Registered international study centre application form.
To be completed by Study Centres based outside the UK wishing to be registered as a CIPS International Study Centre.
(Guidance notes are provided alongside each section of this form. Please make sure you read them carefully – incomplete forms will not be processed and will be returned to the sender.)
Applicant to complete this side / Guidance notes – please read carefully /
International Provider Conditions
i.  CIPS Registered International Study Centres may only operate in the country or region specified when the centre first registers with CIPS. If your centre wishes to extend its provision to new countries or regions you must complete a new application form. [See below Sections 1 & 7: INT2]
ii.  You must not use or display any part of the official CIPS logo or crest on your publicity, marketing or course materials. Any letter or certificate of registration supplied by CIPS is for display purposes on your premises, and not for use in marketing or website material.
iii.  You must not imply, on any publicity, marketing or course materials, that your centre is ‘approved’ or ‘accredited’ by CIPS, or that your centre is an agent or representative of CIPS.
iv.  You must at all times meet the criteria set out in Section 7, provide evidence of this to CIPS prior to registration, and subsequently when asked by CIPS as part of our monitoring activity.
v.  You must renew your registration each year, and complete an Annual Report, which must be returned it to CIPS within the time period specified.
vi.  You must gather personal information about your learners as required by CIPS, keep all such information confidential, and not release it to third parties.
vii.  You must comply with any reasonable monitoring activity carried out by CIPS and deal promptly with any actions arising from monitoring.
viii. Any breach of these conditions will result in withdrawal of registration by CIPS.
ix.  CIPS reserves the right to withdraw its association with your centre if we believe that further association with your centre would be detrimental to CIPS’ reputation.
x.  By signing the declaration in Section 3 you accept and agree to these conditions of registration. / Condition ii: You must not under any circumstances display the CIPS logo on any of your marketing materials or on your website. If you breach this condition we may withdraw your registration immediately.
Condition vii: CIPS reserves the right to carry out an audit, or other monitoring procedures, to check on the continued validity of the evidence and information provided with this application. This will be done either as a desktop exercise or by making an audit visit* to the study centre. The decision as to which kind of monitoring will be undertaken will be made on the basis of
·  the quality of information supplied with the application
·  any conditions imposed at the time of centre registration
·  success rates of your candidates
·  candidate or other feedback received by CIPS
·  the promptness and accuracy of information subsequently provided to CIPS to meet our requirements.
*Please note that there will be a fee for such visits, plus reasonable air travel and accommodation costs for the duration of the visit.
1.  Study centre details
Name and business address of applicant/company:
Physical address for delivery of resource materials:
Postal or Zip code: / Postal or Zip code:
International telephone number / Fax number
Email address / Website address
Country/countries in which CIPS qualifications will be offered / 1.
/ Your address
Please note that we cannot deliver resource materials to a PO Box address. In order for us to send you the teaching resources (study packs) you will need, you must provide us with a physical address to which parcels can be delivered.
See section 7. You must supply a National Certificate of Registration for each country or state in which you intend to offer CIPS qualifications, showing that your organisation is an accredited provider there.
2.  Contact details
Head of Organisation / Name:
Contact person for CIPS communication/administration etc / Name: Tel:
Date of application
/ ‘Head of Organisation’ is the owner, principal, proprietor or head of the company making the application. This person must add their name to the declaration in Section 3.
3.  Declaration
(To be made by the principal/head of centre or proprietor of the institution/company)
As the authorised representative of this centre, I declare that the information contained in this application is correct, and agree that if accepted as a CIPS Registered International Study Centre this centre will be fully compliant with the International Provider Conditions (on page 1), and the policies, rules and regulations governing the qualifications and awards of CIPS.
­  We will take note of any revisions, amendments or additional guidelines issued by CIPS from time to time.
­  We will send an Annual Report to CIPS on the centre’s activity using the template provided for this purpose
­  We will renew our registration annually using the form supplied by CIPS.
If accepted, this application will form the agreement between the centre (including any Satellite Centres) and CIPS, and the centre will submit an updated application if there are changes to the information contained in this document.
Name of authorised person:
(Principal/Head of Centre/Proprietor)
Role or job title:
/ Annual Report
Once accepted as a Registered International Study Centre, you will be required to send an Annual Report to CIPS each year using the report form on CIPS website (SC Form 8 INT). Please note that we use your Annual Reports, as well as other quality monitoring information, to determine whether we will renew your registration as a CIPS study centre.
Renewing your registration
Study Centre Registration must be renewed annually. There is a short Renewal Form on CIPS website for this purpose.
It is not necessary for the declaration to be signed in writing. By adding the name of the ‘authorised person’, your centre is entering into an agreement with CIPS as set out here, once your registration is complete.
4.  Please indicate which CIPS programmes you intend to offer.
CIPS qualifications / I wish to offer the following (ü) / Planned start date / Expected number of learners this year / Study modes
(please tick (ü)those that apply)
CIPS Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations / Full-time study
Part-time day
Part-time evening
Distance learning
CIPS Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations / Full-time study
Part-time day
Part-time evening
Distance learning
CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply / Full-time study
Part-time day
Part-time evening
Distance learning
CIPS Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply / Full-time study
Part-time day
Part-time evening
Distance learning
CIPS Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply / Full-time study
Part-time day
Part-time evening
Distance learning
/ Study modes
It helps prospective students if they know the options you offer for studying CIPS programmes. The most common study modes are listed in this column – please tick or underline the modes you offer, and we will add this information to your listing on CIPS website once you are registered with us.
