project REPORT


Austrian Development Agency

NGO Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid

Zelinkagasse 2, 1010 Vienna


Project progress reports are to be presented by e-mail as contractually agreed. Originals of additional documents can be sent to the NGO Cooperation desk.

Final Report

Contract number: 8108-03/2012

Contract partner in Austria


Local project partner 1

Name: CARE Osterreich / Name: Association ofRoma Women “Bolja budućnost ”
Address: Lange Gasse 35/4 1080 Vienna / Address: Meše Selimovića 85, 75000 Tuzla
Telephone, e-mail: +43 1 715 0715 47
/ Telephone+ 379 35 286 441 ,
Project officer/contact:
Judit Kontsekova / Project officer/contact: Indira Bajramović

Local project partner 2


Local project partner 3

Name: Women’s Association Lara / Name: Women’s Association Duvanjke
Address: Beogradska 38, 76 350 Bijeljina / Address: Kralja Zvonimira bb, 80 240 Tomislavgrad
Telephone: +38 7 65 583 964
e-mail: / Telephone: +38 7 63 299 333;
Project officer/contact: Maja Stanković / Project officer/contact: Anđa Križanac

Project title: Women’s Economic Empowerment

Country: B&H / Region/place: Western Balkans
Duration from: June 01, 2012. / To: May 31, 2014.
Report as at (date): 31.08.2014 / Submitted on: 29.8..2014

Invoicing as at (date) in euros

Total project costs / Invoiced to date / Submitted for verification as at (date) / Outstanding
200.000 EUR / EUR 111.178,51 / EUR 190.163,86 / nA

Date, report written by

16.06.2014, Dubravka Kovacevic, Judit Kontseková

1. Brief description of project progress[1] (German, max. 1 page)

Das Projekt “Roma Women Economic Empowerment in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)” wurde mit der Unterstützung der ADA und der OAK Foundation im Juni 2012 eingeleitet.Somit knüpft das Projekt an bestehende Initiativen im Bereich der ökonomischen Stärkung von Frauen in Bosnien und Herzegowina an. CARE hat im Rahmen dieses Projekts die langandauernde Kooperation mit drei lokalen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen (den 3 Hauptpartnern) fortgesetzt.Diese Organisationen fokussieren auf Frauenrechte, Gewalt gegen Frauen, Menschenhandel und setzen sich aktiv für die Abschaffung jeglicher Diskriminierung ein. Weitere Projektpartner sind 4 Grassroots Organisationen. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen liegt darin, daß die 3 lokalen Hauptpartner intensiver in die Implementierung eingebunden sind und in der Lage sind, die 4 Grassroots Organisationen in vielerlei Hinsicht zu betreuen und zu beraten.

Das Projektzielist, einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der soziökonomischen Situation von Frauen und spezifisch von Roma Frauen zu leisten durch Maßnahmen, die zur Armutsbekämpfung und Abschaffung von geschlechtsspezifischer Diskriminierung beitragen und die Einbindung der Zielgruppe am ökonomischen Leben ermöglichen. Gefördert wird somit eine bessere Positionierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und die Unterstützung von kleinen unternehmerischen Aktivitäten.

Die Hauptzielgruppe bilden 7 NGOs, von denen 3 Roma-Organisationen sind; Bolja budućnost aus Tuzla, A Roma girl from Prnjavor und Center for mothers Nada aus Kakanj. Die restlichen 4 NGOs sind Lara aus Bijeljina, Maja aus Kravica, Duvanjke aus Tomislavgrad, Li-Women aus Livno. Der zweiten Zielgruppe gehören individuelle Frauen an, die am Rand der Gesellschaft stehen. Diese Frauen werden von dem Projekt durch Trainings und durch „soziale Darlehen“ finanziell unterstützt, womit sie befähigt werden, eigene kleine unternehmerische Aktivitäten zu initiieren und umzusetzen. Die dritte Zielgruppe sind Vertreter von lokalen öffentlichen Institutionen (Kommunale Zentren für Sozialarbeit, Kommunale Abteilungen für soziale und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Arbeitsämter u.a.).

