Nursing Student Association of South Dakota
Executive Board Meeting
September 11, 2016
University of Sioux Falls
12:00 pm
I. Call to Order by President
II. Welcome by SDSU, Brookings
III. Roll Call of Execute Board by Recording Secretary
- President: Ela Nielsen – South Dakota State University, Brookings (present)
- First Vice President: Denae Doornink – Augustana College (present)
- Second Vice President: Katie Greeneway – Mount Marty, Yankton (present)
- Treasurer: Kelle Thompson – Presentation College, Aberdeen (present)
- Recording Secretary: Sydney Phillips – Presentation College, Aberdeen (present)
- Corresponding Secretary: Samantha Whitley – University of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls (present)
- Nominations Chairperson: Alyssa Klimisch – Augustana College (present)
- Website Administrator: Shelby Elsen – Presentation College, Aberdeen (present)
- Resolutions Chairperson: Shawnee Earley – University of South Dakota, Rapid City (present)
- Community Health Chairperson: Carli Hulstein – South Dakota State University, Brookings (present)
IV. Roll Call: Constituents
a. Augustana College (present)
b. Dakota Wesleyan University: Mitchell (absent)
c. Dakota Wesleyan University: Huron (absent)
d. Mount Mary College (present)
e. Presentation College (present)
f. South Dakota State University: Brookings (present)
g. South Dakota State University: Sioux Falls (absent)
h. South Dakota State University: West River (absent)
i. University of South Dakota: Vermillion (absent)
j. University of South Dakota: Pierre (absent)
k. University of South Dakota: Rapid City (absent)
l. University of South Dakota: Sioux Falls (absent)
m. University of South Dakota: Watertown (absent)
n. University of Sioux Falls (present)
V. Declare a Quorum by Recording Secretary – quorum declared by Sydney Phillips (Presentation College)
- Presidential Appointed Positions
- Parliamentarian: Tegan McManaman – Presentation College, Aberdeen (absent)
- Resolutions Committee Co-Chairperson: unfilled
VII. Refresh Parliamentary Procedure - Parliamentarian
VIII. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – April. April minutes will be sent out to board members.
IX. Approval of Today’s Agenda – September. Motion to approve the agenda by Alyssa Klimich (Augustana College). Second Motion by Denae Doornink.
X. Treasurer’s Report
a. Budget presentation and approval- Motion by Shelby Elsen to table discussing the budget details.
b. Bank Balances
i. Checking- $1,868.64
ii. Savings- $4,459.54
iii. Waddell and Reed Mutual Fund – Kim? The accounts are transitioning from last year’s treasurer to the present treasurer. Further contact will be made to clarify funds.
iv. Convention funds
XI. Old Business
a. Resolution Ideas/Co-Chairperson.
i. The promotion of communication and collaboration with other healthcare personnel into clinical and simulations.
b. Promoting website – Shelby Elsen
i. NCLEX questions? Questions will be posted every Monday.
ii. Make sure all local NSA have website/Facebook pages
iii. Minutes, bylaws, policies, and convention updates
1. Any ideas to update the bylaws of each position need to be addressed before State Convention.
2. Clarify the group name to SDSNA versus NSASD. Motion to vote to change the board name to South Dakota Student Nurse Association (SDSNA) by Kelle Thompson. Second motion by Katie Greeneway. The vote carries unanimously.
iv. Add midyear and national convention
v. Adding internship/job opportunities
vi. Adding pictures to the website
vii. Additional ideas
1. Transition to posting updates to the Facebook page to reach members more efficiently.
c. Convention Report from Mount Marty
i. Convention Date: USD Vermillion and USD Sioux Falls will be hosting convention in Sioux Falls. Samantha Whitley and Katie Greeneway will be a point of contact between the board and USD.
1. Meeting date: March 24-25, 2017 at the Ramada Hotel Suites in Sioux Falls
2. Theme: to be determined.
3. Keynote Speaker: to be determined.
ii. Convention Binder Destruction motion needed. Motion to destroy the old convention binder from 2010 by Katie Greeneway. Second motion by Alyssa Klimisch.
d. Bylaws Update – 2nd VP
- New ideas, does everyone have a copy of the bylaws
XII. New Business
- Fundraising
- The fundraiser through Schwan’s will be continued as soon as possible.
b. Scholarships
i. Leadership and Florence Nightingale Scholarship
1. Panel members: Ela Nielsen, Tegan McManaman
2. Due Date: TBA.
3. Judges: Sydney Phillips, Kelle Thompson, & Ela Nielsen
4. Promotion!
ii. Outstanding Student Nurse – Host school for convention
1. Convention committee - announcement with due date. Will keep in communication with USD.
iii. Local chapters showcase at State Convention
1. Individual schools create a poster or PowerPoint displaying local chapters’ accomplishments. Display presentations at the convention rather than at the mixer.
c. NSNA Midyear Convention: Kansas City, MO November 10-13.
i. The budget for Mid-year convention is $4,500. Deadline to decide to attend mid-year conference is October 1, 2016. Interested members will be emailed with further details.
d. Constituency Status
e. Volunteer Activity Ideas for Upcoming Meetings – Carli
i. Prepare a coat drive or food drive.
XIII. Announcements
a. Next meeting is November 6th at Presentation College. Details will be emailed at a later date and posted to Facebook group page.
XIV. Motion to Adjourn. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Shelby Elsen. Second motion by Kelle Thompson.