Last modified: May 6, 2011
A.Lessee shall submit its floor plan, exhibit booth layout, and other related documents to TAITRA one month prior to the scheduled move-in or installation, for determination as to whether all procedures and arrangements are in accordance with the provisions of the Lease. Any setup for advertising purposes, setup over specified limit of height, display of balloons, installation of double deck booths, setup of performance stages, and installation of audio systems, shall be applied 10 days in advance by Lessee. Items without the prior consent of TAITRA may not be accepted.
B.Lessee shall coordinate with TAITRA one month in advance on its use of entrances and exits for persons, vehicles, and operation machines during the installation and dismantling periods. TAITRA must be briefed at least one month prior to the exhibition on the plan for the entrances/exits for visitors during exhibition, visiting routes, and necessary control measures.
C.Installation and decoration personnel shall at all times keep Pass issued by TAITRA or Lessee (please refer to Articles 1-2, General Rules and Regulations). Installation and decoration operations shall be confined within leased Exhibit Space. Occupation, obstruction, or difficult access in any form, if caused in, to, or against the following public facilities and public spaces is strictly prohibited: all gates and doors, open space, passageways, elevators and escalators, stairways, public walls, emergency exits, switch boxes, floor outlets (including those for water draining and supply), air-quality detectors, air outlet louvers. All posting of posters and display of flags and banners therein and thereto are also prohibited. No exhibit booth shall be installed nor shall any object be kept or stored in the distance that causes obstruction or difficult access to fire protection facilities. In case of violation, Lessee shall be required to make immediate necessary alteration. The failure to respond or cooperate accordingly shall render said violation completely at the disposal of TAITRA without any notice to Lessee. Any premiums thus increased shall be made due and payable by Lessee through deduction from prepaid Deposit.
D.If Lessee desires to set up billboards, publicity arches, signs and flags, etc., around or outside buildings, Lessee shall apply directly to governing authorities for approval. Lessee shall also apply to TAITRA 10 days prior to exhibition for approval of such setup, with required affidavit, photocopies of Public Liability Insurance policy and Third-Party Insurance policy, and setup plans concerning setup arrangements and locations. Lessee shall set up roadblocks and warning signs to ensure such setup firm and free of own damage or public hazard. Any damage of setup or public hazard caused by such damage shall hold Lessee solely liable. All such setups within or outside Exhibit Space and buildings shall undergo application and approval in accordance with TAITRA Rules and Regulations.
E.Lessee shall take necessary measures to ensure safe transportation and installation of exhibits and decoration thereof. Lessee shall be solely responsible for all damages and injuries caused.
F.Prefabricated, recyclable, re-usable, fireproof and environmentally friendly materials shall be used for booth decoration. Electric sawing, paint spraying and welding inside the building are strictly prohibited so as to prevent noise and air pollution. Exhibit booth decoration shall be firmly installed. In the event of collapse or accidents of similar nature, each event shall hold Lessee liable to pay a fine of NT$ 5,000 (tax included), by means of deduction from its Deposit. In case of any injury of person or damage of property, the sole responsibility is that of Lessee. Decoration on the second floor of Hall 1 shall be made by a sole contractor, with no other materials than prefabricated fireproof materials. Any kind of wooden decoration is prohibited.
G.Exhibit items, decoration materials and leftover materials shall be completely removed from Exhibition Hall (including all said items, materials, and leftover materials within and without) by Lessee and/or exhibitors by the end of exhibition period as specified in the Lease. The failure of Lessee to act accordingly shall hold Lessee liable to pay for all costs and necessary expenses for TAITRA’s disposal of leftover materials. Lessee shall make said costs and expenses payable and deductible from its Deposit. Any legal dispute or damage liability incurred by such negligence of leftover materials disposal or booth dismantling operation shall hold Lessee solely responsible.
H.Limit of height for all booths is 2.5 meters (including exhibits and partitions); for exhibit signs, maximum is 4 meters (Limit of height for all booths on the second floor is 2.2 meters; for exhibit signs, maximum is 2.3 meters). All decorations of booths facing passageways or hallways shall not be higher than 50% of the height of said booths and shall not extend more than 9 meters in form of continuous and enclosed walls or façades. Should in any particular case setup over specified limit of height is necessitated, Lessee shall apply for TAITRA’s approval 10 days prior to exhibition, with required affidavit, photocopies of Public Liability Insurance policy and Third-Party Insurance policy, booth layout, structure plan, and other related documents. Lessee shall proceed operation of such setup upon TAITRA’s approval. Application for such setup is limited to Lessee who leased Exhibit Space for 4 or more exhibit booths. All booths approved in the aforementioned particular cases shall not exceed 6 meters in height and shall remain a one-meter distance from passageways. Should such setup is intended next to any neighboring exhibits by other exhibitors, a one-meter distance apart from neighboring exhibits shall also be remained. The rental of Exhibit Space for such setup is calculated by occupied space in top view defined by vertical orthographic projection as follows: NT$ 100,000 (tax included) per unit (18 square meters); rental of space of more than 18 sq.m. shall be calculated by such measure unit; rental of space of less than 18 sq.m. shall be calculated as one unit.
I.Flags or banners at exhibition for purposes thereof shall not block visibility of fire protection facilities nor emergency exits or indications thereof. All flags and banners shall by TAITRA Rules and Regulations be limited to the following size: 300 cm. X 120 cm. Lessee shall fully and properly dispose such flags, banners, and fixtures of any kind (including banner hooks, attaching ropes, etc.) thereof, by the end of exhibition period, and must surrender the Exhibit Space in the same condition as at the commencement of occupation. Should Lessee fail to act accordingly, all premiums and cost increased by TAITRA’s disposal on its behalf shall be made by Lessee payable and deductible from Deposit (No banners of any kind in any case shall be allowed on the second floor of Hall 1 or in Hall 3.).
J.Exhibitors of double deck booths shall comply with TAITRA’s Rules and Regulations concerning related installation and operation. Lessee shall present to TAITRA a letter of guarantee concerning matters herein 10 days prior to exhibition (No double deck booths of any kind in any case shall be allowed on the second floor of Hall 1 or in Hall 3).
K.In any particular case when display of balloons is necessitated, Lessee is required to make an application to TAITRA on application forms and with required affidavit (included in Exhibit Space Operation Manual) 10 days prior to exhibition. All displays of balloons are confined within exhibit booths. Large-sized balloons for advertising purposes shall not be more than 5 meters above ground from the top of balloons; regular-sized balloons for decoration purposes shall not be 4 meters above ground from the top of balloons. For each balloon afloat onto ceilings, if not removed by the end of exhibition period, Lessee is liable to pay TAITRA a fine of NT$ 10,000 for each balloon string likewise not removed, NT$ 10,000. Should any damage of property or injury of persons occur during acts of attaching balloons, displaying balloons, or other related operations, Lessee shall be solely held for all legal liabilities (No balloons of any kind in any case shall be allowed on the second floor of Hall 1 or in Hall 3).
L.Setup of performance stages and audio systems may be available to Lessee by application to TAITRA. Lessee Applicant shall apply in accordance with procedures and regulations specified respectively in Appendix 7 of Exhibit Space Operation Manual and Article 3-13, TAITRA Rules and Regulations of Exhibit Decoration Operation. Lessee is required to act as the coordinator in retrieving from exhibitors and providing to TAITRA all necessary documents, in verbal, graphic, or any required forms, in preparation of said application 10 days prior to exhibition. All performance stages and audio systems shall be confined within leased Exhibit Space.
