Ana G. Méndez University System

Universidad del Turabo

School of Professional Studies

Master in Business Administration: Management

Online Discipline-Based Dual Language Immersion Model®

Economía Gerencial

Managerial Economics


© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2012. Derechos Reservados.

© Ana G. Méndez University System, 2012. All rights reserved.

Ana G Méndez University System

Universidad del Turabo

Syllabus: ECON519 DL

Course information:

Title: Managerial Economics

Code: ECON 519

Length: Eight (8) Weeks

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: MATH/STAT 555 or equivalent

Course Description

The course centers on the application of microeconomic theory and the tools of analysis of decision sciences to achieve efficient solutions in an organization. It includes fundamental topics such as demand theory, production and cost theory, and market structure.

General Objectives

After completing this course, you will be capable to:

·  Analyze the production process and cost, market price, profit maximization, government intervention, and regulation.

·  Understand the process of price determination for public services.

·  Apply mathematical and statistical tools including: estimating demand and production functions, determining the optimal production level, and performing breakeven analysis.

·  Understand current local and global economic conditions and their impact on production decisions in the firm.

Language Objectives

·  Respond to the readings or audio files using course content terminology to present your arguments.

·  Express their ideas and viewpoints using a varied vocabulary and by recording their own audio, making a video, or any other technological tools that enables oral communication.

·  Discuss with your peers relevant tasks on managerial economics, related to course content, using oral and written discussion forums.

Throughout the workshops, you will be required to:

·  Provide feedback and be ready to argument presentations and audio materials using business jargon and terminology, in both written and oral form.

·  Present ideas and opinions using appropriate business jargon and terminology, in both written and oral form.

·  Debating in open forums.

·  Summarize main ideas using correct grammar.

·  Reaccionar a las lecturas o archivos de audio haciendo uso de la terminología propia del contenido del curso para presentar argumentos.

·  Expresar sus ideas y puntos de vista utilizando un vocabulario variado y propio mediante la grabación de audios, videos u otras herramientas tecnológicas que viabilicen la comunicación oral.

·  Debatir con sus pares en relación al contenido del curso y a las tareas pertinentes sobre la economía gerencial mediante los foros de discusión orales y en forma escrita.

·  Resumir las ideas principales del curso haciendo uso correcto de la gramática del idioma en el que se esté trabajando cada taller.


Baye, M.R. (2006). Economía de empresa. (5ta Ed.). España: McGraw Hill/Interamerica ISBN:84-481-4620-4

Thomas, C., & Maurice, C. (2011). Managerial Economics. (11th edition). McGgraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-337591-5; MHID 0-07-337591-8

Additional references

Mankiw, N.G. (2007). Principios de Economía. (4ta. Edición), España: Thompson

Parkin, M. (2009). Economía. México: Pearson Educación.

Economics dictionary

This dictionary allows you to find the terms in several languages, including English and Spanish.

