRS reserves the right to recover funds in part or full and/or all rights in any works created by the researcher as a result of the funding.
4.2WRS reserves the right to amend these conditions at its absolute discretion. Any change will be notified in writing to the researcher and/or on WRS’ website.
4.3These conditions shall be governed by the laws of Singapore. All disputes or differences relating to the assistance and these conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.
5. Collection of Personal Data
5.1WRS and/or its subsidiaries, affiliated and associated companies recognize the importance of an individual privacy and Personal Data. WRS’ data protection policy found on WRS’ website ("Data Protection Policy") outlines how WRS manages the Personal Data which is subject to Personal Data Protection Act 2012 in Singapore ("the Act").
5.2By submitting information to us, communicating with us, or signing up for any products and/or services offered by WRS, you agree and consent for WRS collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst ourselves your Personal Data, and disclosing such Personal Data to the WRS' authorised service providers and relevant third parties in the manner set forth in the Data Protection Policy. For more information, please refer to our Data Protection Policy at
Acceptance of conditions of assistance from WRS
I, ______, having requested assistance from the Wildlife Reserves Singapore Pte Ltd (WRS) for a research and/or conservation project as set out in this application documents, have read and accept the conditions for provision of assistance from WRS, and agree to comply with them.
Section A: Conservation Project Funding
Budget information
Total budget needed for project:
Amount requested from WRS:
Declaration of other funding support and collaborators in this project (if any):
Itemized budget and justification for funds requested from WRS
Item / Quantity / Cost
Funding support below S$ 5.000: Proposal submission possible all year
Funding support above S$ 5.000: Proposal submission by November of each calendar year.
For funding support relating to projects on native Singapore wildlife please consider applying for the Wildlife Reserves Conservation Fund (WRSCF) at
For disbursement purposes
Name of Account Holder:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Bank Account Number and Account Type:
Section B:Research collaboration involving WRS collection
Please be very specific in regards to what is needed from WRS (i.e. budget, equipment, man-power, facilities, quantities, frequencies etc.)
Section C: Biomaterial request
Sample details
Sample type:
Frequency of collection:
Collection timeline:
Expected outcome:
Potential commercial application:
Collection protocol
Extraction/collection method:
Specialized equipment/tools required:
Storage containers/buffers:
Storage condition/maximum storage duration:
Please state whether equipment/tools/storage containers/buffers will be provided by or requested from WRS:
Delivery/pickup method:
Shipment protocol (if applicable)
Package type:
Packaging medium:
Shipping medium:
Please state whether shipment costs will be covered by or requested from WRS:
Appendix: Guideline for project progress (or final) report
Applicant details
Email address:
Phone/Fax number:
Project /Fund details
Location of project:
Total amount of approved funds:
Date and amount of last received funds:
Type of report
(Final project report or project progress report)
Project summary / Not less than 300 Words
Project progress/results and conservation achievement over the last funding period / Not less than 4 pages (excl. Pictures)
Please include pictures. Please also provide hi resolution photographs (300dpi preferred) separately which can be used by WRS in our communications.
Please list / describe how the funds were used
Please list all reports or communication tools in which WRS has been or will be acknowledged in / Publications, Public Talks, Web-sites, Events, Signage
Other information you would like to share

Applicant Signature:
