Transition Educational Exiting Profile Page 1

I. Name / Nicole Williams / D.O.B / 05-04-89
Student Address / 742 Elm Street , Coopersburg, PA / SS# / xxxxxxxx-xx-xxxx
Parent/Guardian / Susan Williams / Phone # / xxx-xxx-xxxx
Diagnosed Primary Disability / Other Health Impairments / Secondary Disability
Medication(s) / Lamotrogene (generic lamictal 125mg in am and pm)
County / Lehigh


II. High School Graduate / Yes No / Date of Graduation / 6-12-2010
Name of School / Project SEARCH High School Transition Program / Teacher / Patricia Droznoc
Type of Program / Life Skills Support / Home District / Southern Lehigh School District
Reading Level / 3.0 / Math Level / 2.0


III. Does the individual receive SSI Benefits? Yes No

Does the individual receive SSDI benefits? Yes No

Has the family/individual received information on Social Security Work Incentives and/or MAWD? Yes No

(i.e. PASS, Ticket-to-Work, Impairment Related Work Expense)

Has the individual met with a Work Incentive Planning Assistance Program (WIPA)? Yes No

Does the individual have a Social Security identification card? Yes No

Does the individual have a Pennsylvania Photo Identification Card? Yes No

Is the individual registered to vote? Yes No

Is the individual registered for the Selective Service? Yes No

Does the individual have a Driver’s License? Yes No

Is it a realistic goal for the individual to get a Driver’s License? Yes No

Does the individual have an ACCESS card? Yes No # xxxxxxxxx

What type of medical insurance does the individual have? Primary-Personal Choice, Secondary-Ameri-Health Mercy

When does this medical insurance benefit end? NA

Is the individual eligible for services through the MR system? Yes No Page 2

If yes, Name of Supports Coordinator for MR system:

Is the individual eligible for services through the MH system? Yes No

If yes, Name of Case Manager for MH system:

Did the individual apply to OVR for services? Yes No

If yes, date application was completed. 9-2009 (2 years prior to graduation)

If no, comment.

Does the individual currently receive OVR services? Yes No

Name of OVR Counselor: Brooke Cho, Transiton Counselor

If the individual receives other services, please list agencies, providers, and contact person(s):

IV. Participants who contributed to completing this Profile

Name / Patrcia Droznoc / Role / Life Skills Support Educator / Phone Number / xxx-xxx-xxxx / Areas completed / all
Name / Nicole Williams / Role / Student / Phone Number / xxx-xxx-xxxx / Areas completed / Sections I, II, III
Name / Mike Mussleman / Role / Job Coach / Phone Number / xxx-xxx-xxxx / Areas completed / V
Name / Role / Phone Number / Areas completed
Name / Role / Phone Number / Areas completed

Summer Contact Number, Extension and Name for additional documents and further information:

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v. ESSENTIAL INFORMATION: Complete by checking, adding comments or writing “Not Applicable”

A. Individual Desires to be Competitively Employed in the Community: YES NO
If yes, (Check) Full-time employment Part-time employment Less than 20 hours per week
If no, comment.
Scheduling Concerns: (church activities, recreation/leisure activities, lack of experience with full-time employment): Nicole relies on public transportation and her family to transport her to work/activities.
Negotiable/Non-negotiable: (activities that could conflict with structured competitive employment schedule): (List) none
B.  Communication:
1.  Mode of Communication: (Check what applies)
a.  Verbal
If yes, describe type of communication (e.g. one word, utterances, complete sentences). Nicole can carry on a conversation.. Nicole needs verbal prompts to remain on topic when engaging in conversation as she can bounce from topic to topic.
b.  Non-verbal
If yes, describe type of communication (i.e. communication board, picture book, eye gaze, is an interpreter needed).
2.  Primary Language: English
C.  Family Supports Available to Assist Individual in Meeting this Post-School Outcome: Parent Guardian Sibling Friend Other
Parent / Susan and Craig Williams / Sibling / Other
Guardian / Friend


