OFFICE ADDRESS:Mid-Atlantic Addiction Research and Training Institute
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IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania (IUP)
*Domestic Violence
* Evaluation Research
* Sociology of Deviance
*Community Development
BostonUniversity -- DOCTORATE DEGREE in Education (Community Sociology), January 1979.
University of Pittsburgh -- MASTER'S DEGREE in Public Health (Psychiatric Epidemiology), September 1988.
HarvardUniversity -- MASTER'S DEGREE in Education (Community Psychology), June 1976.
PrincetonUniversity -- BACHELOR'S DEGREE in Sociology (Honors thesis), June 1970.
Professor of Sociology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), 1982-present (promotions 6/85, 6/88; tenured 6/87).
Coordinator, Sociology Graduate Program, 1988-1993.
Director of Research, Mid-Atlantic Addiction Research & Training Institute (MARTI), co-sponsored by IUP, GatewayRehabilitationCenter, and the Livengrin Foundation, 1990-present.
Research Consultant, NationalResourceCenter on Domestic Violence, Harrisburg, PA, Nov. 1993-1996.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Law and Psychiatry Research, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh, Sept. 1988-1992.
Research Fellow, Social and Community Psychiatry Program, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of PittsburghMedicalSchool, Sept. 1986-1988.
Research Consultant, C.A.S.A. (Community and Systems Analysis, Seattle, WA), July 1981-Sept. 1982.
Assistant Professor of Sociology, PrincipiaCollege, Elsah, IL, 1977-1981.
Director, Principia Community Training Program.
Honorary Advisory Board for the National Hotline for Battered Women, Austin, TX, 1993-2001.
President of the Board of Directors, DomesticAbuseCounselingCenter, Pittsburgh, PA, 1992-1995 (supervision of administration and program development for court-mandated counseling for men who abuse or batter women).
Consultant to Social Work Services, VeteransAffairsMedicalCenter, Pittsburgh, PA, 1988-1992 (program development and evaluation of batterer counseling within a substance abuse treatment unit).
Member of Board of Directors, Second Step Program, Pittsburgh, PA, 1985-1991 (program consultant, paraprofessional trainer, and group counselor for batterer program).
Member, Pennsylvania Attorney General's Taskforce on Domestic Violence, Harrisburg, PA, 1988-1989 (development of model protocol and policy for police response to domestic violence cases).
Member of Board of Directors, Alice Paul House, Indiana, PA, 1983-1985 (a shelter and counseling service for battered women).
Program director, RAVEN, Alton, IL, 1981-82 (program development and group counseling in program for men who batter).
Co-Director, BostonForumCommunity Center, Boston, MA, 1974-1977 (multi-service center for inner city youth).
Special Education Teacher, TimiltyMiddle School, Roxbury, Boston, MA, 1974-1975 (a predominantly black, inner-city school).
Program Director, Adventure Unlimited, Buena Vista, CO, Summer 1974 (an "outward bound" type program for 300 youths -- counselor, Summers 1971, 1970).
Nurse's aide, Tenacre Foundation, Princeton, NJ, 1973-l974 (church-affiliated mental and nursing care facility).
Counselor, teacher, and program supervisor, Devereux Foundation, Victoria, TX, and Devon, PA, 1970-1973 (residential treatment centers for emotionally disturbed and delinquent adolescents -- fulfilled alternative service obligation as a Conscientious Objector).
Member of the American Society of Criminology (1996-present).
Editorial Board of Journal of Interpersonal Violence, published by Sage Press (2007-present).
Editorial Board of Journal of Family Violence, published by Plenum Press (1988-present).
Editorial Board of Criminology: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (in Russian and English; St. Petersburg, Russia) (1998-present).
Editorial Board of Violence Against Women, published by Sage Publications (1997-2006).
Editorial Board of Sociological Practice, published by Plenum Press (1998-2004).
Panel Reviewer for Domestic Violence Grant Proposals, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, 1993-present, and National Institute of Justice, 1995-present.
