Voyageur Reminder
“Be respectful of your locker and other people’s space”
1. Behavior Matrix Setting (column)
Universal Expectation
2. Behavior Matrix expectation (mark all that apply)
X Be Respectful
X Be Responsible
X Be Safe
3. Expected time length of lesson
15 minutes
4. Students’ learning target
I can use my locker and my provided locker space appropriately.
5. Purpose of the lesson and why this learning target is important? (can be used as the oral introduction to the lesson)
Purpose: Be safe and respectful while using my locker.
Why important: When using your locker, it is important to keep your locker organized and neat, because it will help you find classroom materials easily. It’s also important to respect other students’ space.
6. Background Knowledge for Teacher: (Refer to Behavior Matrix and handbook policies)
Mention to class not to set locker combination before leaving locker in order to keep their possessions safe.
Do not pack the locker too tightly with supplies like band instruments or clothing. This will cause the locker walls to expand and then locker doors to the right or left will not be able to open.
7. Activities (video, role play, discussion questions, etc.)
a. Share learning target, purpose of the lesson, and why the learning target is import (all are provided above)
b. Watch video of appropriate use of the lockers. After viewing the video, take class to lockers and show them the space provided. While showing students their personal space, explain how the floor space is not used to scatter books or other items including themselves. Also, demonstrate how the locker door should only be open half way—not fully open. This will help them stay in their designated personal space. In addition, demonstrate how to safely and quietly close the locker door.
c. Discussion led by teacher: After coming back to the classroom, lead a discussion of how sometimes students may need to provide enough room for students directly left or right of them to get supplies out of locker. Students may take turns with their peers next to them on who gets supplies first. Being respectful to others is the “Voyageur Way”.
8. Wrap-up to the lesson (quiz, walk-through, etc.)
Assessment: Have students get supplies out of lockers at the same time. Provide feedback by telling students expectations as they get supplies from locker. After students demonstrate appropriate locker behavior, have a discussion of what you or your students observed.
9. Reinforcement activities staff will implement (voucher reminders, etc.)
a. Compliment students for following the guidelines.
b. Occasionally review locker guidelines.
10. Reminder Poster Content (succinct words and/or visual)