D. Transportation: Page 4
1.  Mode of Transportation to and from Work: (Check all that apply)
a.  Public: Bus Cab Specialized Transportation
b.  Driver’s License/car Family Friends Walk Other
2.  Type of Support Needed: (Check what applies)
a.  Independent
b.  Needs Training (i.e. Training in Pedestrian Safety, Training in reading & interpreting a bus schedule-Travel Instruction)
c.  Needs Assistance (to access transportation services)
d.  Travel Instruction Assessment Completed Travel training was conducted since 10-2009 with an emphasis on safety awareness.
e.  Evaluator’s Name Jodi Cox
E.  Individual’s Job Preferences/Expressed Areas of Interest: (List)
Nicole would like to work full-time competitively in a secretarial position. / Recommendations by IEP Team:
Nicole can be competitively employeed with supports for organization, increase and maintain a competive work speed, initial learning of job tasks and for strategies to remain focused at the job.
F. Employment Possibilities Near Residence or through Personal Contacts: (List business name and address if known) Nicole volunteers at the Phoebe Nursing Home. Nicole and her parents are looking into secretarial positions/job positions at local businesses.
G. Work-Based Learning: (Check)
Career Days Internship Work Release (paid)
Career Expos Job Shadowing Work Study Cooperative Education Registered Apprenticeship Volunteering
Community-Based Vocational Training Service Learning Other
Diversified Occupation Program Work Experience (part-time/full-time)
Nicole volunteers at Phoebe Home, Allentown PA ( transports residents from their rooms to an activity and back to their rooms). Nicole participated in the Work-Based Learning Program (WBLP) through the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit. Nicole participated in the following sites: Academy of Little Learners, Muhlenberg College, Boscov's shipping and receiving. At Academy of Little Learners, Nicole set up snacks, cleaned up the snack area and assisted with play time activities. At Muhlenberg College, Nicole worked in the cafeteria weighing meat, restocking condiments and wiping tables. At Boscov's, Nicole opened boxes, removed plastic bags from clothing and put clothing on hangers. Nicole also attended Lehigh Career and Technical Institute (LCTI). Nicole participated in a hospitality rotation. In hospitality, Nicole made beds, cleaned, vaccuumed, dusted and damp mopped. In the 2009-2010 year, Nicole participated in Project SEARCH, a high school transition program for young adults with disabilies. Nicole participated in 3 internship site rotations. In her first rotation, Nicole worked with Sodexo Food Services. Nicole broke down the breakfast bar, prepared vegetables and fruits for the salad bar. She also performed dishwashing jobs and restocked supplies as needed. In her second rotation, Nicole worked as a secretarial assistant. While there, Nicole purged files, sorted files, data entry, answered phones, transferred calls, entered payroll, and entered new client information into a database. Nicole, also, worked as a secretarial assistant as she purged files, helped process donations, typed up historical literature, and duplication jobs.
G. Work-Based Learning: (continued)
No work related experiences: (Explain) Nicole volunteered at a nursing home transporting patients to activities.
H. Specific Job Tasks: (Check) Able to Perform: One step task Two/three step tasks Multi-step tasks Page 5
(Describe tasks and level of independence)
The job tasks should be modeled. Nicole should learn 1-2 job tasks at a time. When she has mastered a task, a new task can be introduced. Nicole needs verbal prompts to create checklists to keep herself on task and to organize her work time. Natural supports are the best option to provide Nicole with a verbal cue to attend to her job tasks. With repeated practice, Nicole can perform most tasks. Nicole can use word, excel and data entry for payroll. Nicole can answer phones, transfer calls and take messages as needed. Nicole can file numerically and alphabetically. Nicole works best in areas with minimal distractions. Nicole has participated in an internship with Sodexo. Nicole enjoyed washing dishes and running the dishwasher.
Does the individual meet employer expectations? (Comments) Nicole has above average typing skills. Nicole is very personable and has great customer service skills when problems are routine. She needs to continue to work on organization, remaining on task and improving her pace while working.
I. Description of Strengths and Abilities in Jobs Assessed: (Describe)
Nicole's strengths are her computer skills and social interaction. Nicole is creative and enjoys working on projects that allow her to work at her own pace. Staff provides her feedback to remain on task and to follow a timeline for completion of job tasks. Nicole excels at typing and customer service skills when the job is routine. Nicole needs tolearn 1-2 job tasks at a time. When she has mastered a task, a new task can be introduced. Nicole needs verbal prompts to create checklists to keep herself on task. Natural supports are the best option to provide Nicole with a verbal cue to attend to her job tasks. With repeated practice, Nicole can perform most tasks. Nicole can use word, excel and data entry for payroll. Nicole can answer phones, transfter calls and take messages as needed. Nicole can files numerically and alphabetically. Nicole works best in areas with minimal distractions. Nicole can perform complex tasks, but they need to be taught in a systematic and routine manner with repetitive practice.
J.  Motor/Mobility Skills: (Check) – Independent Wheelchair Crutches Cane Walker Assistance Needed
K.  Endurance: (Check)
1.  Endurance is less than: 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours or more 3 hours or more
2.  Can the individual work while seated for at least 2 hours at a time? Yes No Don’t Know
3.  Can the individual work while standing for at least 2 hours at a time? Yes No Don’t Know
4.  Must the individual alternate between standing and sitting? Yes No
5.  Individual can: Lift 30 pounds, Carry 30 pounds, Push 30 pounds
6.  List any restrictions: sit stand kneel stoop bend crawl none
Comments: When Nicole works for extended periods of time, her body becomes fatigued, she looses focus and her ability to retain job tasks that she is able to perform.
L. Individual’s Behavior in Work Environment and Supports Needed to Maintain Appropriate Behavior: (List) Nicole is a friendly, talkative person. Nicole needs to be reminded to talk less and focus on the job tasks she is performing. Nicole can choose to become defiant when she has to perform a job tasks that she does not like to do (From January -May 2010 Nicole has not shown any defiance with job tasks). Staff provides verbal praise and if necessary reinforcers are used to encourage completion of non-preferred job tasks.
M. Accommodations/Environmental/Sensory Considerations Needing to be Addressed: (List) Checklists and a work environment with minimal distractions until she learns job tasks. For example, when Nicole is introduced to a new job task, she is taught in a quiet room/office until she demonstrates accuracy of the job task.
N. Habits, Routines, Idiosyncrasies: (List) Overly talkative, needs to focus more on work. Nicole has demonstrated less talking in her 3rd rotation.
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O. Safety Considerations: (i.e. Overly friendly, unaware of danger/environment, knowing what to do in an emergency, carries ID, has emergency contact list) (List)
Nicole has seizures and does not communicate seizures to staff. She is reminded (verbally) weekly to communicate any medical needs.