Das Projekt definierte 3 erwartete Resultate (ER) und es konnten die folgenden Ziele erreicht werden. ER1: Alle 7 NGOs haben Trainings absolviert (6 Trainings, 30 TeilnehmerInnen), womit Sie spezifisches Wissen und Fertigkeiten zur sozio-ökonomischen Stärkung von Frauen gewonnen haben. Dadurch sind diese NGOs besser in der Lage, nachhaltige unternehmerische Aktivitäten zu unterstützen. Weiters wurde die Kooperation mit 30 Vertretern von lokalen Behörden verbessert, 62 gemeinsame Treffen wurden organisiert, wo die sozioökonomische Lage und die Bedürfnisse von Frauen thematisiert wurden. Diese Kooperation resultierte in der Gründung von sog. lokalen Entscheidungsfindungskomitees (LEKs), welche die von Frauen eingereichten unternehmerischen Ideen (s.u. ER2) bewerten und ausgewählte Ideen zur Förderung durch das Projekt frei geben. ER2: Das Projekt unterstützt auch individuelle Frauen aus benachteiligten Verhältnissen. Insgesamt 63 Frauen haben ein Business Advisory Support Training absolviert (davon 52 Roma). Durch diese praktische Ausbildung wurde es ihnen ermöglicht, daß Sie unternehmerische Ideen vorbereiten und anschließend um finanzielle Unterstützung im Rahmen des Projektes ansuchen. Die LEKs (s.o.) haben 42 Ideen ausgewählt (davon 35 Roma).Die Unterstützung reichte von 750 bis zu 1.650 EUR pro Ansuchen. Diese Frauen trugen dadurch wesentlich zum Familieneinkommen bei, womit insgesamt 287 Familienmitglieder indirekt unterstützt wurden. Die Bedingung für die Erteilung der Förderung war eine Rückvergütung von 20% in Form einer Auszahlung oder einer Sachleistung, die an eine andere bedürftige Familie in der Nachbarschaft ging. Alle Rückvergütungen wurden fristgerecht getätigt und unterstützten insgesamt 118 zusätzliche Frauen und ihre Familien (597 Familienmitglieder). Es hat sich für die Frauen als sehr sinnstiftend erwiesen, bedürftige Nachbarn mit ihren Rückzahlungen zu unterstützen. Auch Ihre Selbstachtung und Selbstbewußtsein konnten gefördert werden. ER3: Um Nachhaltigkeit anzustreben, haben alle 7 NGOs mit lokalen Behörden seit Anfang des Projekts aktiv kooperiert. Sie wurden auch in unterschiedliche Netzwerke eingebunden: „Gender Agenda in Rural Development (GARD)“, „Sucess and Women in Business 'Ona', Micro-Credit Institution “Women for Women International”, MI-BOSPO.

Eine weitere, ungeplante Errungenschaft des Projekts ist, daß die NGO Maja aus Kravica die Gründung einer Kooperative in die Wege geleitet hat. Die neu entstandene Kooperative wird die erste Frauen-Genossenschaft in Bosnien und Herzegowina sein.

Brief description of project progress

In June 2012 CARE International (CARE) launched the project Roma Women Economic Empowerment in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) with the support of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the OAK Foundation. This project is closely linkedlinked to other women’s economic empowerment initiatives that CARE is undertaking in BiH.The aim of this project is to contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic situation of women, particularly Roma minority, by ensuring a more favourable environment in economic participation and by reducing poverty and discrimination against women, enabling them to compete on the labour market and start-up their own businesses.The project targets women who have been deprived of the right to employment because of either their social or ethnic background. The project targeted3 inter-related expected results (ER):

ER1: 7 women CSOs and local government institutions in 7 target municipalities have increased their capacities and knowledge and have improved cooperation mechanisms to address the economic needs of women in these municipalities;

ER2: 60 women living in the 7 municipalities have generated self confidence, skills and abilities to participate in a sustainable economic activity and have increased their family income;

ER3: Local stakeholders demonstrate greater gender sensitivity and recognize the importance of women entrepreneurship and best practices are promoted as role model for successful women small businesses

Achievement of goals

In the first project year, CARE, supported capacity-building of four local civil society organizations “Lara” from Bijeljina, “Maja” from Kravica, “Duvanjke” from Tomislavgrad and “Li-Women” from Livno, while in the second and third year three Roma civil society organizations “Bolja budućnost”/Better future“ from Tuzla, “Romska djevojka”/“A Roma girl“ from Prnjavor and “Center for mothers Nada“ from Kakanj were included into the project.

Impact for target groups/beneficiaries and activities carried out

During the implementation the Project achieved the following:

ER1: All 7 partner CSOs were provided with capacity building trainings(6 trainings for 30 participants) enabling them to develop specific skills with regards to sustainable income generating activities for women in their respective areas. The cooperation with representatives of local institution authorities (30) has been improvedthrough organized meetings (62) with our partner CSOs and where they exchanged information addressing the economic needs of women in their respective municipalities. This cooperation resulted in the establishment of LocalDecision making committees (DMCs), which contribute to the selection of the best women’s business ideas.