Virtual Encyclopedia –economic and finance



Course content

Topics/Tópicos / Content/Contenido
Taller Uno:
Conceptos básicos de economía / 1.1 ¿Qué es economía?
1.1.2 Algunos términos de economía
1.2 Diferencias entre los sistemas económicos y sistemas políticos
1.2.1 Sistema económico capitalista
1.3 Diferencias entre costo
Taller Dos:
Determinación de precios en mercados competitivos
Sub-tópico: Teoría de demanda y oferta / 2.1 Determinación de precios en mercados competitivos
2.2 Teoría de demanda-comportamiento del consumidor
2.3 Teoría de oferta-comportamiento del productor
Taller Tres
Determinación de precios en mercados competitivos / 3.1 El mercado
3.2 Elasticidad de la demanda
Workshop Four:
Optimal Decisions-Estimation Techniques / 4.1 Mathematical function
4.2 Statistical function
4.3 The ordinary least squares method
4.4 Ordinary least Squares-Microsoft Excel® Formula
Taller Cinco:
Producción y costo (coste)
El análisis de los costos de producción se inicia con el análisis de la producción
Sub-tópico: Costo de producción / 5.1 La función de producción
5.2 Costos en el largo plazo
Workshop Six:
Market Structures; Perfect Competition / 6.1 Classification of markets
6.2 Criteria to classify markets
6.3 The perfect competition market
Workshop Seven:
Market Structures, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition / 7.1 Monopoly
7.2 Monopolistic competition
7.3 Profit maximization in different markets
Workshop Eight:
Market Structures: Oligopoly and game Theory / 8.1 The oligopoly market
8.2 Profit maximization oligopoly
8.3 Game theory-the basics
8.4 Practical example in game theory
Topics/Tópicos / Content/Contenido
Taller Uno:
Conceptos básicos de economía / 1.2 ¿Qué es economía?
1.1.2 Algunos términos de economía
1.2 Diferencias entre los sistemas económicos y sistemas políticos
1.2.1 Sistema económico capitalista
1.3 Diferencias entre costo
Taller Dos:
Determinación de precios en mercados competitivos
Sub-tópico: Teoría de demanda y oferta / 2.1 Determinación de precios en mercados competitivos
2.2 Teoría de demanda-comportamiento del consumidor
2.3 Teoría de oferta-comportamiento del productor
Taller Tres
Determinación de precios en mercados competitivos / 3.1 El mercado
3.2 Elasticidad de la demanda
Workshop Four:
Optimal Decisions-Estimation Techniques / 4.1 Mathematical function
4.2 Statistical function
4.3 The ordinary least squares method
4.4 Ordinary least Squares-Microsoft Excel® Formula
Taller Cinco:
Producción y costo (coste)
El análisis de los costos de producción se inicia con el análisis de la producción
Sub-tópico: Costo de producción / 5.1 La función de producción
5.2 Costos en el largo plazo
Workshop Six:
Market Structures; Perfect Competition / 6.1 Classification of markets
6.2 Criteria to classify markets
6.3 The perfect competition market
Workshop Seven:
Market Structures, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition / 7.1 Monopoly
7.2 Monopolistic competition
7.3 Profit maximization in different markets
Workshop Eight:
Market Structures: Oligopoly and game Theory / 8.1 The oligopoly market
8.2 Profit maximization oligopoly
8.3 Game theory-the basics
8.4 Practical example in game theory



Tasks / Puntos/
Points / Porcentaje/
Foros de discusión/Discussion forums
Escrito/Written / 11 x 10 = 110
5 x 10 = 50 / 32%
PPT/Videos (audio) / 4 x 20 = 80 / 20%
Ensayos/Essays / 4 x 20 = 80 / 20%
Trabajos o ejercicios escritos/
Written work or exercises / 5 x 10 = 50 / 20%
Reflective Journal / 8 x 10 = 80 / 8%
Total / 450 / 100%

Evaluation Scale:

Grade / A / B / C / D / F
Per cent / 90 – 100 / 80 – 89 / 70 – 79 / 60 – 69 / 0 – 59


The course is based on oral and written participation in the discussion forum, interaction between classmates and the facilitator, completion of the assignments, and communication via email and virtual communities. The four interrelated language arts areas, listening, speaking, reading and writing, will be evaluated through the use of rubrics for each individual assignment.

The course duration is eight weeks. The method of instruction is highly paced and, hence, it requires a high level of dedication and responsibility in the learning process. This highly paced course requires a minimum of 15 to 20 hours per week of your time on activities, assignments, projects, participation, and studying.

Please note that all initial discussions in the first week’s discussion forum must be posted by Wednesday of the first week of class. Thereafter, discussion forum posts and replies to at least two classmates’ posts must be completed before Sunday midnight (12:00 am).

Written Tasks: Essays

Apéndice/Appendix A

El Ensayo/The Essay

Apéndice/Appendix B:

Rubric to evaluate Written Work/Essays (20 points)

Matriz Valorativa para Trabajos Escritos/Ensayos (20 puntos)

Other written tasks rubrics:

Appendix H: Task 4.1 Relationship between Variables Rubric (written)
(10 points)

Appendix I: Task 4.4 Microsoft Excel Replicates Results (written) (10 points)

Appendix J: Task 4.5 Data Exercise (PPT-written) Rubric (10 points)


It is required that the assigned task be done in the corresponding assigned week. This is because many of your tasks require responses from your colleagues.

You will submit written documents using the English or Spanish language (according to each workshop) through the Tareas/Task button.

Essay Work must be turned in using the following format:

·  Typed, standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") pages (800 to 1,000 characters)

·  Typed using a word processor program compatible with Microsoft Word Font: Times New Roman or a similar font

·  Font Size: 10-12 point

·  Line spacing: double space

·  Margins: one (1) inch on all sides

·  Page Number: Right Top Margin

·  References: APA 6 Edition

The Facilitator will use the Rubric papers / essays (Appendix B) to evaluate written work. You must use the instructions found in the Appendix to write your essay. Refer to the Course Calendar table to verify work relating to essays tasks.