M.Should there be pillars, columns, or any supporting structure from floors up to roofs in leased Exhibit Space and which in Lessee’s judgment and decision necessitate coverings or wrappings (hereafter referred to as Column Wrapping), in part or in whole, Lessee is required to act in accordance with the following regulations for Column Wrapping:
1.All fire protection facilities shall be kept open, free, and clear of Column Wrapping, including without limitation, Hall 1 and Hall 3 (Hose Box of Hall 1: 94 cm. X 126 cm.; Fire Extinguisher Casing: of Hall 1: 65 cm. X 75 cm.; Hose Box of Hall 3: 75 cm. X 130 cm.)
2.All switch boxes (60 cm. X 136 cm.) shall be kept open, free, and clear of Column Wrapping.
3.All walls and facades set up by Lessee shall allow openings 60 cm. X 60 cm. of size for the proper function of air outlet louvers or other ventilation devices.
4.All air-quality detectors shall be kept open, free, and clear of Column Wrapping. Lessee shall not have said detectors blocked or cease to function properly by any partitioning or other means. An opening for each detector or detector set, with an additional 30 cm length above and under the detector proper from the edging of opening, is mandatory (single detector: 15 cm. X 15 cm.; two-detector unit: 15 cm. X 30 cm.; three-detector unit: 15 cm. X 45 cm.).
5.Column Wrapping shall not be above 4 meters in height.
Any violation of rules and regulations herein concerning Column Wrapping, even if advised of such violation and possibility of safety hazard thereof, shall hold Lessee liable to pay TAITRA a fine of NT$ 5,000. Any legal liability or fines incurred by such violation shall hold Lessee or exhibitors responsible.
N.To avoid negligence of cleaning work, all cleaning services of passageways and exhibit booths shall be provided by TAITRA’s contract cleaning firms: carpet cleaning: NT$ 100 (tax exincluded); special cleaning (including cleaning of wooden flooring): NT$ 150. Other cleaning services, if not specified, shall be charged for prices reasonable and agreed upon by Lessee. Lessee shall apply to such contract cleaning firms for contract cleaning at least one day prior to exhibition and shall make all costs and expenses due and payable to said firms.
O.All operations of booth decoration shall comply with Rules and Regulations of Exhibit Decoration Operation included in Exhibit Space Operation Manual.
A.The opening hours during move-in/move-out (installation and dismantling) periods are from 8:00 to 17:30. Exhibition hours are from 9:00 to 17:00 or from 10:00 to 18:00 (extension or alteration is possible in particular cases upon coordination). Lessee shall apply for extension of operation periods and shall be liable to pay overtime charge thus incurred and levied according to regulations.
B.During Lease period, Lessee/exhibitors shall thoroughly clear the Exhibit Space at the end of each exhibition day. Should Lessee make use of Exhibit Space, in part or in whole, outside approved and scheduled time without previous application to and prior consent of TAITRA, TAITRA will charge for such extension deductable from Deposit. TAITRA also retains the right at any time to immediate correct such extension. Lessee who has violated this regulation twice or more shall be denied any application for future Exhibit Space Lease in two years’ time.
C.Installation and dismantling operations shall be planned, coordinated, and scheduled in all aspects, so as to avoid on-site request for early move-in or delayed move-out.
A.Use of nails and any other means which causes damage to floorings, walls, columns, or ceilings of Exhibit Space or Halls is prohibited.
B.For laying carpets, Lessee/exhibitors shall use wide cloth tapes specifically for such purpose. To ensure the condition of floorings, no strong glue, adhesive or double-sided tape is permitted to be directly applied to the surface of any flooring. While removing carpets, Lessee/exhibitors shall remove all carpet tapes.
C.All switch boxes, tap water control, draining holes, water faucets, on floorings or upon columns, shall remain open, free and clear of blocking, covering, or difficult access of any kind.
D.No alteration of any kind shall be made upon or onto illuminations, indicating lights or signals, air-conditioning units, and power cables or wirings, by hanging any decoration or installing any devices instead.
A.Lessee shall employ qualified electrical services with Level A license issued by governing authorities for power supply wiring. Power and water supplies documents with power specification and capacity indicated, signed and certified by electrical services, shall be applied to TAITRA 10 days prior to exhibition.