P. OTHER COMMMENTS As of May 2010, Nicole communicated seizure activity to staff.

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VI. Mark by indicating: 3-Independent/strong ability, 2-Support Needed, 1-Not evident


Response Code / 3 / 2 / 1 / DATE/YEAR 12-2009 / 3 / 2 / 1 / DATE/YEAR 5-2010
Expresses basic needs and wants / 12-2009-Needs verbal prompts to communicate seizure activity / 5-2010As of May 2010, Nicole communicated seizure activity to staff.
Asks for assistance / Nicole asks for assistance as needed / Nicole asks for assistance as needed
Speaks effectively
Understands verbal instructions / 12-2009-Repeats verbal instructions and writes them down. / Repeats verbal instructions and writes them down.
Follows verbal instructions / 12-2009-Repeats verbal instructions and writes them down.
Understands written instructions / -
Follows written instructions
Interprets non-verbal cues and gestures / Role model to reinforce non-verbal cues and gestures / Staff continues to role model non-verbal cues. Staff provides clarification to cue into body language
Requests accommodations / 12-2009 - Nicole requests accomodations and makes her own accomodations. / Nicole is making accomodations on her own. Staff provides clarification on accomodations for organization.
Reports work related problems to supervisor/coworker / Nicole communicates work related problems as they occur.
Able to answer telephone appropriately / Nicole greets the person in a friendly manner
Takes an accurate telephone message / Nicole asks the persons name, date and message. / Nicole asks the persons name, date and message.
Leaves an appropriate telephone message / Nicole states her name, reason for the call, with a call back number. / Nicole states her name, reason for the call, with a call back number.
Asks for time off appropriately / Via phone and email.with verbal prompting to perform this task in a timely manner before her start time of work / Nicole performs these tasks independently via email or phone message.
Completes paper application / 12-2009 - Adult proofreads applications, resumes, and letters of applications. / 5-2010 - Adult proofreads applications, resumes, and letters of applications.
Able to complete alternate format applications
(online, phone, electronics, etc.) / 12-2009 - Adult proofreads applications, resumes, and letters of applications. / 5-2010 - Adult proofreads applications, resumes, and letters of applications.
Provides current medication information
Utilizes cell phone / 12-2009 - Needs verbal prompts to report off in a timely manner. / 5-2010 - Reports off in a timely manner as needed using alarm clock on her cell phone.

Mark by indicating: 3-Independent/strong ability, 2-Support Needed, 1-Not evident Page 8


Response Code / 3 / 2 / 1 / DATE/YEAR 12-2009 / 3 / 2 / 1 / DATE/YEAR 5-2010
Exhibits decision making skills / 12-2009 - Does not exhibit problem solving skills immediately, looks to staff or co-worker to solve problem. / 5-2010 - Displays basic problem solving with routine tasks. Nicole needs assistance to think out problems that are not systematic and routine.
Adapts to change / 12-2009 - Job coach provides praise and talks Nicole through the change. Nicole continues to work on transitioning on Mondays and/or coming off of a few days off . / 5-2010 - Job coach provides praise and talks Nicole through the change. Nicole continues to work on transitioning on Mondays and/or coming off of a few days off .
Takes initiative / 12-2009 - Nicole needs to be asked to do most tasks. / 5-2010 - Nicole needs to be prompted to complete tasks that are not routine and offer assistance to her employer.
Understands employer expectations / 12-2009 - Staff reinforces the importance of the companies mission statement.
Follows emergency procedures / 12-2009 - participated in emergency procedues at the hospital
Exhibits perseverance / 12-2009 - Shuts down and needs verbal prompting and praise. / 5-2010 - Becomes frustrated, but works through frustration rather than shutting down.
Respects opinions/customs/differences of others
Accepts constructive feedback (criticism) / 12-2009 - Nicole shuts down and does not listen to feedback. / 5-2010 - Nicole listens to staff's feedback. She is verbally prompted to restate feedback.
Accepts compliments / 12-2009 - Nicole thrives off of positive feedback / 5-2010 - Nicole thrives off of positive feedback
Handles physical problems that arise (i.e. illness, pain or bodily function) / 12-2009 - Nicole communicates when she feels sick, but does not communicate seizure activity. / 5-2010 - Nicole communicates when she is sick and now reports seizure activity when they occur.
Takes necessary medications according to instructions
Recognizes/reports unsafe condition(s) / 12-2009 - Communicates to co-workers as the needs occur / 5-2010 - Communicates to co-workers as the needs occur