ER2: the Project provided assistance and business advisory support to63 individual women(52 Roma and 11 non-Roma) who participated in vocational trainings that enabled them to create business plans forown income generating opportunities and competed for financial support. After the DMCs selection 42 women(35 Roma and 6 non-Roma and 1 for Roma and non-Roma ) were supported with financial assistance to start up their own businesses in form of „social loans“ in amount ranging from 750 to 1650 EUR per loan. During this reporting period there is evidence that women increased their family income,where out of 287 family members there are 154 children who directly benefited from theirbusinesses. The condition for the provision of the social loans was a financial or in-kind repayment of 20% to the community or a family in social need. During this period, women who started their business focused also on repayment as agreed in their contract with CSOs. There were 118householdssupported with 597 family members (205 children) who benefited from the women’s repayment. There is evidence that the provision of support to others means an additional moment of empowerment of the beneficiaries, as their gain confidence, recongition and sense of meaningfulnes. This war very important particularly for Roma women who learned how to take initiatives and plan projects to give something back to the community, whilst also acting as role models that many other Roma women couldfollow.

ER3: In order to achieve sustainability, all 7 project partner CSOs were cooperating and networking with each other, as well as with representatives of local institutions who participated at events (such as round tables, conferences and monthly meetings). In addition, they started networking with other groups and networks such as Gender Actionsin Rural Development (GARD),Roma networkSuccess, Women in business 'Ona', “Women for Women International” as well as with the Micro-Credit Foundation MI-BOSPOin order to link women's businesses with additional financial opportunities.

In addition to these expected results,the project supported innovative activities and actions to promote greater women’s participation and contributed to better women’s living conditions, such assupport in establishment of the first women´s cooperative in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the NGO Maja from Kravica/Bratunacthat received further support from municipality through allocation of agricultural land for raspberries.

