LBH IRB Form #23: HUD Renewal ApplicationPage 1of 4
Version 1, 10-09-14
Institutional Review Board
Humanitarian Use Device Renewal Form
HUD Title:Primary Physician: / Degree: Select OneBACRNAM.D.PharmDPhD.RND.O.CRNP / Faculty: Select OneYesNoPrivate
Associate Physician: / Degree: Select OneBACRNAM.D.PharmDPhD.RND.O.CRNP / Faculty: Select OneYesNoPrivate
Associate Physician: / Degree: Select OneBACRNAM.D.PharmDPhD.RND.O.CRNP / Faculty: Select OneYesNoPrivate
Associate Physician: / Degree: Select OneBACRNAM.D.PharmDPhD.RND.O.CRNP / Faculty: Select OneYesNoPrivate
Associate Physician: / Degree: Select OneBACRNAM.D.PharmDPhD.RND.O.CRNP / Faculty: Select OneYesNoPrivate
Associate Physician: / Degree: Select OneBACRNAM.D.PharmDPhD.RND.O.CRNP / Faculty: Select OneYesNoPrivate
Contact Person:
*Email: / Beeper:
Phone: / Fax:
*Email address may be published on the Department of Research’s webpage Yes No
Date patient contact began:
If this Humanitarian Use Device has an IDE, please complete the following:
HUD IDE# HCFA Device Class:
Certification of Principal Investigator/Faculty Sponsor: Signature certifies that all Investigators have reviewed the proposed protocol and grant, if HHS sponsored, that the documents are in agreement (or if not, an explanation is attached), and that the research will be conducted in full compliance with federal/state regulations and LBH procedures/guidelines. It is understood that: 1) continuing IRB review is required in order to maintain the approval status and that the investigator must submit a progress report for this review; 2) all changes in the study must be approved by the IRB prior to implementation; and 3) serious, unexpected study related adverse events must be promptly reported to the IRB.
Signature of Primary PhysicianPrint NameDate
Signature of Associate PhysicianPrint NameDate
Signature of Associate PhysicianPrint NameDate
Signature of Associate PhysicianPrint NameDate
Signature of Associate PhysicianPrint NameDate
Signature of Associate PhysicianPrint NameDate
If there are additional associate physicians, please have them sign on one of the associate physician lines.
Submission Instructions:
Humanitarian Use Device Renewals may be reviewed in an expedited manner per federal regulation. Therefore, only the following documents need to be submitted on paper: the completed and signed Renewal Application (this form), theunstamped assent/consent form(s), the complete protocol (if not previously submitted), and the investigator brochure (if not previously submitted). All of the above should be submittedelectronically (in either WORD or PDF formats) even if previously submitted.
Patient Population - check and complete all that apply:
AdultsPatientsStudentsPregnant Women
MinorsEmployeesSubjects incapable of giving consent
Attached to the HUD Renewal Form (check all that are included):
Assent/Consent form(s)
Protocol Version #, dated
Investigator Brochure Version #, dated
Additional information Primary Physician considers important for review by IRB
Annual Review Summary
Answer the following questions regarding your ongoing study:
a)Have any devices been used to date? Yes No
If yes, how many were used since the last review?
If yes, provide the total number of devices used to date?
b)Have any devices expired? Yes No
If yes, how many were destroyed or returned to the company since the last review?
If yes, how many were destroyed or returned to the company to date?
c)Have there been any device related adverse events or unanticipated problems involving risks to patients since the last IRB review? Yes No
If yes, please describe whether these events have changed your current risk/benefit assessment.
d)Have there been any early terminations, withdraws or complaints about the device since the last IRB review? Yes No
If yes, please describe.
e)Have there been any substantive changes in the protocol since the last IRB review?
Yes No
If yes, please summarize the changes.
f)Has there been any new literature, findings, reports on multi-center trials, or other relevant information, particularly with respect to possible risks to patients, associated with this device? Yes No
If yes, please describe.
g)Are there any preliminary results of the device? Yes No
If yes, please describe.
Patient Status Report:During the Past Year Cumulative Accrual
Number of patients enrolled
Number of patients terminated early
Number of patients in active treatment
Number of patients in follow-up
Number of patients who completed the study
Has enrollment ended? Yes No
If No, state who is consenting patients:Are any patients receiving protocol required follow-up procedures not otherwise done as standard care and which involve more than minimal risk (such as involving radiation exposure or injection of radiographic contrast material)? Yes No
Cumulative Accrual by Race/Ethnic Group
African Am. / Caucasian / Am. Indian / Hispanic / Asian / Others / TotalsMales
LBH IRB Form #23: HUD Renewal ApplicationPage 1of 4
Version 1, 10-09-14