Analysis and personal interpretation of the poem Morning Song .

This poem is part of the collection Ariel and it is considered part of the so called Confessional poetry, a kind of poetry drafted by a group of poets of the fifties of the twentieth century in which Sylvia Plath has been framed and which works are composed in a mode of verse that reveals the poet's personal problems in a very frankly way. Long time it has been considered as a characteristic of the collection the theme of suicide, as a hint of the intimate subjects dealt with in the poems, but as in the previous research of this paper has been stated, death poems were not part of this collection, being the poems that express ideas on death not part of the original selection made by Plath before dying.

(Cf. Baldick, C. ps. 48, 49).

The poem is composed in free verses; it does not seek a regular metre and rhyming scheme. It is composed by six stanzas of three verses each.

(Cf. Baldick, C. p. 102)

The first stanza begins with the word love, which is a good hint of the theme of the poem. It is, the birth of Sylvia's son and the feelings she experiments because of her maternity. This word, love, it is said to be the reason of the baby's coming to the world. This coming, the sense of movement of the action, is compared with that of a watch, as an object that starts working at a certain point, in the life of a person this certain point can be the moment of the birth. This mentioned watch is a gold watch, the adjective gold gives an idea of the importance of the concept compared to it, in this case the newborn. And the word fat, referring to this watch, alludes to the baby's shape, being babies often tubby and rounded in their shape when they are born. In the second verse Plath tells the moment the midwife slaps the footsoles of the baby, when babies are born, the midwifes or the doctors that help in the childbirths usually snap the baby's buttocks or, in this case, the footsoles to help them breath as they start crying. In the poem, this crying, described as bald, sets the moment the new person has come to the world. This idea is described as “[…] took its place among the elements”. Being these elements interpreted as the elements that compose the world, the natural elements, and, they may be as well, the elements human beings have created to conform the world as it is nowadays, or as it was in that moment of history when Sylvia Plath lived.

The second stanza describes how the arrival of the new born has been welcomed. The first verse talks about the echoes of the voices of the parents magnifying his arrival, these words give idea of the happiness brought to them by the birth. The child is described as “new statue in a drafty museum”, his nakedness is compared to a statue, this image can be easily evoked by the reader. The naked body of a baby, so delicate and soft, is comparable with the perfection of the statues chiselled by crafty sculptors. This image of the delicate baby is the cause of the parent's worries, of the end of the safety felt before the new born's arrival, because of the responsibility on the new person good development and growing. So Sylvia says they stand as blankly walls, just staring around the baby, expectant.

The third stanza begins comparing Sylvia's motherhood with the breaking of the clouds in rain. The rain, stated as a mirror which reflects the disappearing of the clouds themselves; extinction made by the action of raining and the blow of the wind. This expression may express the idea of motherhood not as a condition of possession by the mother. The baby belongs to the world, to itself, to the elements which surround his life in the world.

In the fourth stanza the worry of the mother as the baby sleeps is expressed. The breath of the baby is described as “moth-breath”, this comparison gives an idea of the speed and regularity of the baby's breath as it sleeps. As moths are characterized by the fast and constant movement of their wings and are nocturnal insects. Therefore, the movement of these insects is compared with the rhythm of the breath of the baby at night when it is sleeping. This breathing, expressed as a flying is described as flickering among “the flat pink roses”. These flat pink roses may be the decoration of the wall papers of the room where the baby sleeps as they are described as flat and walls are the limits of the rooms and the breathing, as the moths flying, collides with the limits of the room where it is taking place or as the verse says “Flickers among” them. The mother's worry and attention is expressed when she says that she wakes to listen to this breath and the sound that comes to her is said to be like the sound of the sea that moves in her ears. This description of the sound gives idea of the rhythm of the breathing, similar to the sound of the sea.

In the penultimate stanza the characteristic mother's state of alert is expressed when she says that if she hears a cry of her baby she stumbles from bed, in a clumsy way, being his clumsiness reflected by the composed term cow-heavy, and described as floral surely referring this term, floral, to the print of her Victorian nightgown. The mouth of the baby as it cries is described as a cat's mouth, this comparison may be because of the similarity of the baby's lament, surely longing for food, with that of the baby cat drawing for its mother attention. The last verse of this stanza links with the first verse of the next one and starts describing the moment of the daybreak

This last stanza as I said before links with the previous one where the window is mentioned. In this stanza it is said that the window square whitens, the day light is coming and in a poetic way she describes how the night ends by saying that it “swallows its dull stars”. The she describes the beginning of the baby's day. It starts babbling. This is a description of the baby's attempts to produce sounds, something characteristic of humans before we learn how to speak. These sounds are described as “The clear vowels rise like balloons”. The first sounds babies produce are most of all vowels. And the description of their production and heard like the rising of balloons in the air give clear idea of the constancy and intensity of the rising of these sounds.

Plath's use of Nature's terminology.

As we have seen in my personal analysis of the poem Morning Song , Sylvia Plath's use of natural elements discloses her tendency to identify human qualities and attitudes with natural events and animal's behaviour and qualities.


The anthropomorphizing of Nature is reflected in the poem above analyzed, many characteristics of animals are used to build comparisons of her baby's behaviour and description.


Images of Nature's scenes are used to describe the environment and sounds perceived in the moments described. Her use of Nature's terms is clear and really useful to help the reader evoke the feelings and atmosphere of the actions described.

By reading this poem and trying to understand the authoress I have been able to understand her and to feel the inner feelings she was experimenting at the moment she experienced such an important and special situation as maternity really is.

A morning song usually is an expression of love - a baby's voice to it's mother - but in Sylvia Plath's "Morning Song" she ironically twists the meaning, suggesting that the baby song is not altogether pleasant to the mother. In Plath's poem she seeks to reconstruct the loss of connection the mother feels when finally giving birth to the newborn child. The poem portrays an interesting equilibrium between a mother's affection for her baby and the sinister thoughts and feelings the birth of her child arouses and the effects it has on her. The imagery, tone and narrative of the poem help Plath illustrate the ambiguous yet strange descriptions of the baby and the mother's insecurity to her child.

The poem's first line powerfully captures the speaker's hesitant tone by contrasting the baby to a "fat gold watch". The use of this simile in the opening line depicts the child as something distant and not quite human, something beautiful yet repulsive at the same time - it is attractive and emotionless, however treasured. The speaker further goes on to personify the baby's cry as a "bald cry" further portraying the baby as hairless and primitive, however emphasising the baby's difference and the mothers vagueness and depiction of her newborn baby.

A strong negative second stanza shows the insecurities of the new parents. The short staccato like sentence shows Plath comparing the baby metaphorically to a "new statue", illustrating that the parents do not see the baby as a soft cuddly object but rather as a harsh lifeless image, an inert objet like a "gold watch", which casts shadows over the families future, "your nakedness shadows our safety". The family is so threatened by the baby's arrival that Plath uses an extremely strong simile which explains that the family suffers from inaction, "we stand around blankly as walls", showing that the parents do not know how to respond to their new arrival.

The idea that the baby is foreign and strange to the mother is especially evident in stanza three. The mother, in contrasting herself to her baby, observes herself like a "cloud that distills a mirror to reflect its own slow / Effacement at the wind's hand". The child must serve as her mirror - but rather than accomplishing

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