Chairman Maimie Clarkson 5 Norfolk Street Peterborough 01733 343554
Vice Chairman John Munro, 15 Brookside, Walton 01733 574939
Secretary Chris Rea 12 Peterborough Road Newborough 01733 810352
Treasurer Jean Goodman 34 East Delph Whittlesey 01733 350185
Committee:- Mike Pagella, Amanda Peart, Pat Middleton, and Elizabeth Rea
Dancing Classes
The last Tuesday class will be on May 25th, which will be a Social Dance. Please bring along food to share and join in dances chosen, and called, by members. If you have a favourite dance look out for the list and sign up, even if you don't want to do the 'talk-through' yourself. This will be between 8.00pm to 10.00pm only, so don't be late!
The Summer Social Dances will run, on the third Tuesdays, in June, July and August as before. The programme will be up to Branch members, who are invited to do the 'talk-through'.
Advanced Classes
The last advanced class will be on 20th May.
Christmas Cards
The collection at Christmas raised £37.50 towards the selected charity, which this year was The Papworth Hospital.
New Year Charity Dance - Saturday January 16th
This was well attended, by 53 adults, and resulted in a small loss of only £7.52. This was due to the proceeds from the Raffle, plus the auction of a Sat-Nav, of £164, being donated to our chosen charity. The Committee subsequently decided, with the Christmas collection, to make a donation of £200 to the Papworth Hospital.
Our thanks to James and David for m/c'ing a great evening. Also, a thank you to the generous provision of raffle prizes from class members.
NOTE:- This should have been on May 11th, but is deferred one week for logistical reasons.
Attached is a copy of the minutes from last year's AGM, an Agenda, and nomination form (please bring to the meeting). At present all the Committee Members and Officers are willing to stand again. However, please see that the executive officers will all be ‘time expired’ at the next AGM !
Only RSCDS Members are eligible to vote at the AGM. However, the meeting should be short, and then we can all dance for free, as there is no charge that evening.
If you have an email address and have not been contacted by the secretary recently, it means that I don’t have it. If you are agreeable to HQ having it, please let me know and I will add it to their database and you will be set up to access the members’ section of the website.
These are at the Carlby Village Fete on Saturday 1st May, at the Stilton Cheese Rolling on Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May, and the Deeping Show on Sunday 6th June. Hazel has arranged a programme and all who ‘volunteered’ should have been contacted by Hazel for a practice on Friday April 30th.
October Dance - Saturday October 16th
We have the Chris Dewhurst Band for our next dance at St. John's Church Hall. Maimie has compiled the programme and cribs will be available shortly. Please add your own notes to the rather abbreviated Minicribs, as they will be useful prompts on the night.
2010 / Times / TeacherTues / May 4th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / MC
Tues / May 11th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / MC
Tues / May 18th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / AGM
Tues / May 25th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / Social & Food
Tues / June 15th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / Social
Tues / July 20th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / Social
Tues / Aug 17th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / Social
Tues / Sept 7th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / MC
Tues / Sept 14th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / MC
Tues / Sept 21st / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / ano
Tues / Sept 28th / 8.00pm / 10.00pm / MC
Peterborough and District RSCDS October 16th Chris Dewhurst Band
Cambridge Scottish Society Annual Ball May 1st Robert Whitehead & Danelaw Band
Corby SCD Club May 8th Recorded music
Cambridge RSCDS Tea Dance May 8th Ken Martlew
Nottingham RSCDS May 15th Chris Dewhurst
Bedfordshire RSCDS May 15th The Ian Robertson Band
Market Harborough Ball June 5th Robert Whitehead & Danelaw Band
Peterborough and District RSCDS 2011 January 15th Ian Slater
Chris Rea - Secretary