Annual Assessment Report School of Nursing – BSN Program

Spring 2008 Semester Assessment Report Form

DUE October 31st, 2008

Directions: Please complete a form for each of the programs within your department. This form was designed to provide a format for assessment reporting and should not be used to limit the amount of information provided. Each box that is attached to each of the sections is designed to adjust to varying lengths. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bea Babbitt at x51506 or via email at: .

1. Program Information:

Program / Undergraduate BSN Program
Department / School of Nursing
College / Division of Health Sciences
Program Assessment Coordinator / Dr. Nancy York
Semester Data Collected / Spring 2008
Report Submitted by / Dr. Nancy York
Phone/email / 895-5930
Date Submitted / Oct. 24, 2008

2. According to the Assessment Plan for this program, what were the planned assessments to be conducted during the 2007-2008 Academic Year? You may want to copy and paste from this program’s assessment plan.

Which outcomes for this program were measured? / How did you measure the outcomes? / What results did you expect? If the students performed well what would their performance look like, i.e. percentages, means, or comparisons to a national standard?
__2__outcomes out of a total of _8_ outcomes evaluated this semester.
Program Outcome #2 - Provide clinically competent, culturally appropriate patient-centered care that encompasses principles of holism, caring, advocacy,
spirituality and global awareness. / A.  Standardized Tests (Educational Resources, Inc. [ERI] tests used:
·  Nursing Care, Adults I
·  Nursing Care, Adults II
·  Mental Health Nursing
B.  NCLEX Program Reports
·  Overall graduate pass rate on national licensure examination
·  Graduates’ NCLEX subscale scores on “Psychosocial Integrity”
C.  NURS 425 - Care of the Complex Patient – Summative results of Clinical Evaluations
D. BSN Exit Survey of students’ perceptions of meeting this program outcome (#2) / ERI: Class group mean will be at or above the North American mean for:
·  Composite Test Score
·  Safe Effective Care Environment
·  Psychosocial Integrity
UNLV SON graduates will have a cumulative NCLEX pass rate of 80% or greater.
UNLV SON graduates will be in the upper half when compared to other schools on NCLEX related to subscale:
·  Psychosocial Integrity - providing and directing nursing care that promotes and supports the emotional, mental and social well-being of the client and family/significant others experiencing stressful events, as well as clients with acute or chronic mental illness.
100% of students in NURS 425 will be evaluated “performance is safe and competent” for the following items on their clinical evaluation:
·  Moves beyond seeing only the perspective of the nurse and understands patient is a partner in care and evaluates the patient’s readiness to learn.
·  Participates in the creation of a compassionate, supportive and therapeutic environment for patients and staff members.
·  Focuses on the needs of the patient and extends caring practices to patient and family, recognizing their individuality and cultural differences.
This outcome (#2) will be rated with a mean of 3 or above (1-4 Likert-type scale) on the BSN Exit Survey.
Program Outcome # 6 - Incorporate health promotion/disease prevention and illness management strategies in working with patients, families, groups, and communities. / A.  ERI tests used:
·  Nursing Care, Adults I
·  Nursing Care, Adults II
·  RN Assessment
B.  NCLEX Program Reports
·  Overall graduate pass rate on national licensure examination
·  Graduates’ NCLEX subscale scores on “Management of Care”
C.  NURS 425 - Care of the Complex Patient – Summative results of Clinical Evaluations
D.  BSN Exit Survey of students’ perceptions of meeting this program outcome (#6) / ERI: Class group mean will be at or above the North American mean for:
·  Health Promotion & Maintenance
·  Physiological Integrity
UNLV SON graduates will have a cumulative NCLEX pass rate of 80% or greater.
UNLV SON graduates will be in the upper half when compared to other schools on NCLEX related to subscale:
·  Management of Care – providing and directing nursing care that enhances the care delivery setting in order to protect clients, family/significant others and health care personnel.
100% of students in NURS 425 will be evaluated “performance is safe and competent” for the following items on their clinical evaluation:
·  Prepares patient/family education plan of care and modifies plan of care as needed.
·  Develops and implements health promotion plans to facilitate patients/family assumption of self care and wellness promotion.
This outcome (#6) will be rated with a mean of 3 or above (1-4 Likert-type scale) on the BSN Exit Survey.

3. Results, conclusions, and discoveries. What are the results of the planned assessments listed above? What conclusions or discoveries were made from these results? Describe below or attach to the form.