NGO individual projects – version: January 2009 | 1

project REPORT

2. Project progress by activities

Expected results
(as per funding application) / Results achieved / indicators achieved / Activities for achieving results / Reason for deviation (anticipated / achieved results) /  control measures (in the event of deviations)
Inception phase / Results achieved:
Project staff recruited:
3 key partners (2 non-Roma and 1 Roma) women’s CSOs signed the contracts:
Lara from Bijeljina (non-Roma),
Duvanjke from Tomislavgrad(non-Roma)
Bolja budućnost from Tuzla (Roma)
4 CSOs sub-granting partners (2 non-Roma and 2 Roma) women’s CSOs signed the contracts
Center for Roma mothers NADA from Kakanj (Roma),
Roma girl from Prnjavor (Roma),
Li-Women from Livno (non-Roma)
Maja from Kravica (non-Roma)
20 participants from 7 partner CSOs participated at 2 planning workshops
4 from Lara Bijeljina
4 from Duvanjke from Tomislavgrad
4 from Bolja budućnost from Tuzla
2 NADA from Kakanj,
2 from Roma girl from Prnjavor,
2 from Li-Women from Livno,
2 from Maja from Kravica/Bratunac, / Activities related to inception phase:
Act 01. Recruit project staff, including identification of trainers and/or experts
During inception phase CARE have recruited project staff, including identification of trainers and experts;
Act 02. Sign partnership agreement with all partner organizations
CARE signed partnership agreement with 3 key project partners: Women’s Association Lara from Bijeljina, Women’s Association Duvanjke from Tomislavgrad and Roma Women’s Association Bolja budućnost from Tuzla;
Act 03. Conduct Planning workshop with all partner organizations
31.05-01.06.2012. with 6 representatives from 3 key partner organizations (2 per each CSO) where a detailed working plan has been made and 4 CSOs were identified as sub-granting partners: Center for Roma mothers NADA from Kakanj, A Roma girl / Romani Ćej from Prnjavor, Li-Women from Livno and Maja from Kravica/Bratunac (with whom CARE signed partnership agreement);
11-12.06.2012- a workshop with 14 participants from 7 partner organizations (2 per each CSO) in Sarajevo was based on an extensive analysis of the current situation the position of Roma women in BiH, as well as an identification of potential trainers and experts. The ADC representative from Bosnia and Herzegovina and also CARE International director participated at this event. / Not applicable / Not applicable
7 women CSOs and local government institutions in 7 target municipalities have increased their capacities and knowledge and have improved cooperation mechanisms to address the economic needs of women in these municipalities. / Ind.1.1.
At least 14 members of 7 women CSOs are trained in market analysis, know about local markets and demand for skills and are able to transfer knowledge to their members
Results Achieved:
Capacity needs assessment was carried out;
10 members of 3 partner CSOs participated in Capacity needs assessment of women CSOs
3 Kakanj,
2 Prnjavor
5 Tuzla
7 representatives from local institutionsparticipated in Capacity needs assessment
2 Kakanj,
2 Prnjavor
3 Tuzla
30 representatives of partner CSOs were supported in 6 capacity building trainings;
6 NADA from Kakanj
3 Roma girl from Prnjavor
14 Bolja budućnost from Tuzla
3 Lara from Bijeljina
2 Duvanjke from Tomislavgrad
2 Maja/Kravica / Activities related to ER1
Act.1.1.Capacity needs assessment of partner and participating women CSOs and local institutions
In June 2012- Capacity needs assessment of 10 women members of 3 partner CSOs and 7 representatives of local institutions carried out by external consultants/ The recommendations include more knowledge in theoretical process of economic empowerment, training on accountingand management, as well as in advocacy and lobbying skills and networking exchange.
Act.1. 2.Capacity building and advisory support to partner and women CSOs;
15-17.08.2012 – 6 representatives of 3 partner organizations from Tuzla, Kakanj and Prnjavor (2 per each) attended a 3 day training in business planning and managementin Tuzla;
16. 10. 2012 – 5 members of 2 Roma CSOs Roma Center for mothers from Kakanj and CSO Roma girl from Prnjavor were supported with capacity building in computer skills and driving lessons;
In January 2013, CARE in cooperation with Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development (ACED) organized a two level advanced training for women in business development (25 - 26.01.2013in Banja Luka) and market management (29 - 30.01.2013in Pale). At this training 10 members of the project partner participated (3 Bolja budućnost,2 Duvanjke, 3 Lara and 2 Maja/Kravica).
25-26.02.2013- 7 member of CSO Bolja budućnost (6 staff and 1 Steering board member) participated at theOrganizational Strategic planning workshop (2013-2015);
13.02.2013 - 2 members of Roma CSO Bolja budućnost from Tuzla were supported with capacity building in accounting skills.
At least 21 members of Local Government Institutions in 7 municipalities are trained and are able to recognize the needs of women and to use their knowledge in adapting and creating new ways for women’s economic activities
5 meetings for representatives of Local Government Institutions
30representatives of Local
Government Institutions
got technical and advisory support; / Act.1.3.Technical and advisory assistance to local institutions
July 2012 - 12 Representatives from 3 Local Government institutions in 3 municipalities (5 Tuzla, 3 Kakanj and 4 Prnjavor) have been introduced with the findings of Local market research which will help them during the selection of women’s business plans, as well as actively participated at the meeting with partner CSOs in their respective municipalities;
15.05.2013. – meeting with local institutions representatives regarding initiative to form a Gender commission in municipality Tomislavgrad (3 municipality council, 2 NGO, 1 center for social work, 1 municipal employment office and 2 OSCE mission from Livno)
28-29.05.2013 – 35 participants attended a round table with local institutions representatives regarding economic empowerment in municipality Bijeljina (major of municipality Bijeljina, 12 representatives of local institutions). The round table participants initiated the establishment of the first women’s cooperative.
Ind 1.3.
Representatives from Local government institutions and from women CSOs meet on a regular basis to discuss new ways for resolving social and economic issues regarding women.
62 meetings with 30 representativesfrom7 local government institutions organized;
10 in Bijeljina (6 representatives)
8 inTomislavgrad (5 representatives)
18 in Tuzla (8 representatives),
3 in Kakanj (2 representatives),
6 in Prnjavor (2 representatives)
12 in Kravica (3 representatives)
5 in Livno (2 representatives) / Act.1.5.Coordination meetingswith Local government representatives
Until May 2014each of 7 project partner CSOs continued with facilitating regular meetings with representatives of local government institutions in their respective municipalities.
There were 62meetings (10 Bijeljina,8 Tomislavgrad,18 Tuzla,3 Kakanj, 6 Prnjavor, 12 Kravica/Bratunac, 5 Livno) organized with 30 local government representatives (9 municipal Centers for Social Work, 8 Municipal Departments for Social and Economic Development and 13 municipal Employment Offices).
During these meetings they have been informed by Project partner CSOs in their respective localitiesabout recent organized trainings and meetings as well as delivered social loans to women, as well as established Decision Making Committees (DMCs).
Ind 1.4.
Women’s CSOs in cooperation with representatives from local government have selected at least 24 women’s business ideas.
3 Decision Making Committees (DMCs) established
1 Tuzla
1 Kakanj
1 Prnjavor
-2 DMCs established in Tomislavgrad and Bijeljina contributed in the selection of women from Tuzla, Kakanj and Prnjavor;
52 (34+18) women’s business plans received (41 Roma and 11 non-Roma)
32 Tuzla (26 Roma/4 non- Roma),
2 Bijeljina Živinice (2 Roma)
5 Prnjavor (6 Roma)
6 Kakanj/Visoko (6 Roma)
1 Gracanica (1Roma)
3 Kalesija (3 Roma)
3 Tomislavgrad (3 non-Roma)
42women’s business ideas selected by 10 representatives of Local government representatives
1 DMC in Bijeljina with 5 representatives (DMCs) ;
1 DMC in Tomislavgrad with 5 representatives / 28-30.08.2012 –After training in Tuzla 34 women’s business plans received (19 Tuzla, 2 Bijeljina/Živinice, 5 Prnjavor, 6 Kakanj and 3 Tomislavgrad) and discussed at the coordination meetingwith DMCs.