Allegan Area Curriculum Directors

January 10, 2017

12:00pm – 2:00pm

AAESA, Learning Lab

Lunch @ 11:30am

Present: Becky Shuper, Heather Kortlandt, Bob Van Dis, Corey Harbaugh, Kammy Leep, Laurie Schmitt, Jason Gauthier, Rhonda Rasmussen, Wendy Dubuisson, Amy Oliver, George Mohr

Teacher Evaluation and the Problem of Professional Development
Skim the 3 problems- read the recommendations beginning on page 103 / My Learnings
-Strengthen links to professional development within teacher evaluation systems.
-Improve the quality of professional learning and development opportunities for teachers.
-Build school and district capacity, motivation, and accountability to provide high quality professional development.
Professional Development Planning for 2017 – Bring PD calendars if you have them
·  Neighbor to Neighbor- planning team? - Corey
·  SMII- Jason
·  Math Recovery (15 days by June 2018- grant covers $400 materials)/ Advantage Math Recovery- Jason (like running records for math) Jason will the descriptions and kits- to next CD, maybe principals
·  Open Book- Interest in bringing Becky Bush in? – ask Becky to a future meeting
·  / Big Ideas: / Corey will be meeting with counselors regarding the student participation piece.
1 day of training for secondary (6-12) ELA and SS teachers related to new legislation- March- Effective appropriate education related holocaust and genocide.
There will also be a week long seminar in July- Farmington Hills (see separate flyer).
Good Reminders:
What will I do with this information:
Planning for Principal’s Academy (Feb 7/9)/Tom Hierck (Mar 23)
·  Behavior Resources from SI Conference
·  Tier 1 Engaging Learners- Jensen?
·  Barb Johnson
·  Corey- Fennville update- school safety, emergency response, 2 hour STRATEGOS training
·  Inter-rater reliability / Big Ideas: / Planning Team
Good Reminders: / Doodle poll to meet
What will I do with this information:
Eidex Training – January 20th / Big Ideas:
Good Reminders:
What will I do with this information:
Data Dialog- Mathematics- jump starting the CNA work for Mapping the Future
% proficient decreased as students go up in grade level
4th grade is the highest % proficient
? HS trend
An elementary seems to perform lower than higher-need buildings
Some spikes by grade level
SWD, EL, SES gaps
? grade to grade alignment- state
Lower grade levels we are above the state, higher grades more equal
Comparison to other counties?
What is happening at MS- so much more content- mastery?
Complexity increases, reading level impacts?
Teacher impact el vs ms/hs especially in small schools
Cut scores
Student motivation to do their best- student engagement
What to do?
Conversations with students, parents- growth mindset, goal setting
Delta Math-
Adding at 1st, subtraction at 2nd, fractions are need- seem to have counting and number sense
How much summer loss is reflected?
Correlation to M-STEP?
Most districts are not using Delta in grades 6-8 / Big Ideas: / See/Think/Wonder
M-STEP, Delta
Good Reminders:
What will I do with this information:
Khan Academy- Heather
SCA Telluride Film Festival
Monday, March 20th during the following time slots:
8:45-9:45 AM: K- 2nd -130 students max
10AM - 11AM: 3rd - 5th - 130 students max
(Flexible Elementary, Middle School --OR--- High School screenings k-4, 5th -8th / 8th - 12th)
11:20AM - 12:20PM -up to 675 students
12:40 - 1:40PM -up to 675 students
Whitney Valentine <> / Big Ideas:
Good Reminders:
What will I do with this information: / Connect with Whitney Valentine if you are interested.
Around the Table:
Larinda is meeting 1:1 with Literacy coaches this month.
RNN Conference- March 8 register at KISD site

Important Upcoming Dates:

EL 101- January 12

Mapping the Future – January 13th 8:30am – 12:00pm @ AAESA

School Improvement

RtI/MTSS – Program Evaluation

Prep for Paul Farmer

Prep for Tom Hierck

Eidex Training – January 20th

Elementary Principal Academy – February 7th

Secondary Principal Academy – February 9th

Reading Now Symposium – WMU March 7 or 8

Tom Hierck – March 23rd

Lego Robotics @ Allegan Field House- March TBD

Trash Dash @ Tech Center- May 2

Sun Sprint @ Tech Center- May 3


AAESA PD 2016-2017


School Improvement Timeline

Next CD meeting: February 14th @ 11:30am