Results, conclusions, and discoveries
Program Outcome #2 - Provide clinically competent, culturally appropriate patient-centered care that encompasses principles of holism, caring, advocacy, spirituality, and global awareness.
A. ERI Results: The Nursing Care of Adults I & II, and the Mental Health Nursing standardized exams were selected to evaluate outcome #2 because they are closely monitored exams which receive weight towards students’ final grades in their respective courses. Therefore, we believe they are a serious reflection of the students’ mastery of outcomes related to culturally competent patient-centered care.
N.A. Mean UNLV Mean N.A. Mean UNLV Mean
Nursing Care, Adults I Spring 2008 Summer 2008
·  Composite Test Score / 62 / 58 / 62 / 59
·  Safe Effective Care Environment / 61 / 62 / 61 / 59
·  Psychosocial Integrity / 61 / 65 / 61 / 67
Nursing Care, Adults II
·  Composite Test Score / 64 / 65 / 64 / 62
·  Safe Effective Care Environment / 61 / 59 / 59 / 60
·  Psychosocial Integrity / 58 / 70 / 62 / 58
Mental Health Nursing
·  Composite Test Score / 65 / 68 / 65 / 67
·  Safe Effective Care Environment / 69 / 65 / 69 / 64
·  Psychosocial Integrity / 67 / 68 / 68 / 65
B.  NCLEX Results: The NCLEX Program Reports were used to compare our students to graduates within Nevada as well as nationally.
Percentage of Graduates Passing NCLEX
UNLV SON graduates will be in the upper half when compared to other schools on NCLEX: Percentile Rank of UNLV Graduates Compared to Nevada Graduates
UNLV SON graduates will be in the upper half when compared to other schools on NCLEX:
Percentile Rank of UNLV Graduates Compared to National Graduates
C.  Summative Results of NURS 425 Clinical Evaluations: NURS 425 is the capstone Medical-Surgical course completed in the final semester of the nursing program. We believe performance in this clinical area is an appropriate and accurate assessment of students’ mastery of outcomes related to culturally competent patient-centered care.
% of N425 students (n = 54) evaluated as “performance is safe and competent”
Moves beyond seeing only the perspective of the nurse and understands patient is a partner in care and evaluates the patient’s readiness to learn. / 100%
Participates in the creation of a compassionate, supportive and therapeutic environment for patients and staff members. / 100%
Focuses on the needs of the patient and extends caring practices to patient and family, recognizing their individuality and cultural differences. / 100%
D.  BSN Exit Survey: The BSN Exit Survey is given to all students at the completion of coursework and provides information on students’ perceptions of meeting program outcomes.
Provide clinically competent, culturally appropriate patient-centered care that encompasses principles of holism, caring, advocacy, spirituality, and global awareness.
Did not meet / Somewhat met / Met / Strongly met / Avg. Score
Spring 08 (n = 53) / 2
4% / 14
26% / 25
47% / 12
23% / 2.88
Summer 08 (n = 36) / 0 / 0 / 14
39% / 22
61% / 3.38
A.  ERI Results: The UNLV ERI class mean was higher on 9 of the 18 indicators. The Spring 08 graduates scored higher than the Summer 08 graduates overall. Though not meeting the North American average for half of the indicators, UNLV graduates were typically within 2-4 points of the N.A. mean.
B.  NCLEX Results: UNLV graduates met the goal of an overall NCLEX pass rate of 80% as mandated by the Nevada Board of Nursing. UNLV graduates scored better than Nevada graduates on the NCLEX subscale “Psychosocial Integrity” subscale, but scored slightly below the national norm.
C.  Summative N425 Clinical Evaluations: 100% of graduates were evaluated by their clinical instructors as “performance is save and competent” with regards to patient-centered culturally competent care.
D.  BSN Exit Survey: 70% of the Spring 08 and 100% of the Summer 08 graduates believed or strongly believed they met this program outcome.
Program Outcome # 6 - Incorporate health promotion/disease prevention and illness management strategies in working with patients, families, groups, and communities.
A.  ERI Results: The Nursing Care of Adults I & II and RN Assessment standardized exams were selected to evaluate outcome #6 because they are closely monitored exams which receive weight towards students’ final grades in their respective courses. We believe these exams are a serious reflection of the students’ mastery of outcomes related to working with patients, families, groups and communities.
N.A. Mean UNLV Mean N.A. Mean UNLV Mean
Nursing Care, Adults I Spring 2008 Summer 2008
·  Health Promotion and Maintenance / 57 / 53 / 57 / 55
·  Basic Care and Comfort / NA / NA / NA / NA
·  Physiological Integrity / 66 / 65 / 62 / 59
Nursing Care, Adults II
·  Health Promotion and Maintenance / 60 / 63 / 60 / 62
·  Basic Care and Comfort / NA / NA / NA / NA
·  Physiological Integrity / 66 / 65 / 66 / 63
RN Assessment
·  Health Promotion and Maintenance / 67 / 58 / 59 / 56
·  Basic Care and Comfort / 55 / 50 / 55 / 61
·  Physiological Adaptation / 58 / 53 / 58 / 57
B.  NCLEX Results: See above.
C.  Summative Results of NURS 425 Clinical Evaluations: NURS 425 is the capstone Medical-Surgical course completed in the final semester of the nursing program. We believe performance in this clinical area is an appropriate and accurate assessment of students’ mastery of outcomes related to health promotion and disease prevention care.
% of N425 students (n = 54) evaluated as “performance is safe and competent”
Prepares patient/family education plan of care and modifies plan of care as needed. / 100%
Develops and implements health promotion plans to facilitate patients/family assumption of self care and wellness promotion. / 100%
D.  BSN Exit Survey: The BSN Exit Survey is given to all students at the completion of coursework and provides information on students’ perceptions of meeting program outcomes.
Incorporate health promotion/disease prevention and illness management strategies in working with patients, families, groups, and communities.
Did not meet / Somewhat met / Met / Strongly met / Avg. Score
Spring 08 (n = 53) / 0 / 12
22% / 19
36% / 22
42% / 3.18
Summer 08 (n = 36) / 0 / 0 / 14
39% / 22
61% / 3.38
A.  ERI Results: The UNLV ERI class mean was higher on 4 of the 14 indicators. Though not meeting the North American average for the majority of the indicators, UNLV graduates were typically within 2-4 points of the N.A. mean.
B.  NCLEX Results: UNLV graduates met the goal of an overall NCLEX pass rate of 80% as mandated by the Nevada Board of Nursing. UNLV graduates scored better than Nevada graduates on the “Management of Care” subscale, but scored below the national norm.
C.  Summative N425 Clinical Evaluations: 100% of graduates were evaluated by their clinical instructors as “performance is save and competent” with regards to health promotion and disease prevention care.
D.  BSN Exit Survey: 78% of the Spring 08 and 100% of the Summer 08 graduates believed or strongly believed they met this program outcome.

