TUESDAY, APRIL 10 2007 – 12:00 P.M.

Members Present: Jim Schroeder, Barb Smith, Bill Grady, Buzz Kamke and Guy Gooding

Others Present: Donna Doll-Yogerst, Abby Huibregtse, Neil Klemme, John Pinkart, and Karen Behnke of the Extension Office Staff; Kevin Hamann, Administrative Coordinator

1. Approval of Agenda

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schroeder at 12:02 a.m. with the reading of the Open Meetings Law.

Motion by Barb, seconded by Guy to approve the agenda as printed, with the correction of the upcoming May meeting date to May 22, not May 15. Motion carried.

2. Approval of Minutes of March 20, 2007 Meeting (Enc.)

Motion by Guy, seconded by Bill to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.

3. Communications
A. Fair Board Minutes - Minutes from the March 27 Fair Board meeting were handed out.

B. Other - Committee requested that Thank You letters be sent to all who donated auction items for the WACEC auction.

4. Agent Reports—Information—Committee Action

A. Focus Report—Youth Futures, Neil Klemme

Neil told the committee of his work with the tobacco checks. He showed the bags of cigarettes that have been bought by the teenagers participating in the program. The numbers of violations for this year are much lower, so hopefully the message is getting out. Some of the municipalities are going to start giving citations to the businesses. He answered some questions about these checks, why they are done, funders, etc.

Neil also handed out brochures for the Youth Center without Walls, which he has starting in Oconto County. He has met with people from other counties who have these. He has met with several schools, done a “needs assessment” and has several ideas from the youth for activities. The Planning Team consists of High School students, and the events will be for middle school students.

Neil also handed out a wrap up of 2006 for Teen Court. He gave a breakdown of offenses. He does not have the repeat offender rates from some of the municipalities. He also showed the handout he has for the Awareness Day next week. He will be presenting a Mock Trial with some of the panelists. He distributed a sample of the Teen Court newsletter he is developing. This will be sent to the judges, community services sites, panel members and other interested parties. The committee requested that these newsletters be put on the County Board desks next week for the meeting. The committee commended Neil on the progress he has made in the last year and a half.

B. Agent Updates

Abby reported on the plan she and Dale have been working on with farmers if there was a manure spill or emergency. She attended the AgSource DHI banquet last month, was able to get to know several of the farmers. She also reported on the Equine Experience which was held on March 24 in cooperation with Scott Reuss of Marinette Co. The response was very promising; she and Scott are really looking forward to holding more workshops for the Horse audience. Attended the WPS Farm show in Oshkosh, attended a 2 day meeting in Manitowoc, toured some of the neighboring operations in conjunction with this meeting.

Donna reported on her work with the Master Food Preservers on the Premium Book for the fair. This will be given to Ken Harter of the Fair Board soon. She reported on the cancellation of the Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshop due to low enrollment. She is working with a few churches to offer the workshop, but continue holding it at the Senior Center in Oconto Falls due to the location of the Respite Care. The HCE banquet is May 1, at the Holiday Inn in Kelly Lake, and all committee members are invited. She is working with the HCE organization on the bylaws and appendices that go with these bylaws. She also reported on that the current president will be completing her second term, and cannot be re-elected. She has made a lot of progress with the organization, and retained many of the members who were considering leaving the organization.

John reported on his meetings with the schools and agencies concerning access to the target audiences. He will be beginning the grant and budget process for the next WNEP budget year. The WNEP program is beginning a focus on families eating together and having family meals together. Research has shown that this improves nutrition and healthy eating. He gave the statistics on the contacts that the WNEP program made this quarter, and during the past 6 months.

John handed out the reports that Dale and Paula provided, since they were unable to attend the meeting today. The committee requests that these reports be kept to one sheet of paper, if at all possible.

C. Department Head Report

Beth Laufenberg started yesterday. Donna and Abby have helped John provide some of the orientation to Beth.

Motion by Guy, seconded by Barb to approve the agent reports as presented. Motion carried.

5. Update on Discussions with UW-Extension Staff—Kevin Hamann—Information

Kevin Hamann updated the committee on the discussions that he had with the UW-Extension Office Staff, along with some of the former staff. He will be compiling all the information, and will provide a report to the committee at the May committee meeting. There is a Lunch & Learn Wisline on April 26, on Enhancing Workplace Communication and he strongly recommends that all staff attend this Wisline. He requests that a closed session be at the May meeting. This was treated as information to the committee.

6. Follow up on State WACEC Conference and Legislative Visits—Information

Those who attended felt it was a good meeting, they were able to meet with 5 of the 6 legislators who represent our areas. John felt they really listened to the topics that were discussed. Guy recommends that this conference be held in Madison every two years, rather than every four. Follow up letters were sent to the legislators, thanking them for their time, and inviting them to attend meetings in the future.

There was some discussion on Guy’s upcoming trip to the PILD conference in Washington DC.

7. Accounts—Committee Action

Motion by Bill, seconded by Guy to approve the accounts as presented. Motion carried.

8. Review Legislation

There was none.

9. Upcoming Meeting Dates, May 15, 2007 and June 19, 2007

The meeting dates are May 22, and June 19, 2007.

10. Adjournment

There being no further business before the committee, the meeting was declared adjourned at 1:31 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Pinkart, Department Head