"Annual Award for Article on Policy Analysis," Response, 1990.
"Award of Distinction," Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1991.
"Distinguished Faculty Award for Research," IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania, 1993.
“Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research,” IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania, 1995.
“Supplemental Mental Health Treatment for Batter Program Participants,” National Institute of Justice, October 2003-September 2007 (principal investigator).
“Case Management for African American Men Arrested for Domestic Violence,” Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, July 2002-September 2004 (principal investigator).
“Culturally-Focused Batterer Counseling for African American Men,” National Institute of Justice, September 2001-March 2005 (principal investigator).
“Civil Protection Orders and Court-Ordered Batterer Counseling,” Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, November 1999-December 2001 (principal investigator).
“Predicting Levels of Abuse and Reassault among Batterer Program Participants,” National Institute of Justice, January 1999-June 2001 (co-investigator).
“Dual Prevention Project: A New Approach to Reducing Domestic Violence,” Children Trust Fund, PA Dept. of Public Welfare, Nov. 1997-July 1999 (principal investigator).
“An Extended Follow-up of Batterers and Their Female Partners,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Sept. 1997-Aug. 2001 (principal investigator).
"Substance Abuse Treatment Level-of-Care Outcome Study," Mellon Foundation, June 1996-June 1999 (principal investigator).
“Mandatory Court Review of Batterer Program Compliance,” Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, January 1996-December 1997 (principal investigator).
“Alcohol Treatment of Older Patients: Appropriateness and Effectiveness,” Hartford Foundation, April 1995-March, 1998 (principal investigator).
"Multi-site Evaluation of Batterer Intervention Systems," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Sept. 1994-Aug. 1997 (principal investigator).
"Evaluation of the Philadelphia Alternative Sentencing System," William Penn Foundation via Family Services of Philadelphia, February 1994-February 1995.
"Assessing Domestic Violence in Mental Health Settings," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services via National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, Harrisburg, PA, Nov. 1993-Sept. 1996.
"Case Characteristics and Disposition of Domestic Violence Court," Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency via DomesticAbuseCounselingCenter, Pittsburgh, Oct. 1993-Sept. 1996.
"Dimensions and Predictability of Exit Criteria in Batterers Programs," Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency via DomesticAbuseCounselingCenter, Pittsburgh, Oct. 1993-Sept. 1996.
"Development of Batterer Program Standards, Funding Criteria, and Database Systems," Texas Council on Family Violence, Austin, Texas, June 1993-June 1994.
"Evaluation of the Integrated Domestic Violence Intervention Project," Staunton Farms Foundation via Women's Center and Shelter, Pittsburgh, Jan. 1993-Dec.1995.
"Proprietary Factors in Domestic Homicide," Boston Foundation, Jan. 1993-Dec. 1994 (consultant).
Fulbright Award, Visiting Professor at University of Poona, Pune, India, June-Sept. 1992.
"Conditional Prediction and Management of Dangerousness," NIMH Research Grant, via Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, Sept. 1988-1992 (co-investigator).
NIMH Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of PittsburghMedicalSchool, Pittsburgh PA, 1986-1988.
"Multivariate Analysis of Battered Women Intake Interviews," Faculty Research Associate, The GraduateSchool and Research, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1985-1986.
Fulbright Award, Visiting professor at University of Poona, Pune, India, Jan.1985-June 1985.
"Interview Research on Men Who Batter," Faculty Research Grant, Institute for Advanced Research, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1984-l986.
"Monitoring and Evaluation for Human Service Contractors," Bureau of Human Resources, Pennsylvania Dept. of Community Affairs, June 1984- Dec. 1984, Aug. 1985.
"Program Evaluation for Men Who Batter Treatment," Research Fellowship, Institute of Public Policy Study, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, l983-l984.
"Social Impact Assessment in Hydaburg, Alaska," Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs and Alaska Department of Transportation via Community and Systems Analysis, Seattle, WA, June 1983- Nov. l983.
