The Fault in Our Stars Questions

Answer the questions below. Be thoughtful. Your answers will fuel our discussion.

1. What does An Imperial Affliction have to do with Hazel's own life? Why is she obsessed with it and how has the book changed her?

2. How does Hazel and Augustus's relationship differ from that of other teens? How is it the same?

3. Why is Isaac's sight such a point of contention between him and his girlfriend? Do you think his girlfriend leaving him was warranted?

4. What is the significance of the words "always" and "okay" to the characters? Why do you think they pick these words? Explain sentences).

5. What is the significance of the fact that An Imperial Affliction doesn't end, and why does Hazel so bent on knowing what happens?

6. Do you like the first person style of the novel? Explain.

7. Even though The Fault in Our Stars deals with timeless questions, it has many markers of the year it was written -- from facebook pages to text messages and TV show references. Do you think these things will affect its ability to endure (remain relevant) over the years or do the concrete references enhance its appeal? Explain.

8. What do you like best about the novel? What do you like the least? Be able to debate your “best” and “least”.