4. Use of Results. What program changes are indicated? How will they be implemented? If none, describe why changes were not needed.

Program Outcome #2 - Provide clinically competent, culturally appropriate patient-centered care that encompasses principles of holism, caring, advocacy, spirituality, and global awareness.
Overall students are meeting this program outcome. The majority of students perceive being clinically competent and culturally appropriate as voiced on their Exit Interviews. In addition, overall NCLEX scores and subscale scores, and NURS 425 clinical evaluations, suggest students are meeting this outcome.
An area of concern is students’ overall and subscale ERI scores related to this outcome. Though consistently close to meeting the N.A. mean, neither Spring 08 nor Summer 08 classes were consistently above the N.A. mean. These findings will be shared with the Academic Affairs Council as we start our undergraduate curriculum revision in Spring 09. Patient-centered principles may need to be emphasized more in the classroom and clinical experiences.
Program Outcome # 6 - Incorporate health promotion/disease prevention and illness management strategies in working with patients, families, groups, and communities.
Overall students are meeting this program outcome. The majority of students perceive incorporating health promotion and disease prevention strategies into their care as voiced on their Exit Interviews. In addition, overall NCLEX scores and subscale scores as compared to other Nevada graduates, and NURS 425 clinical evaluations, suggest students are meeting this outcome.
An area of concern is students’ NCLEX subscale and ERI subscale scores related to this outcome. UNLV graduates NCLEX percentile rank, as compared to national graduates on “management of care” was 42% (and 52% as compared to other Nevada graduates). Though consistently close to meeting the N.A. mean, neither Spring 08 nor Summer 08 classes were consistently above the N.A. mean on the ERI subscales. Health promotion and disease prevention concepts are most fully examined in the final semester of the curriculum, therefore evaluating ERI results from previous semesters may not be the most appropriate way to measure students’ success. However, these findings will be shared with the Academic Affairs Council as we start our undergraduate curriculum revision in Spring 09. Health promotion and disease prevention principles may need to be emphasized more in the earlier semesters of the curriculum.

5. Dissemination of results, conclusions, and discoveries. How and with whom were the results shared?