"Coastal Management Plan and Social Impact Assessment for Skagway, Alaska," Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs via Community and Systems Analysis, Seattle, WA, April 1982-Oct. l982.
"Field Research on Community Development in Guatemala, Central America," Gertsch Fund, PrincipiaCollege, Elsah, IL, Summer 1980.
Papers FROM “A Multi-Site Evaluation of Batterer Intervention Systems (1994-1997) andExtended Follow-up of Batterers and Their Female Partners (1997-2001),” funded by the Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Research Design
Gondolf, E. (1997). Batterer programs: What we know and need to know. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 12, 83-98.
Gondolf, E. (1997). Expanding batterer program evaluations. In G. K. Kaufman & J. Jasinski (Eds.), Out of darkness: Contemporary research perspectives on family violence (pp. 208-218).Thousand Oaks, CA; Sage.
Gondolf, E., Yllo, K., & Campbell, J. (1997). Collaboration between researchers and advocates. In G. K. Kaufman & J. Jasinski (Eds.), Out of darkness: Contemporary research perspectives on family violence (pp. 255-261). Thousand Oaks, CA; Sage.
Gondolf, E., Chang, Y., & Laporte, R. (1999) Capture-recapture analysis of batterer reassaults: An epidemiological innovation for batterer program evaluation. Violence and Victims, 14, 191-202.
Heckert, A. & Gondolf, E. (2000). Assessing assault self-reports by batterer program participants and their partners. Journal of Family Violence, 15, 181-197.
Gondolf, E. (2000). Human subject issues in batterer program evaluation. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 4(1), 273-297; and in S. Ward & D. Finkelhor (Eds.), Program evaluation and family violence research (pp. 273-297). New York: Haworth Press.
Heckert, A. & Gondolf, E. (2000). Predictors of underreporting of male violence by batterer program participants and their partners. Journal of Family Violence, 15, 423-443.
Heckert, A., Matula, D., & Gondolf, E. (2000). Women’s accounts of domestic violence. Women and Criminal Justice, 12, 95-120.
Gondolf, E. (2001). Limitations of experimental evaluations of batterer programs. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 2, 79-88.
Jones, A., & Gondolf, E. (2002). Assessing the effect of batterer program completion on reassault: An instrumental variables analysis.Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 18, 71-98.
Gondolf, E., & Beeman, A. (2003). Women’s accounts of violence versus tactics-based outcome categories. Violence Against Women, 9, 278-302.
Gondolf, E. (2003). Questioning the Broward Experiment (of court-mandated batterer counseling). Domestic Violence Report, 8(4), 49-50 and 61-62.
Gondolf, E. (2003). MCMI results for batterers: Gondolf replies to Dutton's response.Journal of Family Violence, 18, 387-390.
Gondolf, E., & Deemer, C. (2004). Phoning logistics in a longitudinal follow-up of batterers and their partners. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(7), 747-765.
Heckert, A., & Gondolf, E. (2005). Do multiple outcomes and conditional factors improve prediction of domestic violence? Violence and Victims, 20(1), 3-24.
Jones, A. (under review). Sample attrition in panel data from an evaluation of four batterer intervention programs. Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
Batterer Characteristics
Gondolf, E. (1999). MCMI results for batterer program participants in four cities: Less “pathological” than expected. Journal of Family Violence, 14, 1-17.
Gondolf, E. (1999). Characteristics of court-mandated batterers in four cities: Diversity and dichotomies. Violence Against Women, 5, 1277-1293.
White, R., & Gondolf, E. (2000). Implications of personality profiles for batterer treatment: Support for the gender-based, cognitive-behavioral approach. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15, 467-488.
Gondolf, E. & White, R. (2001). Batterer program participants who repeatedly reassault: Psychopathic tendencies and other disorders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 361-380.
Coben, J., & Friedman, D. (2002). Health care utilization by perpetrators of domestic violence. Journal of Emergency Medicine, 22, 313-317.