If you are unsure about your start date, or the expected number of learners, please give an approximate date/number.
5.  Please provide details of how your staff team meets CIPS requirements. (See Section 7: INT3 for the evidence we require you to send us about the people named in this section)
Essential requirement / Name of tutor(s) meeting this requirement / State if MCIPS. If not, give full title of their relevant qualification / Awarding organisation & country
You must have at least one tutor with a university degree-level qualification in procurement and supply or supply chain management. / i. 
Essential requirement / Name of tutor(s) meeting this requirement / Full title of their teaching qualification / Awarding organisation & country
You must have at least one tutor with a recognised teaching qualification. / i. 
/ Tutor qualifications
This is an essential requirement for registration as a CIPS study centre – if you cannot meet our requirements then we cannot accept your registration. Please see Section 7 for more details.
Procurement specialist: must have either MCIPS, or a degree in procurement. For any other qualifications claimed we require a transcript of the modules covered.
Teaching specialist: must have a teaching qualification recognised in the country of origin. We require the full name of the qualification.
6.  Please indicate any experience you have of working with other UK professional bodies and teaching their qualifications.
Awarding Body / Date approved to offer courses / Course(s) Offered / Number of learners on course last year / Number of learners on course this year
If your Centre has been refused registration or approval, or approval was withdrawn, please state the name of Awarding Body and the reason for refusal/withdrawal and date:
/ It is not essential to complete this section, but it helps your application if you can show that you are already an accredited provider of qualifications from other awarding bodies.

Please go to Section 7 on next page

7.  YOUR EVIDENCE: CIPS criteria for Registered International Study Centres
In order to be accepted as a CIPS Registered International Study Centre, you must send us supporting information/evidence to show that you meet the criteria listed below (INT1 to INT7).
CIPS will assess the evidence you provide before accepting or rejecting your application. Please make sure that you include all the evidence listed below – CIPS cannot process your application unless all the required evidence is provided. / Do not use the ‘Reference’ column in Section 7 to tell us about what you do - use this column for the name and page number of the document or other evidence you are sending, so that we can identify the evidence you want us to look at.
All of your evidence documents should be sent separately, either as electronic files or paper copies.
/ Evidence (to be sent to CIPS)
/ Reference
INT1. The Study Centre has a sound rationale for offering CIPS programmes / 1.1  Statement explaining why you are applying to become a CIPS Registered International Study Centre.
/ INT 1. RationaleTell us why your study centre is needed in your area, and about the market you will supply.Use the Reference column to give us the name of the file or document you have included as evidence for this.
/ Evidence (to be sent to CIPS)
/ Reference
INT2. The Study Centre is recognised by national government or state authorities to offer education/training in the named country/ countries. / 2.1 Copy of National Certificate of Registration for each country/state named in Section 1, showing that your organisation is an accredited provider in the country/state in which you are applying to operate.
/ INT 2. A National Certificate of Registration tells us that you are approved or licensed to operate as an accredited training provider in your country/region. Use the Reference column to give us the name of the file or document you have included as evidence for this.
/ Evidence (to be sent to CIPS)
/ Reference
INT3. There is a suitably qualified teaching team in place / 3.1 An up-to-date CV for each member of the teaching team (including those named in Section 5) which shows their professional and teaching qualifications:
·  At least one tutor must have a university degree-level qualification in procurement/ supply chain management (preferably CIPS).
·  At least one tutor must have a recognised teaching qualification.
3.2 Copies of the certificates for all the qualifications mentioned above.
3.3 List of which unit(s) each member of the team will be teaching.
/ INT 3. We asked you for the names of some of your tutors in Section 5. We now need evidence of the full team’s qualifications, as set out in 3.1 and 3.2.Every CIPS Registered International Study Centre must have a qualified teacher attached to the teaching team. This is so that we (and you) can be confident that CIPS tutors are not just subject experts, but are also able to teach effectively. The qualified teacher must observe the other tutor(s), and provide written feedback after each observation.
Use the Reference column to give us the name of the file or document you have included as evidence for this.
/ Evidence (to be sent to CIPS)
/ Reference
INT4. Staff and learners have sufficient command of English to be able to cope with CIPS study resources and examination papers / 4.1 Show that each member of your teaching team has fluent English. This can be (a) in their CV, or (b) in a statement from you saying that you have checked and can confirm this.
4.2 Statement describing how you assess that your learners have sufficient ability to read and write in English before you accept them on to CIPS programmes.
/ INT 4. CIPS examinations and all study materials are presented in English. It is important that tutors and learners have sufficient command of English to be able to succeed in delivering and achieving CIPS qualifications. Tell us how you check on this, for tutors (4.1) and learners (4.2)Use the Reference column to give us the name and page number of the file or document you have included as evidence for this.
/ Evidence (to be sent to CIPS)
/ Reference
INT5. Suitable learning resources are available / 5.1 If you are not using CIPS resources, provide samples of the study materials you will be using for CIPS programmes.
5.2 List of the library/other learning resources available for use by your learners
5.3 List or description of the IT facilities available for use by your learners
/ INT 5. If you intend to use CIPS resources please tick the Reference column against 5.1.
If you are developing your own resources use the Reference column to give us the name and page number of the file or document you have included as evidence for 5.1.
Use the Reference column to give us the name and page number of the file or document you have included as evidence for 5.2 and 5.3