Reflective Journal:

Apéndice/Appendix C

Reflective Journal Template

Diario Reflexivo-Plantilla

Apéndice/Appendix D:

Reflective Journal Rubric (10 points)

Matriz de Valoración Diario Reflexivo (10 puntos)

The purpose of this Journal is to reflect and write about the concepts, feelings, and attitudes generated by the discussions and assignments. This journal helps the self-assessment process. This journal helps the self-assessment process. Appendix C contains a template you are to use to complete this assignment. Appendix D contains the criteria your instructor will use to assess this task. Remember that the Reflective Journal could be voice recorded or written, according to what applies in every Weekly Workshop. The facilitator will check your reflective journal frequently to ensure that you send weekly and NOT just the last week.

Discussion forums

Apéndice/Appendix E and E.1

Written Discussion Forum Rubric (10 points)

Matriz de Valoración Foros de Discusión Escritos (10 puntos)

Apéndice/Appendix E.1: Foro de discusión oral

Voice Discussion Forum Rubric (Oral) (10 points)

Matriz de Valoración Foro de Discusión Oral (10 puntos)
The discussion board allows you to expose your point of view and to react to your classmates perspectives as well. In the course, we are going to have voice and written forums corresponding to the workshop. Therefore, it is important that your participation be active and that it involve critical thinking skills, as they are an important element of the course.

Please click on the Silabario/Syllabus link to see the rubric as reference for the value given to electronic discussions or discussion board /discussion forums. Class participation will be assessed every time that you participate in class discussions, submit your work on time, and respond to other classmates as required by the course guidelines.

In each forum of discussion, you must participate for a minimum of three (3) times. Intervention 1: Original contribution, Intervention 2: Contribution related to the content of a classmate, and Intervention 3: Contribution to the remarks of a second classmate.

Presentaciones con audio:

Apéndice F / Appendix F

Matriz Valorativa para Evaluar: Video o PowerPoint con audio
(20 points)


Rubric to Evaluate Video or PowerPoint Presentation with audio
(20 points)

Oral Presentations:

Video/Audio and Power Point.

For the video presentations, the use of the Microsoft Movie Maker program (or a compatible one) is required, in addition to a “web cam”, or digital camera and microphone. The length of the video recording will be between (2) two to (3) three minutes. Keep in mind that the content, creativity, pronunciation and the use of the language, among other factors, will be evaluated. Refer to Appendix F found at the end of the Syllabus. In addition, you may connect to one of the different electronic links provided in the e-lab tab to have access to a tutorial on “How to make a video with Microsoft Video Maker”.

Presentation with audio

Use MS PowerPoint or a compatible program. Include a front page that identifies the task and has your name. The PPT presentations have a minimum or maximum quantity of slides, according to the facilitator’s instructions. Keep in mind that the content, creativity, pronunciation, and the use of the language, among others, will be evaluated.

It is necessary that each slide have the answer to each question depending on the assigned task. Make sure you verify that your presentations are error free. Please click on the e-lab tab for a tutorial on “How to Prepare an Effective PowerPoint presentation and “How to Record Using PowerPoint.”

The facilitator will use the rubric (Appendix F) to evaluate Videos and PowerPoint presentations.

Presentation without audio

Apéndice/ Appendix G

Matriz Valorativa para Evaluar una Presentación Escrita en MS PowerPoint

(sin audio) (10 puntos)

Rubric to Evaluate a Written PowerPoint Presentation (no audio) (10 points)

Written presentations without audio should be done with MS PowerPoint or a compatible program. Include a front page that identifies the task and has your name. It is necessary that each slide have the answer to each question depending on the assigned task. Make sure you verify that your presentations are error free. I encourage you to take a look at Appendix G: PowerPoint Evaluation Rubric (10 points) (written) located at the end of the syllabus. You can also find the "tutorial" How to make a presentation on "PowerPoint" by accessing the link e-lab.

Tell Me More Tool: a learning tool available for Online D-BDL Immersion Model students.

The award-winning TELL ME MORE is the international standard for language learning with more than 5 million satisfied users worldwide. TELL ME MORE addresses all the skills critical to language learning: reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and culture. Regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced speaker, Tell Me More will take you to the next level of language success. You can find the Tell Me More manual and tutorial accessing e-lab link.

Description of Course Policies

1.  This course follows the AGMUS Ventures Discipline-Based Dual Language Immersion Model® designed to promote student’s development as a Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated in English or Spanish, strictly using the 50/50 model with the objective to ensure that 50% of the course will be conducted in English and 50% in Spanish. This means that each workshop will be conducted entirely in the language specified.

a.  All aspects of language arts are developed: listening, speaking, reading and writing. For this reason, activities that seek growth in all four areas of language are included throughout the course.