White, R., Gondolf, E., Robertson, D., Goodwin, B., & Caraveo, L. E. (2002). Extent and characteristics of women batterers among federal inmates. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 46, 412-426.
Victim Characteristics
Gondolf, E. (1998). Victims of court-mandated batterers: Their victimization, helpseeking, and perceptions. Violence Against Women, 4, 659-676.
McFarlane, J., & Gondolf, E. (1998). Preventing abuse during pregnancy: A clinical protocol (includes insert on “Abuse and assistance patterns of pregnant and non-pregnant women”). American Journal of Maternal & Child Nursing, 23, 22-26.
Forjuoh, S., Coben, J., & Gondolf, E. (1998). Correlates of injury to women with partners enrolled in batterer programs. American Journal of Public Health, 88, 1705-1708.
Coben, J., Forjuoh, S., & Gondolf, E. (1999). Injuries and health care use by women with partners in batterer intervention programs. Journal of Family Violence, 14, 83-94.
Gondolf, E. (2002). Service barriers for battered women with male partners in batterer programs. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 217-227.
Gondolf, E. & Heckert, A. (2003). Determinants of women’s perceptions of risk in battering relationships. Violence and Victims, 18, 371-386.
Program Outcomes
Gondolf, E. (1997). Patterns of reassault in batterer programs. Violence and Victims, 12, 373-387.
Gondolf, E. (1999). A comparison of reassault rates in four batterer programs: Do court referral, program length and services matter? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 14, 41-61.
Gondolf, E. (2000). Reassault at 30 months after batterer program intake. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 44, 111-128.
Gondolf, E., & White, R. (2000). “Consumer” recommendations for batterer programs. Violence Against Women, 6, 196-215.
Gondolf, E. (2000). Mandatory court review and batterer program compliance. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15 (4), 438-437.
Jones, A. (2000). The cost of batterer treatment: How much? Who pays? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15, 566-586.
Gondolf, E. (2000). How batterer program participants avoid reassault. Violence Against Women, 6, 1204-1222.
Heckert, A., & Gondolf, E. (2000). The effect of perceptions of sanctions on batterer program outcome. Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency, 37, 369-391.
Daly, J., Power, T., & Gondolf, E. (2001). Predictors of batterer program attendance. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 971-991.
Jones, A., & Gondolf, E. (2001). Time-varying risk factors for re-assault by batterer program participants. Journal of Family Violence, 16, 345-359.
Gondolf, E., & Jones, A. (2001). The program effect of batterer programs in three cities. Violence and Victims, 16 (6), 693-704.
Gondolf, E., Heckert, A., & Kimmel, C. (2002). Non-physical abuse among batterer program participants. Journal of Family Violence, 17, 293-315.
Heckert, A., & Gondolf, E. (2004). Battered women’s perceptions of risk versus risk factors and instruments in predicting repeat reassault. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19 (7), 778-800.
Jones, A., D’Agostino, R., Gondolf, E., & Heckert, A. (2004). Assessing the effect of batterer program completion on reassault using propensity scores. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(9),1002-1020.
Gondolf, E. (2004). Regional and cultural utility of conventional batterer counseling. Violence Against Women (Special Issue on Trans-national and Cross-Cultural Research on Family Violence, Part II: Intervention Studies), 10(8), 880-900.
Heckert, A., & Gondolf, E. (2004). Predicting levels of abuse and reassault among batterer program participants. In B. Fisher (Ed.), Violence against women and family violence research: Developments in Research, Practice, and Policy. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.
Gondolf, E. (2004). Evaluating batterer counseling programs: A difficult task showing some effects. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(6), 605-631.
Gondolf, E., & Wernik, H. (in press). Clinician ratings of batterer treatment behaviors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Jones, A., Heckert, D.A., Gondolf, E., & Zhang, Q. (in press). Behavioral trajectories of batterer program participants. Violence & Victims.
