Daily Lesson Plan Template
Teacher: Anthony Pierce
Course: Alice Programming / Duration: 5 days
Start Date:8/7 End Date:8/11
Unit Topic: Program Design and Implementation / Lesson Topic:Storyboards, Program Design.
CT.L2-01: Use the basic steps in algorithmic problem-solving to design solutions (e.g., problem statement and exploration, examination of sample instances, design, implementing a solution, testing and evaluation).
Know: Repeating Behavior, Conditional Execution, Sequential Processing, Computing a Result / Understand:Storyboards and how they offer basic steps in algorithmic problem-solving. / Do:Use your imagination to think of a story you will tell in Alice. Begin to translate what you see in your mind onto paper, step by step using the storyboard graphic organizer, then Program your story into an animation which you will present to your peers.
Essential Question(s)/Learning Target(s):
How do we communicate with both man and machine when we create a program?
Lesson Format: Lesson Components Common Instructional Strategies
Engagement(teacher hooks, attracts, holds, interlocks students into the lesson) / Animation storyboards: Disney, Cartoon network, Nickelodeon.
•Alice Animation: After traveling through space, a robot-manned craft has just made a breathless landing on the surface of a moon. The robot has already climbed out of the lunar Lander and has set up a camera so earthbound scientists at the Nasa center in Houston can view this historic event. Through the camera (the scene in our world), we can see the robot, the lunar lander and some nearby rock formations. Suddenly an alien peeks out from behind a rock and looks at the robot. The robot is surprised and rotates its head all the way around. The robot walks over to take a closer look and the alien hides behind the rocks. Finally, the robot looks at the camera, signals danger and says “Houston, We have a problem” /
- Collaborative Group Work (CGW)
- Classroom Talk (CRT),
- Questioning (Q),
- Writing to Learn (W2L)
Exploration (teacher facilitates student investigation, search and examination of the lesson) / Power point: Direct Teacher Instruction.
- Discussion/ Activating Prior knowledge from previous lesson, and building upon it.
- CT
- (Q)
- W2L
- Scaffolding (SCF)
Explanation (teacher scaffolds content; making the content plain and comprehensible to students) /
Design a storyboard of the above scenario using the storyboard template graphic organizer. Students will be given a problem statement that they must solve using design, and code.
/- SCF
- Q
- Writing to Learn (W2L)
Elaboration(students are given the opportunity to express knowledge of the lesson in greater length & detail through the creation of mini-projects & projects) / Students will complete a storyboard with a story they want to tell the class.
- Mind
- Story Board Organizer
- Programming through Alice
- Presentation to the class.
- W2L
- Literacy Groups (LG)
- Q
Evaluation(teachers & students assess the value of the learning that occurred through the presentation of projects critiqued by critical friends) / Rubric for: First Animation
- Your animation must be 1 min 30 seconds long. (Use your phone stopwatch to time it)
- Your animation should have at least 3 character methods that you’ve created.
- Your animation should tell a story. (Plot,Conflict,Resolution,Climax)
- Your animation should have at least 1 created Event. (Press X to talk,Let the arrow keys move)
- Did you make eye contact with the audience?
- Are you speaking clearly? (loud and proud)
- Are you being rude during anyone’s presentation?
- Are you giving constructive feedback/asking appropriate questions?
- What inspired you to do this animation?
- Which tutorial helped you the most in understanding Alice?
- What are some things you still want to do in Alice?
- Would you like the opportunity to create an animation again? What would you do differently?
- W2L
Examples of Assessments:
- Teacher notes and observation
- Performance (role play, skit, dance, song)
- Written assessment
- Pre/post assessment
- Oral response
- Exit slip
- Learning log
- Journal entry
- Visual representation (poster, chart, model storyboard, timeline)
- Product/Exhibit
- Discussion, debate, seminar
- Oral presentation
- Student-taught lesson
- Mini-projects & Projects
1. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy: Use these terms to communicate with students about assessments (always provide a rubric prior to introduction of assignment or projects); Give students the opportunity to “pitch” their project ideas to a group of their “critical friends.”
Use these words as a guide to facilitate higher levels of thinking:
Analyze Argue Carry out Chart Clarify Compare Construct Contrast Create Critique Debate Deconstruct Defend Define Describe Design Develop Evaluate Explain Formulate Generate Graph Identify Implement Infer Integrate Invent Judge Justify List Select Solve Summarize Support Predict Use
2. Differentiation of Instruction:
Project Based Learning (PBL) coincides with differentiating instruction; however, additional options should be available to students who can take advantage of the opportunity to further explore their own ideas--especially as teachers plan to build more in-depth lessons that address the needs of AIG or other EC students.
3. “Best Practices:”
Do not abandon “best teaching practices.” The following instructional strategies, when implemented consistently, improve student achievement:
- Identifying similarities and differences
- Summarizing and note taking
- Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
- Homework and practice
- Nonlinguistic representations
- Cooperative learning
- Setting objectives and providing feedback
- Generating and testing hypotheses
- Questions, cues, and advance organizers
Learning Lab Initiative (LLI): Common Instructional Strategies:
- Collaborative Group Work (CGW)
- Writing-to-Learn (W2L)
- Literacy Groups (LG)
- Questioning (Q)
- Scaffolding Texts (SCF)
- Classroom Talk (CRT)
Project Based Learning (PBL) Instructional Process
- Begin with the end in mind (What’s the Big Idea)
- Craft the Driving Question
- Plan the Assessment
- Map the Project (curriculum map)
- Manage the Process