B.All electricians to provide service shall at least, by and according to Rules and Regulations Governing Electrical Technicians, be qualified Primary-level technicians and shall be covered by labor insurance.
C.Equipment and materials used for electrical wiring shall meet the Chinese National Standards (CNS). TAITRA is entitled to request alteration of equipment and materials which fail to meet said standards.
D.All power safety switches in Exhibition Halls shall not be overloaded, altered, bypassed, or solely occupied by Lessee/exhibitors.
E.Lessee shall be responsible for any and all violations during installation of power supply, including failure to comply with approved application, operation negligence, all costs, damage, injury, and all legal liabilities thus incurred.
F.Upon the completion of installation, Lessee shall fill in the electricity application form and apply for power supply from TAITRA. No electricity supply will be provided before the application is approved.
G.For installation of antennae for necessary purposes, Lessee/exhibitors shall make contact with governing authorities for approval of both such installation and exhibits thereof. Lessee/exhibitors shall also apply with the same request for TAITRA’s approval and agree to comply with all installation procedures and payments upon approval. Lessee/exhibitors shall remove all installation by the end of exhibition period and shall surrender Exhibit Space in the same condition as at the commencement of occupation.
H.For installation of water supply or drainage equipment (including 24-hour supply of such services), Lessee shall apply for TAITRA’s approval and shall agree to pay for all costs and expenses of such services and all wirings therefor (No such services are available for Lease of the second floor of Hall 1 and no addition nor alteration of equipment is allowed).
I.TAITRA shall not be held liable to 24-hour service applicants for power failure imposed by TAIPOWER Company or incurred by any damaged equipment.
J.Lessee/exhibitors may apply for telecommunication facilities and pay the required fees directly to telecommunication companies in accordance with their regulations.
K.Lessee/exhibitors are encouraged to use power-saving illuminations or other environmentally friendly illumination devices.
A.Power Supply:
1.During move-in/move-out (installation/dismantling) periods—TAITRA provides 110-V power source on the columns and on-ceiling illumination during operation hours. Electricity for booths is not provided. Full power supply shall be available upon TAITRA’s approval of Lessee’s application. Power supply shall be suspended by 17:30 on every working day (with extension applied excepted). Power supply earlier than regular working hours shall be applied by Lessee.
2.During exhibition, daily power supply shall be ready before exhibitors enter Exhibition Halls. On-ceiling illuminations shall be switched off in 15 minutes after the end of exhibition (night illuminations excepted). Power supply for booths shall be suspended in 30 minutes after the end of exhibition.
3.Lessee or its contractors shall specify the period when power supply is needed prior to exhibition and apply to TAITRA in writing. If at any point the switch-off time needs to be rescheduled, Lessee shall inform TAITRA in writing on hour prior to the scheduled time.
1.No air-conditioning shall be provided during the move-in and move-out (installation and dismantling) periods.
2.During exhibition periods, air-conditioning units shall be switched on 30 minutes before exhibition, and off 30 minutes after the end of daily exhibition.
3.Lessee shall make no additional air-conditioning units within or outside exhibit booths. In any case of violation, Lessee shall leave all matters at TAITRA’s disposal and shall be liable for all costs and expenses for such disposal. TAITRA shall deduct such costs and expenses directly from Lessee’s Deposit.
Hall 1 is equipped with two main cargo elevators (EV1 and EV2; in width 260 cm. X in height 240 cm. X in depth 365 cm.; loading capacity: 5,400 kg.), available for exhibit installing and decoration operations. Lessee shall inform TAITRA of the time and the number of elevators needed in advance.
A.Lessee shall make proper use of public facilities in Exhibition Halls and shall be responsible for repair or compensation in case of damage or loss.
B.Lessee may apply in advance for TAITRA’s approval of its use of the VIP Room for reception purposes at the opening ceremony (with one hour free of charge). The charge for other purposes and at other times shall be calculated in compliance with Lease Rules for TAITRA Exhibition Hall Public Area and VIP Rooms.