Specialized Counseling for African American Men and Supplemental Mental Health Treatment (both funded by National Institute of Justice and Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency)
Gondolf, E., & Williams, O. (2001). Culturally-focused batterer counseling for African-American men. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 4, 283-295.
Gondolf, E. (2007). Culturally-focused batterer counseling for African American men: A clinical trial of re-assault and re-arrest outcomes. Criminology and Public Policy, 6, 341-366.
Gondolf, E. (2008). Program Completion in specialized batterer counseling for African-American men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 94-116.
Gondolf, E. (2008). Implementation of casemanagement for batterer program participants. Violence Against Women, 14, 208-225
Gondolf, E. (2008). Outcomes of casemanagement for African-American men in batterer counseling. Journal of Family Violence., 23, 173-181
Gondolf, E (in press). Implementing mental health treatment for batterer program participants: Interagency breakdowns and underlying issues.Violence Against Women.
Gondolf, E. (under review). Outcomes from mental health treatment for batterer program participants. Journal of Family Violence.
Heckert, A., Gondolf, E., & Jones, A. (under review). Predicting risk of reassault among batterer program participants: Does race matter? Violence and Victims.
Summary Reports
Gondolf, E. (April, 1997). Multi-site evaluation of batterer intervention systems: A summary of findings for a 12-month follow-up. Report submitted to Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA; also summarized in “Batterer programs help interrupt violence,” CCADV Voice: A Publication of the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Spring 1998, pp. 1-2.
Gondolf, E. (November, 1997). Multi-site evaluation of batterer intervention systems: Summary of a 15-month follow-up. Report submitted to Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA; also published as Gondolf, E. (1998). Do batterer programs work? A 15-month follow-up of a multi-site evaluation. Domestic Violence Report, 3 (June/July), 64-65, 78-79.
Gondolf, (May, 1998). The Impact of mandatory court review on batterer program compliance: An evaluation of the Pittsburgh Municipal Court and the Domestic Abuse Counseling Center (DACC). Final report submitted to Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, Harrisburg, PA.
Gondolf, E. (September, 1999). An extended follow-up of batterers and their female partners: Research summary for October 1997 to September 1999. Report submitted to the NationalCenter for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA (also available at
Heckert, A., & Gondolf, E. (September, 2001). Predicting levels of abuse and reassault among batterer program participants. Final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC.
Gondolf, E. (September, 2001). Civil protection orders and criminal court actions: The extent and impact of “overlap” cases. Final report submitted to Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, Harrisburg, PA.
Gondolf, E. (November, 2001). An extended follow-up of batterers and their female partners. Final report submitted to Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA.
Gondolf, E. (2001). Batterer intervention systems: Issues, outcomes, and recommendations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (BOOK).
Gondolf, E. (March, 2005). Culturally-focused batterer counseling for African-American Men: A clinical trial of effectiveness. Final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC.
Gondolf, E. (February, 2006). Case management for African American men in a batterer counseling program. A quasi-experimental evaluation of a demonstration project. Finalreport submitted to Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency,Harrisburg, PA.
Gondolf, E. (September, 2007). Supplemental mental health treatment for batterer program participants. Final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC.
Transnational and Cross-Cultural Research on Family Violence, Part I: Prevalence Surveys and Part II: Intervention Studies, Special Issues of Violence Against Women (Volume 10, Number 7 and 8), edited by Edward Gondolf (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2004)
Batterer Intervention Systems: Issues, Outcomes, and Recommendations, by Edward Gondolf (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001).
The Way to Change: A Gender-Based Workbook for Men Who Have Abused Their Partners, by Edward Gondolf (Learning Publications, 2000).
Assessing Woman Battering in Mental Health Services: Clinical Response to a Social Problem, by Edward Gondolf (Sage Publications, 1997).
Psychiatric Response to Family Violence: Identifying and Confronting Neglected Danger, by Edward Gondolf (Lexington Books, 1990).